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View Full Version : Spotlight On theplustwo : Interview # 3

carrot red
09-20-2005, 01:17 PM
Important notice. Please read.
Since there are so many of you and just one of me, I figure it would be a lot easier (for me) and less time consuming if you kept on volunteering for the interviews if you’re interested. Old members prefer I go by the join date, newer members recommend the alphabetical order… I myself have no preference.
However, instead of me going through the members lists, sending PMs to all and waiting for your reply, and due to the fact that I’m rather very busy at the moment, I’m going to use my volunteers by PM date until further notice.

Now I give you theplustwo, as you might have guessed, he volunteered.

AGN Name: theplustwo
Real Name: Brad
D.O.B.: 08/03/1984
Sign: Leo, although the only Zodiac worth reading is The Onion's
Location: Janesville, WI

"I've lived in Janesville all my life, the town basically exists because there is a General Motors medium-duty truck plant there, which is where my dad has worked for thirty years. I grew up playing baseball and football with my two brothers. I've also always enjoyed playing video games ever since we got an "electric tennis" console which was a PONG knock-off that hooked up to the television. I also spend my free time drawing and playing guitar (although I'm not terribly good at either). Now I'm living on campus in Whitewater, Wisconsin, and I'm enjoying the respit from my parents' tyrannical rule."

What are your phobias?
I don't really have any specific phobias. I'm somewhat afraid of heights and spiders, but I think that's normal.

What are your talents?
Apparently I'm all right at drawing and people tell me I'm funny. I like quoting movies or songs and making dry jokes that go over the head of all but one intended person. I dont' know if that's really a talent but it's something I enjoy doing. I'm also the only person I know who can hit a home run in baseball.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Fiji. You can't get any farther away before you start coming back.

Actually I'd like to live in a somewhat larger city than the one I am from. Right now I'm living on campus at the University of Whitewater in Wisconsin, which is nice, although it's also a fairly small "campus town". I think I'd like to move to Madison or Milwaukee. I'd move out of Wisconsin entirely, but I know too many awesome people here to sever all ties like that.

What's your favorite holiday? What do you do on that holiday?
Probably Christmas or other people's birthdays, because I like giving awesome presents. Maybe I'm buying love with money or something but I always spend way too much. I just enjoy giving people things that they will actually use and remember.

What is one thing you would want to tell your AGN buddies about yourself that we wouldn't normally know?
I have three nipples. And the third one is not on my chest.

Seriously, I have no idea.

What kinds of books do you like to read? Do you have favorite author(s)?
Hells yes! Of course, being a nerd I have to mention Tolkien, but I also really like George Orwell and Orson Wells. Lately I've been reading memoirs, which are usually pretty interesting. I reccomend both "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genious" by Dave Eggers and "Another Bullshit Night in Suck City" by Nicholas Flynn. They both have a very deep emotional thread but also some incredibly funny moments. I also recently read all the Harry Potter books, to see what all the fuss was about. They're good, and I was wrong to discredit them as I did when they first came out. SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE!

What's your most embarrassing moment?
Honestly in hindsight nothing seems as embarassing as it did at the time. I guess, there was this one time where I was spending the night at a friends house, and he had invited me to go to a Green Bay Packers game with him the next day, which is kind of a big deal. But my parents found out that I had given one of my friends a copy of Windows 98 and got pissed because they thought that somehow Microsoft was going to come have us put in a federal pound me in the ass prison, and came to pick me up at three in the morning, so I couldn't go. Most of the embarassing things that have happened to me have been at the hands of my parents, or more specifically, my mom. Pulling me out of public school for her paranoid religious reasons (think Y2k) also comes to mind.

