View Full Version : How to make the diolague on screen?

10-20-2005, 08:36 PM
I was just wondering how you would make text appear when your in the overworld. I know how to specify strings when you enter a shop or house, but how do you do it just in the overworld. For instance, say i wanted to talk to a sprite or see what a signpost says.

Please, I am desperate... :scared:

10-20-2005, 10:08 PM
FYI, there's a ZQuest Help forum just two forums under this one that you could've asked in. :p Most of the assistance happens in there.

To make a string, you'll first have to create it under Quest-->Strings. Once you've created your string, you can go to the room that you want the string to be displayed in, and either go to Data-->String or just press "S" and pick your string. Double click it or something.

Then pick the Guy. All strings (Except DMap introduction strings, which disappear permanently once they're done.) need a "Guy" to allow the string to appear.

Also note that the Dmap's level number (Not Dmap Number. The Level number inside the Dmap.) is greater than 0. Otherwise it simply won't appear.

10-20-2005, 10:36 PM
Moved to ZC Quest Editor Help ...BOING!

10-25-2005, 06:28 PM
Ya, but how do you make text appear OUTSIDE of a room?

10-25-2005, 06:57 PM
Okay. Look back in the forums a bit for a topic called "Reading Boards". This problem is discussed there.

Oh, and I'm not sure on this, but you might want to try using a DMap other than Overworld for the screen you want the string to appear on. Set the screen up on a Dungeon DMap or something. Also make sure meet all the requirements BH4 mentioned.

Good luck!