View Full Version : Combo Help

09-19-2005, 01:32 PM
Ok I want to make a combo in a dungeon where I have to use the boomerang on a statue to open a shutter door. Now I got the part where you have to boomerang the statue, but I can't find how to add the flag or combo or whatever it is when I boomerang the statue the door opens.


09-19-2005, 01:54 PM
you have to paint the doorway in and use secret combos, it's best used in cave dmaps otherwise the triggers are temporary

09-19-2005, 04:25 PM
You don't normally use combos much for activating secrets. Normally you use flags to activate secrets, and then the combos are what appear after you trigger the flags.

To set up your particular room, go to the flags menu (Data >> Flags or just F8) and find the flags that say "Boomerang". Since you're probably using a wooden boomerang you should select the Boomerang 1 flag. Put one of these flags overtop of the statue. Now hitting the statue with a boomerang will trigger all secret combos on the page.

Now you need to set up the secret combos. Go into the Data>>Secret Combos menu. Find the tab for boomerangs and click the box labeled "wooden boomerang". When you hit your flagged statue with the boomerang it will turn into whatever combo you set here. You will probably set the statue in this combo, maybe with its eyes a different color or something to make it look good.

Now comes the more complicated part. You need to set up the secret combos for the door. Go into the secret combos menu again and go to the tab all the way on the right. The 4*4 boxes you see correspond to secret combo flags in this way:
16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
Set up combos in these boxes, and then use the flags for secret combos to set up your door. Where you put the flag for secret combo 16, the combo in box 16 will appear, etc. You get the idea. In this way you can set up the door.
(You may want to layer the top of the door or else use an overhead combo for it, I don't know which is easier.)

Oh, and like Freedom said, secret combos are temporary on dungeon dmaps.

...Wow. I made that description a lot wordier than it needed to be. :tongue: Hopefully I got the point across, though.

Now that I think about it, if you're using dungeon doors, you could just set a block to appear when you hit the statue, and then set "Block -> Shutters" in the Screen Data menu. *shrug* Just a thought.

09-19-2005, 05:30 PM
And if you set that all up and it's a dungeon dmap then link will be trapped if he tries to return through that door, to get around this, if you aren't going to use cave dmaps, put the door on layer 1 (and the secret combos) and a temp trigger on layer 0 in the doorway so it will open the door when you come back from the other direction.