Which person, living or dead, do you most admire?
I usually answer this question "Jim Henson", but it's a difficult one because there are so many great figures in different areas. Chuck Jones, the genius behind the Road Runner cartoons, as well as almost almost all of the greatest Bugs Bunny cartoons (and also The Grinch and Horton Hears a Who) is another one. Also really any good indie musician who is making a living making music is my hero (especially Robert Schneider), as well as any good indie film maker who is making a living making films (Broken Lizard). William Goldman also, because he wrote "The Princess Bride", and Carl Reiner, because he created and wrote The Dick Van Dyke show, and Christopher Guest, who wrote and starred in This is Spinal Tap, Waiting for Guffman, Best in Show and A Mighty Wind.

If you could live at any time in the past or the future (but not in the present), which time period would you choose, and why?
I think I'd like to look to the future. All the way to the year two-thousand. Actually, I'd like to go far enough into the future that world peace has been established, famine has been wiped out, and interstellar travel is possible.

What? Only one of those ever happens?

What's your worst habit?
Probably my total inability to accept criticism. I tend to get really defensive the second anyone starts pointing out flaws in something I did. It's pretty dangerous too because what with my rapier wit, I usually end up giving someone the mental equivalent of a dislocated shoulder or something.

09-20-2005, 01:24 PM
Awesome, what's your favorite movie?

09-20-2005, 02:19 PM
All the way to the year two-thousand.

I couldn't help but hear the voice from Conan O'Briend go: "In the year 2000..." in a creepy falsetto.

If you were a brutal dictator, what's the first country you would invade? Describe your plunder and domination of these people.

09-20-2005, 02:22 PM
I found a +2 dagger; do you have an older brother named theplusthree because the extra bonus would be nice.

09-20-2005, 03:22 PM
How physically attractive are you? And do you have my number?


09-20-2005, 03:30 PM
Happiest moment in your life?

Greatest Achievement?

09-20-2005, 04:05 PM
Awesome, what's your favorite movie?
I usually answer that "The Muppet Movie", and while that is a great movie, and one of my favorites, I think it's too hard to specify one favorite movie. Other favorites: The Sandlot, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Rushmore, The Life Aquatic, Super Troopers, The Great Escape, Office Space, Donnie Darko, Back to the Future, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, the Lord of the Rings movies, among others.
If you were a brutal dictator, what's the first country you would invade? Describe your plunder and domination of these people.Poland. I'm half German.
I found a +2 dagger; do you have an older brother named theplusthree because the extra bonus would be nice.
I do have an older brother but his name is Jim and his 'handle' is The Experience.
How physically attractive are you? And do you have my number?I'm about to start up my webcam if you want to party. http://images.theplustwo.com/emotes/ohyou.gif
Happiest moment in your life?

Greatest Achievement?That's a hard one. The happiest moment in my life... I can't recall any specific moment of euphoria, but there have been a lot of times when I've been hanging out with my awesome friends and I stopped and thought that if that moment could be distilled for eternity it would be pretty good.

My greatest achievement was probably talking my parents into co-signing for a loan for me to go to college and live on campus. Actually I didn't get their permission so much as I just enrolled and registered for a room and then they grudgingly didn't force me to drop it.

09-20-2005, 07:17 PM
Dude, Brad, great knowing you man. :)

Questions for "the man."

1) Humility scale? 1 to 10, 10 being a shepherd, 1 being ... Well ... Really, really prideful.

2) Favorite meal?

3) If I were to call you Bread right now, ... what would you say or do?

4) If I DID call you Bread, but then said that everyone named "Brad" who I had called Bread had liked the name, would you reply remain the same?

5) Do you ever think you'll stop creating Emoticons? (I for one hope not. :shakeno: )

09-20-2005, 08:08 PM
If you could interview your favorite band, what 5-10 questions would you ask them?

09-20-2005, 08:35 PM
What's the biggest word you've ever used in a real life conversation?

09-20-2005, 08:47 PM
What first brought you to AGN?

09-20-2005, 10:46 PM
Dude, Brad, great knowing you man. :)

Questions for "the man."

1) Humility scale? 1 to 10, 10 being a shepherd, 1 being ... Well ... Really, really prideful.

