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View Full Version : Suggestion for room states and such

10-07-2005, 04:11 PM
The idea of having room states, or linked rooms is awesome. Allready I am discovering the awesome benefits of such a thing. Now I have an idea to improve on it.

See, when you link two rooms, whatever happens on one happens on the other. However, you cannot control exactly what is triggered. For example, what if I want a chest on two screens, but I want to link them as reguards to secret combos? I can't. My idea is, besides the current system, are a list of pre-defined events to occure. For example, the list might look like this:

Room 1 > Room 2

For example, Chests > Secrets This would mean that getting a treasure chest in one room would activate the secrets in another. This, along with more misc items, would allow new custom items into the game. Currently I am making a quest that's basically Oracle of Seasons, but this time, using these events, I am even including Gasha seeds! What I did was make the room with the chest containing the seed, turn the misc 1 object into the seed and then make it so that when you get the chest, the tile below turns into a trigger, which triggers the secret combos for the room that contains the patch of soil. When you get the chest, the soil suddenly becomes a full fledged tree, with a pre-determined item inside(as the tree is in fact one big treasure chest). Now, to do this, the secrets would have to be copied, but the chest flag cannot. My idea would be to have a few of these special events that could be checked or not to allow for more flexablilty. Also, among one of them should also be one that allows for transferal of warp data. Another idea even still could be the same thing as the linked rooms, except the destination map would override the host screen's data. This would mean that screen flags, enemies, and such would be switched in upon the trigger of an event, and it too would then be set up for another trigger. This could actually make custom boss fights easier, as instead of link moving between rooms, the rooms move between link!