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09-28-2005, 12:25 PM
I'm currently in the computer labs at Queens college with a huge grin on my face. It's now free hour, roughly 12:15, where there are -NO- classes scheduled whatsoever, and all students are free to browse the College in its entirety. Avoiding the huge crowds at lunch, I head to the PC labs to finish up some online business that I had.

When I finally get there, all of the computers were occupied. I walk around the room as swiftly as I can in the hopes of catching someone logging off, and lo and behold, I find someone who is about to do so! As soon as my legs can carry me there, I notice that there is already some lovely young girl waiting for that computer who had just then gotten there. Before I could even think, the words "I'm sorry, were you waiting for this computer?" had escaped my mouth. Her only response was a very wide and friendly smile. At that moment I somehow knew I wouldn't regret my words, .. and walked away, back to the far corner of the room to watch the room like a hawk for that familiar gray desktop, a sign of someone logging off.

However, as soon as I arrive there, I happen to catch the eye of the girl who I had given the computer to. She smiled, and pointed toward a computer which was about to be freed up. It was in an even better spot than the computer I had given up.

What goes around, comes around.

Regail us with similar tales of your own. ^_^

Darth Marsden
09-28-2005, 01:00 PM

I'm normally a very shy person IRL (although online that's obviously not the case :D ), so I find it hard to actually talk to people, but when I was in University I somehow got to talking to one of the other computer users. We got on pretty well, even though we'd probably only meet up in the labs once or twice a week, but not only did he help me with my assignments, but he also introduced me to Bit Torrent. I am forever thankful to him for that. So don't be so shy people, open up. You never know what you might learn.

And I hope you got that girl's name/phone number/address, BH4. She sounded really nice.

09-28-2005, 01:03 PM
Aie, very well said, Darth Marsden. ;) :thumbsup: I've never regretted doing something nice for someone. You all know how things can come full circle and have completely unforeseen effects, right? It works the same way with good as with bad deeds. Never pass up an opportunity to make someone happy. They'll often repay you in full, and possibly moreso.

But no, Darth, that can't and won't happen. Got a GF. :D ^_^' Already here where I am now, oddly enough.

09-28-2005, 01:40 PM
I think Karma likes me. When I do good, I get good in return, but the bad shit I do rarely ever comes back to bite me in the ass.

Guess I'm just lucky that way :shrug:.

09-28-2005, 01:55 PM
Karma always seems to work for me. Whenever I do something good, something goods happends to me, but when I do some thing bad, it comes back and bites me in the ass. All the time.

Was the girl at least cute BH4?

09-28-2005, 02:06 PM
Archibaldo, ... not a doubt in my mind. ;) Max is cuter though. XD

Oddly enough, one thing that never seems to "come back around" is charity. I've given so much charity in my life, but ... ... well, that's really not the right way of looking at it. You never really know how it can benefit you, if you can't see the path of that money and the people who handle it. Besides, Charity isn't about the rewards reaped. ;)

09-28-2005, 02:30 PM
She smiled, and pointed toward a computer which was about to be freed up. It was in an even better spot than the computer I had given up.

What goes around, comes around.
Somehow I pictured that ending a little better for you.

I dunno, I guess it was the way you described that smile. I just saw it ending with her lips on your dick.

At least that's how karma usually works for me.

09-28-2005, 03:07 PM
Max is cuter though. XD

I sure hope "Max" is short for a more femine name.....

09-28-2005, 03:56 PM
Sooo... did'ya bang her?
I have found that what goes around comes around alot. I normally let people cheat off of me on homework and they usually end up having something I need. I also gave everyone at my lunch table a piece of gum out of courtesy and on the way home I found a $5 bill, enough to buy even more gum.

09-28-2005, 04:03 PM
Sooo... did'ya bang her?
I have found that what goes around comes around alot. I normally let people cheat off of me on homework and they usually end up having something I need. I also gave everyone at my lunch table a piece of gum out of courtesy and on the way home I found a $5 bill, enough to buy even more gum.

It's going to be hilarious one day when you get into an accident that paralyzes you from the waist down, but instead of getting some huge fortunate reward, you die penniless and alone 5 years later.

09-28-2005, 06:51 PM
I sure hope "Max" is short for a more femine name.....You have no idea how many people tell me that. :p XD "Maxine" is her full first name, but she really, really doesn't like it, so she sticks to Max.

... At least that's how karma usually works for me.
:thumbsup: Cool, man.

It's going to be hilarious one day when you get into an accident that paralyzes you from the waist down, but instead of getting some huge fortunate reward, you die penniless and alone 5 years later.The sad thing is, there's really nothing "karma" stopping this from happening either. :shrug: Karma happens. It's not guaranteed, sadly.

09-28-2005, 08:05 PM
I had a schoolgirl crush on a guy in high school for years without speaking to him or knowing his name. Long story short, we've been going out almost a year. GG.

09-28-2005, 10:03 PM
I had a schoolgirl crush on a guy in high school for years without speaking to him or knowing his name. Long story short, we've been going out almost a year. GG.

Does he know this? ;)

I hate to always sound like the mean, unimaginative skeptic dude trying to ruin peoples fun, but I don't believe in Karma at all. I do believe things have consequences though and good actions are more likely to benefit you then hurt you....

09-28-2005, 10:39 PM
I do believe things have consequences though and good actions are more likely to benefit you then hurt you....
Well, that's karma...

The good stuff you do benifits you in the end, while other stuff may bring consequences for you.

09-28-2005, 10:44 PM
No, I suggested a connection between the action and the benefit. Karma suggests some sort of supernatural way of paying back people who do good things. Example could be zorakings story about finding that $5 bill after he did something good. That is correlation not causation.

09-28-2005, 10:47 PM

I guess you're right. I, for some reason, never look at the spiritual side of karma. I forget about it so I easily leave it out. I guess I sorta make up my own definition for it (which I shouldn't, but do anyway).

09-29-2005, 12:39 AM
I look at life like this: everything you do can either help or hurt other people. Because we're all influenced by each other, doing something that helps someone else may eventually come back to you. Of course, there are always those random instances which don't really relate to what you did, but I'm thinking more along the lines of you help someone else, and later they'll be in a position to help you when you're in trouble.

09-29-2005, 07:21 AM
The problem is, karmic rebuttal would have to be very swift or very connected in order to work.

Like punishing a dog...you're supposed to punish them directly after they do something bad, otherwise they don't make the connection.

For example, if I were to do something bad to someone, and a few weeks later something bad happens to me, I'm probably not going to say "gee, I wish I hadn't done ____ to that person because it gave me bad karma" unless it's directly related to whatever I did before, in which case it would be simple cause and effect.

09-29-2005, 08:09 AM
Karma, Bitch.

I can't believe no one has mention this yet......