2) Favorite meal?

3) If I were to call you Bread right now, ... what would you say or do?

4) If I DID call you Bread, but then said that everyone named "Brad" who I had called Bread had liked the name, would you reply remain the same?

5) Do you ever think you'll stop creating Emoticons? (I for one hope not. :shakeno: )1) What? Um, thhhreeee?

2) Pancakes

3) A girl in my elementary school used to call me Bread because she said it was 'easier to say' than Brad.

D) I'd still prefer to be called Brad, but that doesn't stop people from calling me other stuff anyhow. My full name is Brad, but lots of people call me Bradly (and they know it's wrong). People at work call me B-rad, it's all in good fun and I don't really mind.

5) If I die or run out of ideas (which I suppose would be most likely to happen in tandem)

If you could interview your favorite band, what 5-10 questions would you ask them?
That's tough because I would hope that I would have a fluid conversation with them and become friends and then I could go to their birthday parties. But I suppose I'd ask 1) What pedals/gear they like 2) When they're new album is coming out 3) You should play some shows in Wisconsin (although that's not really a question) 4) Can I be in the band?

My favorite band is The Apples in Stereo by the way. Check 'em out.

What's the biggest word you've ever used in a real life conversation?That's a hard question as I don't seem to have my tape backup of every conversation I've ever had on me at the moment, but it might be onomatopoeia, or for obscure word points it might be 'untenable' or something.
What first brought you to AGN?I think I was looking for a Zelda 64 walkthrough or something and I stumbled upon ZeldaClassic.com (the old Zaphod Q IX version). After a while I stumbled into the forums.

I didn't even know what an internet forum was at the time. I saw a lot of people having problems with ZC in (the just released) Windows XP, so my first post was a big "how to install a dual boot between XP and 98" walkthrough. It was frozen by Zaphod. :)

09-21-2005, 12:46 AM
1. Who would win in a fight, a grasshopper or a cockroach?

2. You just spilled hot coffee in your lap. What is your first reaction?

3. Fill in the blank in your own words: "Revenge is a dish best served _________."

4. What is your favorite activity to do while maxing?

5. What is your greatest video game accomplishment?

I'll post more if I think of them.

09-21-2005, 01:00 AM
What game cause you to throw the controller at the wall the hardest?

Great Warrior
09-21-2005, 03:25 AM
are you and AtmaWeapon related? you have the identical idea for your signatures. do you change them monthly and where do you get the idea for them?

Darth Marsden
09-21-2005, 06:02 AM
You're a self-proclaimed nerd, so I don't have a problem asking these questions.

1) - What's your D&D alignment?
2) - Star Wars or Star Trek? (If Star Trek - WHY?!?)
3) - If you were stuck on a desert island, what three items would you take with you?
4) - Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist party? ;)
5) - It's the future, and the Earth is dying. You've managed to secure passage on the last space shuttle leaving the planet. You can only take one person with you. Who would you take?
6) - There is NO Question 6. (Sorry.)
7) - What, in your opinion, is the meaning of life?

09-21-2005, 09:33 AM
1. Who would win in a fight, a grasshopper or a cockroach?

2. You just spilled hot coffee in your lap. What is your first reaction?

3. Fill in the blank in your own words: "Revenge is a dish best served _________."

4. What is your favorite activity to do while maxing?

5. What is your greatest video game accomplishment?

I'll post more if I think of them.
1) A grasshopper, because of Karate Kid

2) "Why the hell was hot coffe near me?" (I hate coffee)

3) With lettuce, tomatoes, and muenster on rye

4) Usually chilling out and relaxing, although I have been known to shoot some B-ball outside of the school.

