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09-17-2005, 11:02 PM
Oh man, so Amy and I were coming back from Taco Bell this evening, and her mom tells us about some bitch in Bixby who was killed by a homecoming float. I mean, you know, it's messed up that she died, but seriously, how stupid do you have to be to be killed by a homecoming float? The things go like 3 miles an hour.

This is not a challenge, but top that with a stupid story of your own. Tell me of THE stupidest person (Darwin Awards excluded) that you've heard of that died in a stupid way.

I am reminded of the Dane Cook quote:
"How did Mary die?
A tire. Hit her, in the face"

Oh, man.

carrot red
09-18-2005, 02:56 PM
Yeah, but you don't know what really happened. It doesn't necessarily mean she was ran over.

Anyway, I find the most stupid death stories those you hear before corridas/bull fights when they turn the bulls loose in the streets and people start running in front of them. By the end of the day, there are always casualties and people never learn. It happens every year. That's the epitome of stupid.

Darth Marsden
09-18-2005, 05:09 PM
You want stupid deaths? How about the ones they show in television adverts for road safety? I've seen two-ish so far. There's "If this car had been travelling at 30 MPH, it would have stopped... here" where we get a slow-motion viewing of a young child being hit by a car. Then there's the one shot on a mobile phone camera where a bunch of teens are playing around, one walks out into the road and promptly gets smacked (thankfully, that's in real-time and it's very blurry 'cause it's a mobile phone, so it's not too graphic). And finally, there's the one with the kid walking around telling us how everyone close to him is really depressed lately, before he runs out into the road and a car goes straight through him - he's a ghost. "That's the second time that's happened. Hurt a lot more the first time."

They're very, VERY effective adverts, but highlight the stupidity of people who die in similar circumstances. That's what I'd classify as stupid.

Also, and this is a slightly off-topic, but a 'friend' tricked me into downloading what I thought was a neat skateboarding video. Instead, it turned out to be a collection of deaths. It was horrid, and it was one of those 'I want to turn away, but can't' type of situations. There was some horrible stuff, including a woman getting shot in the head and a man having his penis sliced off. I deleted it as soon as it finished, but UGH. Amazing I managed to keep the contents of my stomach in, really.

Some Kinda Hate
09-18-2005, 08:42 PM
Some creepy guy I used to know sent me a video telling me it was something really cool and it turned out to be a slide show of pictures of people who had killed themselves by jumping off buildings and such and then there was a video of this guy shooting himself through the roof of his mouth.

I was like 11 or 12 years old at the time. I didnt eat for three days and then a month later he got arrested for kiddie porn.

09-19-2005, 05:52 PM
Ok, so there are four people and one dollar. They decide to divide it. Each person gets a quarter. One guy decides that he wants more than a quarter. He wants two. He decides to take one of his friends quarters. He picks the female of the group. He demands her quarter. She says no. He picks up a brick and bashes her in the face. Part of her nose detaches. All over a quarter. True story.

Darth Marsden
09-19-2005, 05:58 PM
Some rather horrid stories here. Here's another. Another friend of mine (one I still trust) sent me a video along with the message 'This is horrible. I can't watch this.' It was a porn video gone wrong. In order to get a high, the guy had shoved the woman's head into a toilet... and held her in there a little too long. I don't know if she lived or died, but my friend was right - it was horrible.

Perhaps the thread title should be changed to give some sort of warning to the content?