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View Full Version : Possible or impossible?

fire dragon
10-06-2005, 02:56 PM
I planning my next quest and I want make it very different than my first.So,I want ask some questions.

1.Can I simulate Roc's Cape or feather?Because I want make "boat" game like Wind Waker,I think that I can use raft to simulate roc's cape,but how I can make,that Link don't shake his legs when he jump?

2.Can I make walls that spits arrows?

3.I heard something about pallette cycling and day,night effects.Can I use cc to day,night effect?

4.Can I make fall effect when Link falls?

10-06-2005, 06:36 PM
1)- I don't think the raft would simulate rocs cape very well. :(

2)- yes you can. Download my quest, Dodge the arrows. It has no password so fell free to use what ever you want from it. (Moving Arrows that do 1 damage is really all it has) besides the standard LOZ tileset)

3)- I believe it will be possible to simulate night and day in the next version. If I remember correctly Jman said something about direct timed warps in the next version so using these and two identical maps in different csets you should be able to simulate this on the overworld. If you want to get really detailed you can do this with 4 maps and use combo cycling to make it look like it is actually getting lighter or darker on an inbetween map that warps you to the night and day maps after they cycle through. This is all in theory, I would need to try it out to see if it works. :D

4)- You can, but it would really be more of a cutscene that warps you back to the screen your on.

10-06-2005, 07:12 PM
Yes, technically you CAN use combo cycling to create primitive day/night effects, though it'll screw up when you change dmap, and you can't have any tile warps on any of the screens with this effect. :sweat:
Timed warps won't work, because, even in 2.11, there are no dmap-wide timed warps.

10-08-2005, 01:28 AM
Dang, I knew I was overlooking something. (Last time I pull an all-nighter for awhile) But yes you currently can crudely simulate night and day with combo cycling. Though it will not look right in certain situations. Enemies on the screen And as zeldalord said it will not work properly if you have tilewarps.

10-09-2005, 11:37 PM
at purezc.com there is a tile u can download where it has a falling link just like in lttp when link falls in a hole