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View Full Version : Link's outfit color w/ rings

09-13-2005, 11:57 AM
In the Classic tileset, how does one change the color of Link's outfit while wearing a ring? Which colors on which pallattes do I have to modify?

09-13-2005, 12:34 PM
Okay, some things you should know.

Firstly, It all happens in Quest-->Graphics-->Palette-->_____, whereas _____ is the location we're working at.

Second. Link's Tunic colors depend on certain Csets within the Main and Extra Colors Palette areas.

Thirdly, Link's Primary Green tunic, is based off of Cset 6 in the Main Palette. (See Firstly.) Change its colors, and LInk (with no ring) will change colors too.

Fourthly: There are two seperate "color changers" for Link. One changes his armor colors in-game, and the other changes the colors of the quest icons of that quest at the quest selection screen.

To change the in-game ones, you should go to Extra Sprite Palettes 1 or whatever it's called. Cset 6 is blue, 7 is red, and 8 is gold. Cset 9, 10, 11, and 12, are for Link's green, blue, red, and gold Csets respectively on the quest selection screen. And again, Link's GREEN tunic is on the Main Palette, cset 6. Don't confuse the Main Palette and the Extra Sprite palette 1. ;)

09-20-2005, 11:36 PM
Thank you Britannianhero4