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10-06-2005, 01:30 PM
lol this is fun im at school right now and im not alowed on the internet so im just chillin :D i love breaking school rules, have any of you ever broken any big rules at school at at work, if so lets hear it =P :rolleyes:

10-06-2005, 01:33 PM
the most hilarious would be yelling "motherfucker" in class because i pissed that day. either that or printing "ASS" in a very large font on about 30 sheets of printer paper...


10-06-2005, 03:12 PM
I was a pretty good student and didn't get into much trouble. Toolie, on the other hand, got in trouble for hacking the school's computers among other things.

10-06-2005, 03:17 PM
I told a teacher to fuck off once. I also would surf the internet all day, and play games. *shrugs* School rules don't really mean anything, atleast not if you don't care about being kicked out or told to go home. Oh no, what's that? I have to go HOME? No!!! Now I can do whatever I want! Oh the torture!

10-06-2005, 03:41 PM
Why do people feel the need to break rules? It'll end up biting them in the ass anyway.

I love breaking school rules.
You're so immature. If you love breaking rules, have fun in the slammer, after, you know, breaking laws and stuff.

10-06-2005, 04:45 PM
Why do people feel the need to break rules? It'll end up biting them in the ass anyway.

You're so immature. If you love breaking rules, have fun in the slammer, after, you know, breaking laws and stuff.

Most teenagers feel the need to rebel during high school. This effect tends to foster a more independent personality and encourages the younger generation to think of new ways for things to be done. Of course, it also makes teenagers act like fucking idiots. Some grow out of this and become productive members of society. Others live much of their lives that way and likely end up on Cops with their shirt off yelling obscenities at the officers.

Some Kinda Hate
10-06-2005, 05:34 PM
I've broken a lot of rules over the years, but I've been taking it easy for awhile.

...I did the dirty once on lunch period. :rolleyes:

10-06-2005, 05:40 PM
i dont really like "breaking rules" but doin sumthing actualy fun because im bored like getting on my teachers comp wile she has left the building that was sumthin to do til she got back that i figure is alright :D im not gonna go do sumthin serious like telling the teach to "go hell and suck my dick and die you fucker" is goin a lil to far :rolleyes:

Some Kinda Hate
10-06-2005, 05:45 PM
Today this kid called my 6th period teacher a prick, it was funny though because she didnt know what it meant.

10-06-2005, 06:24 PM
You're so immature. If you love breaking rules, have fun in the slammer, after, you know, breaking laws and stuff.
...? What?

Master Ghaleon
10-06-2005, 07:10 PM
Insert a porn film and took out the Civil War history film so when we started class he just pushed it in and blam. Porn at school lol I didnt get caught cause i just tossed the tape into the trashcan so it wasnt in my bookbag like I know some people would of put it like a dumbass.

Fart spray in the computer lab and fart spray on the back of some guys shoe a couple times in spanish class. Didnt get in trouble for this one either

I had a hand in letting 3 pigs on the loose in school and labeling them 1,2 and 4. Laughing my ass off when they tried to find number 3. I think another school had live chickens and turkeys boxed up and let them go from the catwalk at drama class? Killing them all

I took ceramics 3 which I kicked ass on the wheel. So kiln bombs where perfect after i made my 5 peices to be shown in some art place. If you dunno what a kiln bombs is, its a sphere of clay with basically a pocket of air with no vent holes to release the air. So you put one of these babies in the kiln before he starts it up(make sure you get this on the bottom level to do more damage) throw it in there. When it gets so hot the air has no where to go so your sphere explodes and wreaks havoc on the other things that are in there. Sometimes you might get lucky and a big enough chuck will hit a pillar that holds the top level in place and knock it over. Not only smashing all thats on the bottom to rubble, also topples the other pillar to smash the 2nd level to rubble lol. The school had a 3 level kiln. Alot of projects destroyed lol Didnt get caught with this but throwing clay around I did.

Well this isnt really breaking any of the rules but I thought it was funny as shit. I had a teacher named Mr. Nickel and somehow found out his first name was Stew. He pretty much looked like a donut. He hated how we would lean back on the chairs and bitch about it. One day I took into school a can of beef stew, pot and a spoon. We were leaning back on teh chairs and he started to get bitchy so I whipped out the can of stew and put it in the pot and started to bang the big metal spoon against it and yelled at him WOULD YOU LIKE SOME STEW, STEW? His face just lit up dark red and yelled NO DAVE I DONT. I then told him YOU DONT? THEN CALM THE FUCK DOWN. He then proceeded to chase me around the room while I was banging on the pot and the other kids couldnt stop laughing. So then I got a referral and the principle to sit next to me for the next week or two.