5) Probably the one that felt the best was when I beat LTTP for the first time without using a Game Genie. That was when I was about twelve. Beating Lost Levels was a more recent one.
What game causes you to throw the controller at the wall the hardest?I used to have fits because I couldn't beat Cheetah in World Class Track Meet with the Power Pad, until eventually I realized that you don't actually have to run in place, you just barely lift your feet as quickly as you can. (I was pretty young at the time.)
are you and AtmaWeapon related? you have the identical idea for your signatures. do you change them monthly and where do you get the idea for them?We are actually conjoined twins, separated at birth. We just found out that we are long lost brothers about a year ago. Actually, AtmaWeapon made a thread a while ago about how he was really depressed and was going to take a bath or something and I thought "I am going to become friends with this guy" and then I did. Turns out he's pretty awesome and we like a lot of the same music and stuff. As far as the signatures are concerned, he might say it was just coincidence but really he always copies me.
You're a self-proclaimed nerd, so I don't have a problem asking these questions.

1) - What's your D&D alignment?
2) - Star Wars or Star Trek? (If Star Trek - WHY?!?)
3) - If you were stuck on a desert island, what three items would you take with you?
4) - Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist party? ;)
5) - It's the future, and the Earth is dying. You've managed to secure passage on the last space shuttle leaving the planet. You can only take one person with you. Who would you take?
6) - There is NO Question 6. (Sorry.)
7) - What, in your opinion, is the meaning of life?1) Chaotic Evil. Actually, although my screen name is derived from D&D (the +2 sword, etc) I have never finished a game, seeing as people always just start arguing about some obscure rule and then everyone gets pissed and quits. I've only even attempted to play about three times.

2) Star Wars, definately.

3) A solar powered, satellite GPS phone, something to eat while waiting for the rescue squad, and some porn.

4) No, but I am a fascist.

5) Erin Stamm. You don't know her and I feel sorry for you.

6) Most likely the killer bees.

7) 42. Really I think the meaning of life is to enjoy yourself, within reason. I mean, as long as you having a good time doesn't get in the way of other people having a good time then I say go for it (so recreational sniping is out). I do believe in intelligent design and I hope there is an afterlife, but I'm really not sure how much of the whole organized religion thing I agree with. I think the search for truth is another important part of life. If you aren't asking questions you're dead.

Darth Marsden
09-21-2005, 10:32 AM
Can you tell me where I took my sixth 'question' from, and can you give the original quote?

(If there is one) Which song would you say best describes you as a person?

Great Warrior
09-21-2005, 10:33 AM
great friendship story. :)

what sort of food you least like?

09-21-2005, 12:58 PM
Can you tell me where I took my sixth 'question' from, and can you give the original quote?

(If there is one) Which song would you say best describes you as a person?

I'm not sure exactly, because there are several things that have done similar stuff. There's the South Park episode with the Underpants Gnomes where there is no step two, then there's the movie Snatch where I think there's no step two again. Also (and here's an obscure thing) in the West Side School books there's no 3rd floor I think. But for some reason the (Sorry.) you put on there makes me think it might be from Hitchhiker's Guide? Maybe? I don't remember the exact quote though.

As far as which song describes me best, probably "Baroque" by The Apples in Stereo (I'll get an MP3 up later).
great friendship story. :)

what sort of food you least like?Goulash. My mom makes it a lot but it's nasty. Meatloaf is pretty gross too. Also I usually don't like food that's really spicy.

Darth Marsden
09-21-2005, 02:59 PM
The quote I was thinking of was from Monty Python. The Australian sketch. The apology is just a British thing, much like queuing (sp?) and 'Football'.

One more - if you could only choose one video game, which would it be and why?

09-21-2005, 03:49 PM
When and how did you come about discovering the Jew Unit boys? How did you get them to sign for a collaboration with G-Unit? What are your future plans for them?


09-21-2005, 07:27 PM
Which is your favorite Muppet, and why?

Do you dislike "favorite" questions as much as I do? I can rarely pick out a single item of any category that I prefer above all others.

09-21-2005, 07:40 PM
I used to have fits because I couldn't beat Cheetah in World Class Track Meet with the Power Pad, until eventually I realized that you don't actually have to run in place, you just barely lift your feet as quickly as you can. (I was pretty young at the time.)
Yeah man, cheetah was tough.

