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View Full Version : Fuck Clearchannel

10-05-2005, 09:29 PM
I called my local rock radio station today, and i got boomer, whos teh hopst of our morning show, and i ask him to play me some slayer. He says oh man, i love slayer, theyre my favorite band, but unfortunately we cant put them on teh air. And i say youre a hard rock/heavy metal music station, and they are definently one of the best heavy metal bands ever, and he says ya man, i know, just clearchannel wont allow it, and i say thats pretty gay, hes liek ya, thats pretty fucking gay, and he apologizes again and says well is there anything else i can play for you, and i say ya, how about loyalty by american headcharge, and he says nope, shoom got in alot of trouble when he played that one, and i say fuck it, just play linkin park, you gusy play them every 15 minutes anyways, and he laughs, then i wish him a good day and tell him how much i enjoy his show, and we say goodbye, and i get back to work.

Moral of teh story is that Boomer rocks even tho clearchannel is gay

10-05-2005, 09:37 PM
thats so fucked. Rock on goat... rock on. CD's>radio, or an mp3 player.

10-05-2005, 09:44 PM
What is this boomer that you speak of? A local station, I suppose. I've never heard of it.

Clearchannel sucks a bit I guess. But they all do nowaday (is that a whole word, or did I just make it one?).

10-05-2005, 09:49 PM
Sorry, Boomer is a DJ. The station is 103.9 The X (http://www.wxeg.com) here in Dayton, OH. Boomer is fuckign great, and is teh host of the morning show, 6-10 am. I listen to him every morning.

10-05-2005, 09:52 PM
oh, of course. Because Boomer sounds more like the name of a person to be loved and less like the name of a radio station.

10-05-2005, 09:58 PM
I feel your pain Goat. I cannot tell you how sick I am of hearing Linkin Park on the radio. Glad to hear the DJ is a cool guy.

10-05-2005, 10:00 PM
NO FAIR!!! I never hear Linkin Park on the radio. They play Numb/Encore once in a blue moon and that's about it.

10-05-2005, 10:01 PM
lol thats pretty fucked up dude, seems like boomer is a cool guy tho :laughing:

10-05-2005, 10:06 PM
huh, i dont listen to the radio much, but i hear linkin park alot. they've just became too mainstream.

but eh, i check every once in a while to see what i want to download and not have to listen to pools of shit to get that one good song.

anyways, clearchannel is pretty gay, they own almost all the radio stations, and dont allow some music to be played. :/

10-06-2005, 12:23 AM
Is this Boomer as in Cort and Boomer?

10-06-2005, 01:07 AM
Yeah, radio has pretty high censorship for some reason. I don't think a lot of young people listen to radio since they don't drive and have computers to download songs so I don't know who the expect bad language would affect. Maybe they fear parents might accidently turn to the station and unwittingly expose their children to "dangerous" lyrics. Which is dumb because if you are looking for clean lyrics you shouldn't stay on a station that sounds like metal for more than two seconds. Anyway, radio is dying because of this and slowly being replaced by many ways of getting music. Heck, probably the main reason why radio is still going on is the talk shows on there.

10-06-2005, 08:20 AM
Even the talk shows are getting annoying now though. I stopped listening to my favorite morning show because every damn time they come across a word in their show like "penis" they sit and debate over whether or not to say it, try to figure out what's okay to say but means the same..... 5 minutes later, it's blatantly obvious what they're trying to say, but the flow of the show comes to a screeching halt every 15 minutes for that because they either think it's funny or they're trying to make a point.

Either way, loveline is about the only thing I use the radio for anymore.

10-07-2005, 12:09 AM
I cant stand any of the talk radio shows, stern, bob & tom, loveline, sometimes they will say funny shit, but i cant stand talkin, i gotta have music. Theres cursing in metal and hard rock music, but there isnt a quarter as much as rap and hip hop songs. And in hard rock and heavy metal music, it isnt always so consistent that they have to bleep every other word liek rap music, its usually easily concealable, and 90% of the time the band has made a completly safe and un cursing radio version of the song. I hate linkin park, they suck so bad but all teh poser rock fans seem to love me, no offense to anyone who likes em and isnt a poser rock fan but you know what i mean. Anyways, linkin park, green day, and system of a down (who i think are the 3 of the worst bands ever) are on the radio every other song, up here at least, its just because they are gay pop rock who the posers like, and refuse to play alot of great bands.

Anyone who disagrees with any of the comments I made about what bands do or dont suck, listen to some good rock music

Lamb of God
As I Lay Dying
E Town Concrete
God Forbid
Killswitch Engage
All That Remains
Shadows Fall
American Head Charge

Download and enjoy :)