If I think of more Ill post it

10-06-2005, 07:20 PM
(10th grader) well lets see in 5th grade is when it started......... it started one day at school i told the teacher to stfu because she was teaching some bull that i will not and have ever had to use math and got sent to office the princable gave me a detention and i told him to f*** off and so i got 5 more the the next couple years i saw nothing but that ass hole princable because of stupid shit...... soon after i got sent to juvy for a year and a half it sucked balls.......... now the high school is dicking me around with weilding they tell me one day i can go then the next day they say no than i have to wait 2-3 mounths to have a meating that i left because the fat bitch would not let me or anyone else talk so that is y i left and someone got the apperstion that i said no to weilding so i just said f*** it and now i am on a waiting list that will take till next year for me to be ready for weilding so i f***ing hate school it f***ing sucks :)

10-06-2005, 07:36 PM
MG....that is the funyest shit i have ever heard...that stew one was fuckin hilarious!!!! :laughing: L M A O ... L M F A O !!

10-06-2005, 08:54 PM
Last year, I had my locker searched for drugs because I came out of class at the wrong time while another kid was having his locker searched. It was funny, they searched hi locker like 5 times that week, and twice in one day.

The best thing to do in class is play the "penis game". It's where you shout "penis", and the other person has to yell "penis" louder and so forth, eventually its just a bunch of people yelling out "penis".

10-06-2005, 09:21 PM
I like the clasics: cutting class(I might do this tomrrow), passing notes (I had an interesting conversation today on one of these), cheating on tests. I do homework in class and I am habitually late to class. Also going on the net in computers when we shouldn't be. Also, we use MSN mesenger in computer class (passing notes the high tech way.)

Math class is fun because we have more than one class clown in there. We go thru about two trees worth of paper balls a day in that class. when the teacher notices the balls, pieces of chalk get thrown. Chalk hurts more after being thrown across a room.

Cell phones aren't allowed in school either, but If you can get passed the metal detectors with it, then...

Fart bombs were fun in junior high. I hardly even see those things selling now. I cursed at a teacher once there too. I'm not proud of cursing at her but I'm sure I had a good reason.

If I can think of others, I'll let you know.

10-06-2005, 09:22 PM
I like MGs last one. The 1 2 4 pig thing is so old I can't believe anyone falls for it anymore though :(

Laxitive Brownies are where it's at.

10-06-2005, 10:16 PM
I think the most I ever did was tell Mr. Beatty that he was a faggot. I can't remember if that was before or after I told him to go to hell. I did skip class a couple of times, but that's no big deal.

I *do* remember my Senior year... War Lord and I were in the same Web design class. I said something to him (or wrote it down, rather, what it was, I don't remember), and he passed a note back saying something like, "DON'T COPY BREKKAR! KTHX". The teacher saw this, and kept me after class to see the note. I showed it to her, and got accused of passing love notes back and forth with him in class. lol. Yeah, so it's nothing like setting pigs loose in the school, but I still thought it was funny. We're such nerds, talking about AGN in class... Anyhow, I think I still have the note he passed to me, somewhere. It was in with a bunch of stuff I kept from my senior year. In fact, I think I scanned it at one point to show to Breaker....


What else... oh, I got a day of in school suspension for supposedly threatening to kill the business director. I said I wanted to kill someone because I got wrote up for wearing wind pants to school (business oriented school, very professional, sorta strict about appearance), and apparently that meant I wanted to kill Mrs. Andrews. So, I was supposed to get 10 days out of school suspension, or 5 days out and 5 days of councelling... but the dean of students thought my mom was hot so I only got a day of in school :)

Yeah, I'm a loser.

10-06-2005, 10:18 PM
*copies brekkar*

Couldn't Resist =D

10-06-2005, 10:19 PM
Hah hah, even contains a 1 from where the shift key slips.

10-06-2005, 10:20 PM
Yeah, we're a couple of cool kids.

Master Ghaleon
10-06-2005, 11:24 PM
I like MGs last one. The 1 2 4 pig thing is so old I can't believe anyone falls for it anymore though :(

Laxitive Brownies are where it's at.

Its prolly cause that was like 7 years ago ;o I grad in 98

10-07-2005, 04:53 AM
Keep raging against the machine there ok?

