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View Full Version : Name that Quote!

Darth Marsden
09-27-2005, 05:51 AM
Okay, here's the rules. I'll post a quote, and you guys have to tell me where it's from. If you get it right, you post a quote, and we tell you where it's from. If one of us gets it right... yeah, you get the idea. The only catch is that people have to have a chance of getting it. No obscure thing your grandmother said last week, mkay? Okay, I'll go first with a (fairly) easy one.

I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. Name that Quote!

09-28-2005, 02:03 PM
Douglas Adams.

Darth Marsden
09-28-2005, 03:40 PM
Spot on. Your turn now!

11-09-2005, 10:04 PM
"you're really weird." :tongue: I'm so cool, I did a quote noone's figured out. then let's try an easier one."So Long, and thanks for all the fish." :laughing: