View Full Version : Oh what a beautiful morning...

Darth Marsden
10-01-2005, 05:14 AM
It's been kinda quiet in GB recently, so here's my thoughts on the weather. Yeah, it's really nice. Bright, sunny, happy, cheerful, warm, lovely, etc. It's a very nice British day.

And herein lies the problem.

It's October. Kids are back in school, so they can't enjoy the weather as they did in Summer. People aren't on holiday. We're all busy - well, except for me, and herein lies the problem. There shouldn't be this much sun. And, as we all know, sunshine is the number one cause of glare on our computer monitors, meaning I can't see squat and keep dying in Deus Ex. God dammit God, quit messing around with the seasons! I want to deal with Majestic-12! Make the sun go away already!

Anyone else fed up of sunshine? I mean, come on! OCTOBER!

10-01-2005, 05:36 AM
This is General Discussion.

10-01-2005, 06:58 AM
Well, to be honest, I'd rather it were sunny in October... in fact, all year round.
Why not close the curtains, if you get sun glare? Besides, it's becoming a bit overcast now, if you ask me.

10-01-2005, 10:15 AM
October is supposed to be sunny. If I have to put up with it being overcast for four months straight in winter, then I want all the sun I can get while it's still kinda warm.

Oh, and it's a beautiful American day here too in the Northeast.

10-01-2005, 10:18 AM
Sun's only good for me on weekends such as this, because I have to park cars for a festival we're having in town, and the more sun, the more people, and the more people the more money. It's only on days that I work at the restaurant when I hate the sun and hope it rains.

10-01-2005, 10:23 AM
The weather's been quite pleasant around here recently. I've never especially enjoyed the hot weather, even being outside. I love colder weather however. I love waking up every morning curling up in my blankets trying to stay warm and keep my nipples from getting too hard. THAT'S when you know you'll have a cool crisp day ahead of you. The best kind of weather IMO. :D

10-01-2005, 02:13 PM
Nice here except for the fires. Though they're getting them under control so there's a lot less smoke today. A few days ago it was raining ash which got all over my car. But really, it's clear, it's sunny, it's warm, but not too hot, it's just great. If you ask me, you should stop playing games and get out and enjoy it. I'm about to load my bike in my car and go for a ride down by the beach.

10-01-2005, 02:38 PM
It starting to get pretty chilly over here. It's time for sweaters and jackets. It's sunny now though. That helps a bit.

Some Kinda Hate
10-01-2005, 03:17 PM
October is my most favorite month of the year. It is also the month where I miss the most school.

10-01-2005, 07:46 PM
Needs more subzero weather. I love winter.

Darth Marsden
10-02-2005, 07:25 AM
Okay, I couldn't close my curtains because I haven't got any(!) My mother keeps saying she'll do them, but then she's been saying that for years, so it's a bit hard to trust her on that. I'm not so keen on summer, it's always bright so people expect me to go outside and enjoy the weather (which I hate doing since I burn easily and the sun gives me a headache. Nerd through and through). If I want a tan I'll go to a tanning salon, okay?

I love winter. It's my favourite time of year, although since I live on the South Coast we NEVER get snow. WAH! I have to visit relatives if I want to have a snowfight or anything. Lousy stinking salt water...

And yes, I know this is general discussion. This wasn't so much me bitching about the weather as wondering what other people thought of it. Besides, I don't like general bitching, it's so nasty in there.

10-03-2005, 11:31 AM
I love October. In fact, the fall is my favorite time of year. It's beautiful, comfortable and romantic. Unfortunately I have no one "special" to share it with. Bladen does look awful cute in a pair of jeans and a hoodie, though :)

10-03-2005, 12:10 PM
I like cold weather too. I like snuggling under a blanket with hot drinks and such. In summer you have humidity and stickiness. You have to take cold showers which aren't as fun.
I like sun too. I do have to put a complicated contraption to block sun from my TV. I can't spend 13 hours a day with glare. :D
I don't like overcast but I like it when it's "scary." I can't really explain that description though.
And I like long walks along the, oh wait wrong thread.

10-03-2005, 01:18 PM
I finally have the chance to change into longer pants! XD lol, yes, I'm quite happy about that. My pockets are a bit smaller, but it's a sacrifice.

Personally, I thrive in any weather cooler than 85°, and any weather warmer than, .. well, .. 25°. XD The only thing I've noticed about the change to Autumn so far, is that it's raining just as much, (Very, very little here in NY. :sweat: ) and it's gradually getting slightly cooler, which I enjoy immensely.

10-03-2005, 01:46 PM
October rocks. Nothing better than remembering loosing your virginity whenever it's time to go out trick or treating.

Darth Marsden
10-03-2005, 04:42 PM
October rocks. Nothing better than remembering loosing your virginity whenever it's time to go out trick or treating.Oh look, Glitch made a remark about sex. How original! How I wish he would do that all the time. [/Sarcasm]

I like Autumn/Winter because it means I have a valid excuse to snuggle into bed all the time. And since I'm unemployed, I can lay in as long as I want! Yay me! I always prefer being too cold to being too hot, because if you're too cold you can just put more layers on. If you're too hot, you can basically strip down to your shorts (and bra if you're a laydee), but then you're screwed. Plus, I don't look good in shorts. :(

10-03-2005, 11:01 PM
Oh look, Glitch made a remark about sex. How original! How I wish he would do that all the time. [/Sarcasm]

Oh look, DM tried to make a funny how original! I wish you would never do that.

I like October and November becuase the weather is really nice out. I will like winter alot more this year than I have in the past because I was always walking to school or outside at work in the cold.

10-03-2005, 11:07 PM
It's 90 degrees here. :(

10-03-2005, 11:53 PM
I love the end of summer/start of fall weather. Not to hot and not to cold. I hate when the temperature flip flops. In the morning, it's cold and by the time school is out, I have to hold my sweater. It is getting gradually colder though. I don't hate winter but It's not my favourite. I like fall/spring more.

10-04-2005, 03:26 AM
Fall weather is my favorite because it is about the only tolerable time of year. I like the cool dry air. It's not cold like winter, but it's not so hot you're melting and dieing because of the 99% humidity. You can actually wear a jacket. And all those pesky plants and insects tend to die off as we tend to get a freeze during fall but it doesn't stay cold.

And you know, it's really inconvient in the summer to carry around your concealed weapons.

10-04-2005, 07:25 AM
i hate winter..how unfortunate theres like 4-5 months of it here... gets pretty damned cold... Around -10 you are mildly annoyed, Around -20 its fricking cold and you want to stay inside, Around -30 is so cold the snot in your nose freezes almost instantly, Around -40 your car wont start and your hand is stuck to the door so you call in sick to work and put on 4 blankets curl up and wish you were a bear...

And yes it gets that cold...its fucked around here, last winter it got to -38C (thats not counting wind chill) and during the summer it got to +32C once... stupid weather has that massive range, why can't it be like a rang of -10 to +10???

Oh BTW, for you americans!

Celsius = Fahrenheit
10 = 50
20 = 68
30 = 86
-10 = 14
-20 = -4
-30 = -22