View Full Version : Link's Retirement sequel

09-16-2005, 05:25 PM
Link's Retirement 2 will be arriving in a few weeks. I was wondering if anyone would care to beta test it. I will give credits to those that do.

Glass Cleaner
09-16-2005, 06:53 PM
Ill do it man. Tell me where to get it. Ill do it, and wont tell anyone. Email me at [email protected] Ill gladly do it!

Mystic Link
09-17-2005, 02:06 AM
I can be your man for the job :cool:

I'm pretty trustworthy, no worries there

09-17-2005, 06:30 AM
I can do it. Im trustworthy.

Glass Cleaner
09-17-2005, 10:36 PM
Yea, all three of us will do it! Its a good deal, dont get me wrong!

Mystic Link
09-18-2005, 12:14 AM
Yea, all three of us will do it! Its a good deal, dont get me wrong!

Should make things faster anyway...

10-19-2005, 01:15 PM
Okay now. The quest has been completed. Any available Testers?

10-19-2005, 03:55 PM
Coout me in!

10-19-2005, 04:01 PM
I'll e-mail it to you! What is your address?

Anyone else?

10-19-2005, 04:49 PM
That SHOULD be enough beta testers..

I beta test my quests by myself, doing it yourself can be done faster than with people helping becasue it has to be organized, etc.

10-19-2005, 08:02 PM
Well Glass Cleaner has left AGN cause he said, " This place sucks soooo much...If I had a shard of glass, I would stab Eckels and all of his F****ing minions." He said those EXACT words, so I will take over in place of him. I will test it. My email is [email protected] Thx!

10-19-2005, 08:58 PM
I always test them myself 1st anyways.

I still like to have the 2nd opinions. More than one set of eyes can catch what mine hasn't.

10-20-2005, 12:21 PM
In the rightmost room of the long shop in Hyrule Village, the southern door leads to behind the desk at the Inn! The player is stuck!

There is something wrong with Ganon's message room concerning the southern side warp. Again, the player is stuck, this time, in an infinite loop.

Are those misplaced combos on the NE screen of Mountain Village?

10-20-2005, 01:13 PM
1. Missed side warp.

2. Need to remove steps at begining of message.

3. Yes.

Also, please send me private messages until this goes public.

10-21-2005, 04:44 PM
SE corner of Lake Shore does not allign with screen west of it.

Undercombos missing 1 W of SE corner of Lake Shore.

Screens 1N, 2W and 1N, 1W of SE Lake Shore corner need proper transistioning.

On the easternmost island at the Lake, a cave secret combo is missing, though the player can still advance.

Are the statues 2S of Triforce in Level 3 suppose to fire?

@ Remanents "I love th springs, Don't you?" should be "I love the springs, don't you?"

Reading sign in Remanents changes map title and music to that of Wastelands.

Level 4 has a room with a dungeon treasure in it (I won't tell what) accessable only from the north. However, the north wall has a 1-way shutter. How does the player return?

Level 4 has a segment in which a player without the Master Key can get stuck; is there a way for the door leading back downstairs to open?

Also, I am not sure of this, but is it possible for someone to unlock the "wrong doors" and not be able to finish the dungeon?

Edit: I also noticed that a room with Lanmolas has an eye statue surrounded what looks like holes. Four buttons are on the corners. The stepladder does not work in this room. Is this supposed to happen, or is something wrong?

10-22-2005, 12:02 AM ---> fixed.

3. Not sure what you mean and where.
4. Secret on layer missing.
8. Take the stairs down. Come back the way you came.
9.Yes, missed enemies->secret.
10. No.
11. Was meant to happen.

10-22-2005, 01:14 AM
3. Not sure what you mean and where.
4. Secret on layer missing.
8. Take the stairs down. Come back the way you came.
9.Yes, missed enemies->secret.
10. No.
11. Was meant to happen.8) What stairs? There are no stairs in the room holding the Power Bracelet. In the room just north, the player can only reach the Bracelet by walking through a walk-through south wall. Once the player enters the Bracelet room in this way, the player travels through a one way shutter and is stuck.

9) I am referring to the room 1 S and 1 W of the room with the Manhandla. The door leading back downstairs does not open even after all enemies are removed.

11) Can the eastern shutter in the room with 4 Lanmolas and the eye statue surrounded by inpassable holes be opened?

10-24-2005, 07:24 AM
8. I fixed it so you can leave this room.
9. Fixeed this as well missed flag.
11. Yes, you need a certain item to trigger the secret.

10-26-2005, 09:58 PM
I found some strange combos 2N and 1E of the first room beyond the frozen waterfall. What kind of combos are those?

Also, I am still stumped on Level 4. I have two keys faced with a locked door leading to the room with the Lanmolas, a locked passage toward the Manhandla, and a locked Power Bracelet box. I thought getting the Power Bracelet was needed to continue (to possibly find something outside to open the shutter in the Lanmola room), but it led me to the snowy mountains. How do I progress in Level 4?

Edit: In Level 4, the room with the three Like Likes and Bubble has a minor misplaced combo in the SE corner. I assume a certain item found in the dungeon is needed to hit the eye statue because arrows do not work.

10-27-2005, 07:37 AM
Those combos you found behind the frozen waterfall is supposed to be a waterfall. The waterfall is the key to level 5.

To finish level 4, you must find the magic boomerang.(Found on the overworld(look for a rock to push))

10-27-2005, 04:33 PM
Those combos you found behind the frozen waterfall is supposed to be a waterfall. The waterfall is the key to level 5.

To finish level 4, you must find the magic boomerang.(Found on the overworld(look for a rock to push))So far, all I found was a pushable rock at the bridge leading to the snowy mountains and another near the very beginning that revealed a heart container. I checked every stone that I could, but have no other bright spots. Could you PM me?

10-28-2005, 08:30 PM
Those combos you found behind the frozen waterfall is supposed to be a waterfall. The waterfall is the key to level 5.Is the passage beyond what should be a waterfall still accessable? I used the Whistle a couple times with no success.

10-29-2005, 04:35 PM
Anyone else see the irony of this title...?

This sounds intersting... but arent you kinda giving away lots of information in public view?

10-31-2005, 04:26 PM
Anyone else see the irony of this title...?

This sounds intersting... but arent you kinda giving away lots of information in public view?

Nah, I figure this thread serves well for a special inside glimpse. Not really giving anything away.

By the way the name is different as well.