Darth Marsden
10-07-2005, 07:21 AM
Ah, I never did that much wrong. Pretty much my entire class would play Atomic Bomberman, but me and my friends stopped doing it cause everybody kept F10-ing it (F10 draws the round, so you'd get a lot of people yelling "F10!" during class, which was quite fun), so we moved onto Quake deathmatches. Those were fun. :) When there was Half-Life on the machines (we would change rooms depending on lessons), we used to play that as well, but most of them needed a CD Key. I got busted for uploading a CD Crack to the shared folder and had to go a week without access to the computers. :(

Also, when the year was finished and we were on the last week where we were supposed to be redoing certain assignments we hadn't passed, me and some mates brought in a Gamecube and played Timesplitters 2 on one of those projectors. It took up half the wall. That was pretty cool, but we got chased away 'cause someone had literally taken one of the projectors. Walked right in, took it down and walked out with it, apparently. Git.

I never really did much else. Spent a lot of time browsing various websites (nothing pornographic, before you ask) and I posted an awful lot in the Black Isle forums, but otherwise I was pretty good. That was also the period when I permanantly wore my tinted glasses, so I guess I was trying to look l33t.

10-07-2005, 11:11 AM
Meh. My high school was so laid back that you could pretty much do what you want without breaking any rules per se. We were allowed to leave the building and walk around downtown during our free periods, but we'd also leave and smoke weed in the parking garage between classes, which annoyed the dean of students occasionally.

10-07-2005, 11:20 AM
Let's see my infractions include:

- Throwing around a shirt that was rolled up in a ball. Music teacher was new and thought this deserved saturday detention.

- Made a post on a school organizations website that consisted of pages of blinking red h's.

- I for some reason was the only one who got in trouble for my friends stealing a kids hat and giving it to me to throw away to destroy evidence...

Yes I was a light weight at getting in trouble, but I really didn't dislike going to school to much. Toolie has a lot of stories though, but I don't think he wants to revisit them...

Some Kinda Hate
10-07-2005, 04:55 PM
One time in choir class, in seventh grade I think, I had this perfume stuff or someone did and I got a hold of it, it said extermely flamable on the side so when my teacher turned around I got out my lighter and made a good sized ball of flame shoot out, but she turned back around just in time to see the fire. I was like right in her face, and she could tell that it came from me.

10-07-2005, 09:20 PM
i dont really like "breaking rules" but doin sumthing actualy fun because im bored like getting on my teachers comp wile she has left the building that was sumthin to do til she got back that i figure is alright :D im not gonna go do sumthin serious like telling the teach to "go hell and suck my dick and die you fucker" is goin a lil to far :rolleyes:

Oh, ok, I thought you meant like "I want to break rules beacuse it is fun, hehe *mouth begins to foam*." Today a kid in Biology was asked what one of the main causes of pollution is and he said "you running your mouth." So as the teacher was filling out the TTSR (Teacher's Temporary Suspension Room) form, he said, "at least i have the balls to say it. Then he got detention.

I also remember last year when our choir teacher came back to school after finding out she had a tumor in her brain, one kid said, "why didn't you die and help the rest of us?"

10-07-2005, 09:33 PM
I didn't cut class today, but I did roam the halls w/friends during lunch. They hate that at my school but it's so easy to get away with. Hell, I've never been cought breaking any rules. And once you see that you can break rules and get away with it, it becomes kinda addictive. By that I mean, once you're off scotch free, you feel like you can do it whenever you want and not get in trouble.

10-07-2005, 10:06 PM
I set some trash cans on fire in the school bathrooms.

10-08-2005, 12:00 AM
That is very harsh. Setting cans on fire are a good Idea! I have to have fun sometime

10-08-2005, 12:52 AM
I remeber back in 7th grade durning choir a kid went berserker on another kid appently no reason. he was holding him against the wall and punching him. The Choir teacher(a old fat bald guy) ran away from the fight and they had to get he drumline coach(a buff asian dude) to break it up. While this was happening the whole choir was watching with amazment

10-08-2005, 02:36 AM
Why do people feel the need to break rules? It'll end up biting them in the ass anyway.

You're so immature. If you love breaking rules, have fun in the slammer, after, you know, breaking laws and stuff.

Yes, lets all listen to mister 12 year old old as he knows everything. First off, you only go to the "slammer" if you get caught doing something that actually warrents that. Unless you injure or kill someone, it's just fun. Normal people like to have some fun every now and then.

10-08-2005, 10:56 AM
Yes, lets all listen to mister 12 year old old as he knows everything. First off, you only go to the "slammer" if you get caught doing something that actually warrents that. Unless you injure or kill someone, it's just fun. Normal people like to have some fun every now and then.