09-22-2005, 06:39 AM
Bradicle! How did the names "theplustwo" or "fmehmobile" come about?

09-22-2005, 07:51 AM
If you were part of a fight club would you go tell your buddies about it?

If looks could kill would you choose to ride a wombat or a rabbit?

Which of the big three James bonds did you like best? Pierce Brosnan, Roger Moore, Sean Connery.

What is your dream car? why?

If you could bang any celebirty who would it be?

09-22-2005, 10:04 AM
The quote I was thinking of was from Monty Python. The Australian sketch. The apology is just a British thing, much like queuing (sp?) and 'Football'.

One more - if you could only choose one video game, which would it be and why?Okay, no wonder I didn't recognize it. I think I've seen that sketch, but it was at a friend's house about five years ago.

Probably Super Mario World. I've beaten it more times than any other game, and yet I never get tired of it. I just started a new file on the GBA version.

When and how did you come about discovering the Jew Unit boys? How did you get them to sign for a collaboration with G-Unit? What are your future plans for them?
I actually found it on "You're the Man Now, Dog! (http://www.ytmnd.com)".
Which is your favorite Muppet, and why?

Do you dislike "favorite" questions as much as I do? I can rarely pick out a single item of any category that I prefer above all others.My favorite Muppet is probably Gonzo. Not the stupid whiney Gonzo of Muppets from Space, the classic chicken loving Gonzo from the television series and the movies made while Jim Henson was alive. There's just something about the way he says things like "Great plumbers are born not made. I tell you, Camilla, I'm a prince of plumbers!" that cracks me up every time. His penchant for hurting himself is great too, like in The Great Muppet Caper when he throws himself in front of the taxi cab. "Yeah, it's GREAT when it works!"

And yeah, I have a hard time answering 'favorite' questions, it's like in High Fidelity when Rob is being interviewed for a newspaper article and the girl asks him what his top five all time favorite records are and he says "That's a tough question... do you mean like in the club, or at home..."

That's how I feel about it much of the time. I can name my favorite road movie maybe or my favorite Wes Anderson movie but it's a lot harder to name my favorite all around film. The same thing goes for music or anything else that you have a diverse appreciation for.
Bradicle! How did the names "theplustwo" or "fmehmobile" come about?
Well, I explained theplustwo earlier in the thread (it was origionally intended as a band name). Fmehmobile (which was my origional name here at AGN) came about from my brother randomly saying 'fmeh' instead of 'me' one time, which then grew into an inside joke, and somehow both of my brothers started calling me fmehmobile for awhile. Fmeh rhymes with "teh" for anyone wondering.
If you were part of a fight club would you go tell your buddies about it?

If looks could kill would you choose to ride a wombat or a rabbit?

Which of the big three James bonds did you like best? Pierce Brosnan, Roger Moore, Sean Connery.

What is your dream car? why?

If you could bang any celebirty who would it be?1) Obviously not, the first two rules are "You do not talk about Fight Club". I do love that book and movie though.

A wombat. In the Backyard Sports series (they're fun, so sue me) you can name your teams from a combination of adjectives and animals, and the funniest are always based on Wombats, such as The Humongous Wombats. Plus, they're marsupials, which is just cool.

B) Definately Sean Connery. He's got that amazing accent, and he's much more deadpan hilarious that any of the others. "Plenty O'tool... named for your father, perhaps?"

3) Well I'm not that much into compensating via owning big shiney things but I would like one of the new Impalas. The silver ones with the spoilers are pretty bad ass. I used to have posters of Lamborghini's on my walls as a kid, and they are undeniably cool too. Maybe a 1985 Delorian would be cool too. :)

4) Chasey Lain, although maybe she doesn't really count as a 'celebrity'. I think a lot of the girls I pass walking campus around are much hotter than most celebrities.