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View Full Version : Anyone Interested In Writing Tutorial Articles?

10-16-2005, 06:21 PM
Recently, I had decided to create a site for the mass-storage of all types of information on ZQuest and ZC. It will focus mainly on how to use ZQuest, but won't be limited at all to that topic. It will also focus on the methods of quest creation, quest-building advice, art and graphics, tricks, both basic and advanced, and anything else necessary to assist users in the creation of better quests.

It will be in the form of an internet message board, much like this one. Although this could easily be accomplished via a standard HTML-based website, I feel that having a forum is significantly more interactive, and people would have a much, much easier time asking for elaboration on any particular topic of their interest.

Hey, ZC Isn't the easiest thing to learn. Although there are several people out there constantly assisting newcomers and oldbies alike with the program, it would be so much simpler to have an additional compendium of all types of information all gathered in one place, so you wouldn't have to go searching for any one type of information amidst randomly scattered threads.

Basically, I'm looking for skilled ZQuesters to help write articles for public viewing. Anyone can write an article, really. It can be on anything at all. However, the content within isn't displayed until it has been thoroughly proof-read, catagorized, and ensured that it will be used in the proper context.

So. Anyone want to contribute an article? :p I have the facilities all setup. If you want to write an article, tell me (Via PM or in this thread.) what you feel you would be comfortable writing about. You can also just post it here, and I'll add the content directly to the pool of information I already have assembled. (And full credit will be given to you, of course. :p )

10-16-2005, 07:08 PM
Sure, I've PMed you. ;)

10-16-2005, 07:09 PM
PM Recieved and reciprocated. ;) :thumbsup: A pleasure having you, ZL.

Darth Marsden
10-17-2005, 08:52 AM
I wouldn't be able to write any, but I would most certainly use them when I finally do start my ZC project. It's a great idea BH4, and much appreciated.

Dark Nation
10-17-2005, 11:29 AM
Will this be a series of mini-publications, such as Allegro's Pixelate (ie. http://pixwiki.bafsoft.com/mags/14/) or just a list of articles on the main page (possibly divided into subpages)? I might be able to crank out a few articles, mainly on the inner workings of ZC (such as exactly what each of the csets are for, the stats for enemies, etc.).

10-17-2005, 12:23 PM
The system is basically like this: (Click) (http://www.zcu.x10hosting.com/forums/). There is a series of folders where the articles would belong. These articles are very varied, being anything from how to set up the controls for ZC, hotkeys for ZQuest, enemy Csets and Damage charts, special ZC command lines, etc. Everything, really, .. so long as it can be categorized. :p Which of course it can. ;)

So far, my primary organizing feature is the following thread in a private Article-construction forum with this post heading it:

Okay, this is a very important thread. It's basically the centerpiece of the entire forum, if not the entire ZCU as it stands right now.

We must be constantly checking this thread for the articles which must be written, which are still being written, and which have already been written.

Thus, you all have my permission to edit this post, so long as you sign your name and the date along the bottom of this thread.

Articles Which Have Been Written And Are Complete
Articles Which Are Currently Being Written
Articles Which Have Yet To Be Written Or Started

Additionally, indicate which articles can be placed in the same thread under the same category, as seen below.

(Configuration Tips)
Playing Custom Quests
Setting up the controls
Modifying the sound
Ripping midis from playable quests

(Game Tips)
Using the cheat menu - Hotkeys, best methods, usages
Enemy tactics

(The Menu Structure)
Describing the menu structure, and where to find everything for what you need to do
A description of all of the quest rules
Creating maps and navigating between them
The functions of the Dmap Editor
A description of midi functionality (Importing and configuring midis vs playing them)
Setting up sprites
Screen Design Tutorial: Overworld type 1

Recent User Updates:
Rex Zemenheart, 8:51 PM, 10/16/05
BH4, 7:26 PM, 10/16/05

I'm writing these mostly at school, but I'm recruiting people to write articles left and right wherever I can find them. At least five people have volunteered so far. The rest of the forum is just for socialization, but there are quite a few activities to be done as well, such as a place to help people design quests better, art and music advice, contests, ... It's a very interesting idea. I really hope that it helps the ZC Community. :)

Dark Nation, your assistance is really appreciate. :) Anything that you want to contribute would be prime. And in regards to your question, yes, it pretty much is similar to that, except the articles won't be listed via date and submitter, but by category within where it would be best utilized. An article on improving quest graphics would be focused in the art of design forum, while an article on setting up combo pages would be posted in the combo page (http://zcu.x10hosting.com/forums/index.php?showforum=32) forum.

All articles are written in a private forum which only article writers can access. This is to ensure that all articles are thoroughly proof-read before being submitted to the general public viewing, as they may contain some sort of misinformation of sorts if not thoroughly examined before its release. Once the article has been completed, we have a Multi-moderation feature which will stamp it as [COMPLETE], where the appropriate post can be seperated from its critiques and analyses in the thread, and moved into its appropriate spot in the tutorial forums.