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View Full Version : The News This Week (10th - 16th October)

Darth Marsden
10-15-2005, 05:16 PM
Okay. Since there's not much activity in this section, I'm gonna start a weekly post that invites you to comment on what's been going on in the past week. If you think it's a bad idea, feel free to ignore it. If you don't, then comment! Let me know what you think.

First: Peter Jackson has been signed up, along with Fran Walsh, to produce the Halo movie. Everyone looks like they're doing everything they can to stop this being another Super Mario Brothers, and who can blame them? The deal means that the pair will be looking over and working their magic on the entire film through their Wingnut company, along with Jackson's Weta Digital and Weta Workshops providing special effects such as creatures, visual effects and miniatures. Here's what the man himself had to say...

As a gaming fan, I’m excited to bring HALO's premise, action and settings to the screen with all the specificity and reality today’s technology can provide. Fran and I are intrigued by the unique challenges this project offers, and we’re delighted to be working again with our friends at Universal, and with our new ones at Fox and Microsoft. I’m a huge fan of the game and look forward to helping it come alive on the cinema screen. By contrast, a couple of reviews of the Doom movie have appeared... and they don't look good. The film's Junket showing on the 6th of October prompted several negative remarks, including this one...

Where to start. Well, Doom has nothing to offer people. The plot has more holes than the Iraqi desert. It never flows. A big deal has been made of the first person shooter perspective and that does not even make the movie worth it. It's just a bunch of monster shootings pasted together with jump cuts where half the time the monsters popup and pause, that way you have time to see them really good, and then they are shot. Grrrrr…Boom! Yeah, that's fun.Still, it's early days and these are amateur reviews. We'll have to wait until the film is released nationwide before proffesional reviewers give it a try, but even so it's not looking good, is it?

Since we're on the subject, EA announced that it's teamed up with Steven Spielberg to produce three original game fanchises, with Spielberg taking an active role with EA Los Angeles on the titles. Another soundbite follows...

I have been playing EA games for years and have watched them master the interactive format. Having watched the game industry grow from a niche into a major creative force in entertainment, I have a great deal of respect for EA's understanding of the interactive format. I'm looking forward to working closely with the team in Los Angeles.Hmm. Not how I'd describe EA, but to each his own, I guess.

Back on actual Video Game news, Microsoft (or rather, Peter Moore) has announced the list of publishere supporting the Xbox 360. Here's the list, deep breath now...

Atari, Bizarre Creations, Capcom, Codemasters, CTXM, Digital Eclipse, EA, Empire Interactive, Gaia Studios, Gamehouse Studios, Garage Games, Gastronaut Studios, Hamster, Harmonix, HipSoft, Hudson Soft, iWin, Konami, Llamasoft, Load Inc, Mad Dog Software, Majesco, Microsoft Game Studios (Surprise surprise), Midway Home Entertainment, Mumbo Jumbo (United Developers), Naked Sky Entertainment, Namco, Oberon Media, Pick Up And Play, pixelStorm Inc, PlayFirst, PomPom Games, Popcap Games, Q Entertainment, RealNetworks Inc, Reflective Entertainment, Secret Lair Studios, Sega, Silver Creek Entertainment, SNK Playmore, Stainless Games, Streamline Studios, Tik Games, Ubisoft, uWink, Vivendi Universal Games, Wahoo Studios, Wanako Games and Wild Tangent.

...and breath.

The Movies and Quake 4 have gone gold! The Movies, by Peter Moluneux, will be released on November the 8th in two editions - Normal and Premiere editions, The Normal package will just contain the game, while the Premiere version will also contain exclusive star costumes, a 20-song soundtrack, a movie-making hints guide, trailers and concept art. Both editions will be rated "T". Quake 4, on the other hand, will be rated "M" and will be released on October the 18th. Not much else to say about it really. Also gone gold is F.E.A.R, due out on October 18th (Good luck against Quake 4, guys), and Operation Flashpoint: Elite, which will be out on November the 8th.

I think that's about it, so let's hear your views on the week's news, and whether you want me to keep posting it here.

Darth Marsden
10-19-2005, 07:18 AM
I know this is a double-post (And I'll slap my wrists for it later) but does this mean that people are okay with me doing this on a weekly basis? Let me know if you'd rather I didn't or (and this would be appreciated) you'd like to recommend a site to gather news from.

10-19-2005, 08:54 AM
I read IGN and Planetgamecube every other day, but I don't mind if you post game news here. I think it's a good idea.

10-19-2005, 10:01 AM
I totally agree. I think you should do this weekly, seeing as I don't normally go to gaming websites to check up on news. Go for it.

Darth Marsden
10-20-2005, 01:46 PM
Cool, thanks guys. Only problem now is that I've managed to grab a temporary job (selling Fireworks, believe it or not. Honestly, who let me loose with explosive devices?) and I've got a couple of other commitments on the Sunday (Behind the Sofa again for one - see my sig), so it'll probably be mid-to-late Sundays when I do them for the time being. Not sure how long the job will be for (I may switch departments after the 6th November and hang around until Christmas, for which I'll need earplugs), but I'll definately try to keep doing this. For someone who's main source of info is 2-week out of date gaming magazines, it's an interesting experience.

10-21-2005, 02:10 AM
What the fuck do you need fireworks for? You're british. :D

10-21-2005, 07:26 AM
What the fuck do you need fireworks for? You're british. :D

Probably celebrating lossing to their tiny colony and giving rise to a country with a power that would overshadow whatever power they had.

I am all for news. Hope that enough people would comment on it though.

Darth Marsden
10-21-2005, 03:11 PM
What the fuck do you need fireworks for? You're british. :DOh, your powers of deduction are exceptional! I simply cannot allow you to waste them here when there are so many dangers threatening the land at this very moment. Go, go! For the good of the planet!

[/Comic Book Guy]

Yeah, we have fireworks. And they sell pretty well. Which, of course, is necesary if we're to stick to our 5th November tradition, which, of course, is to keep me up till the wee hours of the morning with loud wizz-bang noises.

10-21-2005, 04:49 PM
Captain Jack of DDR fame has died of brain damage at 43. :(

None of you may care, but I do. His songs were great. :(

10-21-2005, 06:00 PM
Captain Jack wasnt of the DDR fame, sure a bunch of his songs were on DDR because they had the dance beat, but he didnt produce them JUST for DDR. :/

10-21-2005, 06:47 PM
I know that, but he wouldn't have been as well-known if it weren't for DDR. I can't think of a person I know that's heard of the Dancemania series.

But still, :(