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View Full Version : Eckland - Level 9 Help PLEASE

10-15-2005, 02:12 PM
I am stuck on Level 9 in Eckland. After exhausting all options, I take a stairway to "Beyond the Mountains". The screen is all red, not unlike using the Rupee bug. I cannot get anywhere without eventually getting stuck in a wall.

Is this a common problem? I am so close to the end, and I really don't want to quit now.

Any advice?


10-15-2005, 05:29 PM
Hey, Jay, I'm playing Eckland now, looking for lvl 7 and trying to get thru the old mine, when I get to lvl 9, I'll see what happens

10-15-2005, 08:48 PM
Jay, where did you find level 7? I can't find it and it's driving me insane :mad:

10-17-2005, 10:22 AM
Jay, where did you find level 7? I can't find it and it's driving me insane :mad:

It's a mirror problem to the original LOZ...it requires blowing the whistle near an odd lake.

Try doing so on the bridge over the lake leading to the far SE corner of the Overworld. There's lots of Peahats so be careful...

Level 7 is a lot of fun to play. Level 8 is hard to find and is rather challenging. Don't enter Level 9 without at least 200 rupees.

10-17-2005, 04:29 PM
Jay, where did you find level 8?

10-17-2005, 04:34 PM
Jay, where did you find level 8?

There's a hidden path off the beach just south of the Level 3 graveyard. Use the Lens of Truth to find it...the west branch goes to a heart piece, the east branch goes to Level 8. You'll need the flippers to get to it, but if you finished 7, you should have these.

Make sure that you have bait, because I believe a Moblin requires it to pass here.

Level 8 is a bit tricky if I recall.

11-09-2005, 03:27 AM
There is a bug in lvl1 that if you enter then turn around and exit you get sent to a no-man's land but if you go down 3 screens then right 2 screens and up, you then get sent to the super shop village. I was playing around and ended up with the golden arrow, blue ring, boots, wand, superbombs, potions, magic sword, 5 hearts and lots of extras like that before I even began lvl1. You talk about kicking butt early.
By the way I found the bug while looking for a missing heart piece going into lvl9, so I already knew where to go to get the items. When I found that, I had to start another char just for kicks. The new (MAX) char got to lvl9 in an hour and a half. lol

11-12-2005, 07:54 PM
any one have a code for an old man? Who despertly needs one