:D i love breaking school rules,

When g4conman said he loved to break school rules, I thought he was some sort of psychopathical kid who's only goal in life is to piss people off. When he reinforced his point by saying he only does it here and there and that it is only minor things like playing the computer (Oh no! The horror!), I understood what he loves to do, and that is do shit and see if he can't get caught.

Oh, ok, I thought you meant like "I want to break rules beacuse it is fun, hehe *mouth begins to foam*."

I don't know why have to reinterate this point I made just five posts ago, but I must.

10-08-2005, 12:05 PM
In 6th grade me and my friend dusty would skip school by saying that another teacher told us to go to her office at a certain time and when he left his class he would come to my class and say that miss bla bla needed to see me and we would just walk off campus. :laughing: they caught us like the 3rd time in the back of a church playing gameboy and eating chips. :rolleyes: later on that year during the school dance, i danced with a few girls and went to chill on the stage with my friends, it was a dark place to sit because there were no lights on but like a disco light and some strobe lights, anywaythey thought we had skiped school because they couldnt find us or see us, and when they found us they pulled us out of the dance to show the princaple that we were ok and so we just went back to the dance.

(thats the worse thing i did because when we got caught in the church dusty got caught and i just ran and ended up geting tackled by a cop :))

10-08-2005, 12:25 PM
I've broke all kinds of rules, but I'm the type of lucky son of a bitch that never gets caught, or if I do I always get outta it.

Some Kinda Hate
10-08-2005, 05:33 PM
I've broke all kinds of rules, but I'm the type of lucky son of a bitch that never gets caught, or if I do I always get outta it.

Same here, just think of the things we could accomplish as a team, you and I.

10-08-2005, 06:27 PM
It's kinda hard to break "internet" rules at our school. Seeing as how every kid gets a free laptop from the school board. We're allowed on the internet when we're working, but it's hard to keep your laptop open with out the teacher noticing. And if you're doing you're not supposed to do during class on the internet, i.e. porn, games, etc. the teacher can freeze your laptop from his desk, and can also watch what your doing. Not just in that that class, but when ever your laptop is open and on. Any teacher can.

Last year, a couple of kids figured out how to reformat their computers, so the teachers could never see what they were doing. Plus one kid was trusted with the administration's paasword. He gave it away to like every body. This year they didn't tell him.

10-14-2005, 03:47 AM
What sort of complete ****** ###### ??!! would give a kid the admin password? lol

Besides, it's much more fun to crack them. The first one I found out was "pascal" but then some teacher wrote it in a txt file so he could "remember it". Still, at some age most of us lose the idea that teachers are all intelligent beings :)

10-14-2005, 09:28 AM
What sort of complete ****** ###### ??!! would give a kid the admin password? lol

Mu junior year I was working on the computers in the library and the rest of the schol and I had the admin password, she gave it to me without thinking twice so I didn't have to always call her to login under the admin for me. The teachers did get a nice surprise though during my senior year since she only changed the 04 to 05 on the password.

10-14-2005, 10:58 AM

but then I've broken into accounts by simply guessing they used their username as password, works with most newbies - and lets you surf the net "anonymously"

Master Ghaleon
10-15-2005, 01:31 AM
In spanish class always when the bell rings to leave, we had someone turn off the lights and then everyone flipped their desks over and ran outta class lol

She had to get a special thing to put over the light switch so we couldnt turn it off, that thing only lasts like a month til it got busted off.

10-24-2005, 08:00 AM
I was mostly responsible for "minor technical problems" that is when a teacher wants to show a boring video and then the tv doesn't work or the projector is jammed or so. Or the blackboard is all scribbled over and the cloth and sponge are hidden.

Once someone drew a picture of something between a cow and a pig with horns on the back of a blackboard (the board is 2-sided) and I wrote the name of a teacher I didn't like under it. As luck would have it it was exactly that teacher that next turned the board. Judging by the fact that she ran out of class and wasn't seen for the rest of the lesson she didn't like the joke. But everyone else was laughing.

But that was a long time ago ... I'm of course much mature now. I've moved on to computer hacking.

10-24-2005, 11:05 AM
One time, I threw a loser into a drinking fountain, violently lahsed at the assistant principle, then put on an angry display for the cafeteria before being expelled for a year.


10-30-2005, 08:41 AM
Oh, before I forget there's the all-time popular TI89 gaming. (In case anyone doesn't know, TI89 is an advanced calculator you can draw nice graphs with. And download games.) I was the one with the pc link cable in my class. It was quite fun playing phoenix in English class and shouting out your score whenever you beat it. Teacher hadn't a clue why people were shouting out numbers, after a few days she complained that "people are doing their maths work in my class" (!!!)