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09-13-2005, 08:14 AM
Now 3 times, in the past 2 weeks or so, i've been woken by my girlfriend in the form of a phone call in the very late hours of the night... Say, between 2am-6am... During this time, i've managed to hold calls of her over periods of 5-15 minutes. On one of these instances, although the call woke me, i missed answering it, and recieved a voicemail from her, listened to the voicemail, and called her back to talk for near on 10 minutes. The problem is, when i wake up, i have no memory of talking to her, and accuse her of not calling.

Am i so used to her calling in the middle of the night, that i've became so accustomed to getting out of bed, turning my PC monitor on, and answering the call, that i'm now capable of doing it in my sleep. I even managed to find her name on my call list, and call it back. I can't remember any details of the call, but i'm talking to her in a way that as far as she can tell, i'm completely awake. This morning, i spoke to a friend of her's, too, who couldn't tell the difference either.

Does anyone have any advice on how i could overcome this problem? Should i have my girlfriend query me as to whether i'm awake when i answer? Should i change the ringer on my phone? Any advice or stories that could be of assistance would be very welcome.

09-13-2005, 04:43 PM
Does anyone have any advice on how i could overcome this problem? Should i have my girlfriend query me as to whether i'm awake when i answer? Should i change the ringer on my phone? Any advice or stories that could be of assistance would be very welcome.

I had an ex that would carry on detailed conversations in her sleep. i'd call, and think she was wide awake and fine. as far as i know, there' not muchyou can do, other than move your phone somewhere you can't hear it when you go to sleep (or turn the ringer off so you just don't answer *shrug*)

09-13-2005, 04:52 PM
In my world, calling me in the middle of the night earns you an insta-dump.

That's a weird phenomenon. I would say the solution is for her to stop waking you up in the middle of the night.

09-13-2005, 05:24 PM
In my world, calling me in the middle of the night earns you an insta-dump..

he is half a world away from her, so the middle of the night there is early afternoon here.

09-13-2005, 05:35 PM
Sup fellow sleepwalker? I have a similar frustrating talent for turning off my alarm clock without even coming out of sleep.

It should be nice and easy to move the clock where I cannot reach it, but my subconscious has overcome that obstacle as well (additionally I am a heavy sleeper so if I move it too far away I sleep straight on through). Also, this manner of solution probably isn't great for you since you already manage to sleepwalk to the phone.

The best thing you can do is make sure that the process cannot become routine. Odds are you leave the phone in the same place every night. If you have someone else in the house, get them to hide the phone in a random place in your room. The key is you can't know where the phone is because that introduces the possibilty your sleepwalking pattern will adapt. Hopefully, you'll wake up, sleepwalk to the normal place, not find the phone there, and then wake up.

Otherwise I'm not sure there is much you can do but alter your sleep schedule to make it more convenient to be awake at that time though that is probably a ridiculous suggestion.

09-13-2005, 05:38 PM
he is half a world away from her, so the middle of the night there is early afternoon here.

I know. My sentiment stands. :)

09-13-2005, 06:55 PM
I'm famous for talking in my sleep. People have been telling me i've been doing it for years. Of course I don't remember any of it...

One particular story comes to mind. When I was fourteen, I broke my leg very badly. I was in the hospital for about a week, and when I got home I wasn't allowed to walk for another six weeks. My parents set up a hospital bed in the den, so I could at least watch TV.

It wasn't clear if I'd ever be able to walk again. It was a very serious break, actually splitting the bone at the end in three places. They did surgery, put in a pin and a screw to hold it all together, and sewed me back up. During those six weeks I wasn't able to move any part of my leg, ankle, or anything.

So anyways, one night, I don't know how late, I apparently started yelling "MOM! MOM!". My mother comes running downstairs to see what's the matter. When she gets there, I said excitedly "LOOK MOM! I CAN MOVE MY WRIST AGAIN!"

(BTW At no point was there anything wrong with my wrist.) She could tell I was sleep talking, told me to go back to sleep, and from what I understand, I instantly closed my eyes and was out.

I have no recollection of that ever happening whatsoever. My mother told me all about it the next day. MY step-father heard it too, so I knew she wasn't dreaming. It's just weird that's all.

I've also had many conversations in my sleep with my wife. She says I do it a lot.

09-13-2005, 07:41 PM
I have slept walked, slept with my eyes opened, slept talked, and I have no recollection of any of it. I just find it a funny thing to laugh about in later times.

My dad works in the AM hours, so sometimes he will come into my room to check if I am alright. And sometimes I blabber on about absolutely nothing comprehensible. "Kevin, you awake?" he might say, and I will answer "yes, tomatoes will add spice" or something to that nature. I remember my dreams too, and they have nothing to do with what I sleep talk about.

The weirdest thing is when someone wakes you up, and you talk back to them right after waking. Even that stuff in blabber. Sometimes I even dream about waking up and getting ready for school :D

09-13-2005, 08:01 PM
The weirdest thing is when someone wakes you up, and you talk back to them right after waking. Even that stuff in blabber.
I do this and doze back off into sleepland. My mom tells me I talk about stupidness but I don't remember. Once, she told me that I asked her what happened to the boy that fell off the hill. There are NO hills anywhere near my house :laughing:. Sometimes, when I fall asleep on the couch, she tells me to got to my bed and I do. I don't remember the walk to my room in the morning. "How did I get here? :scared: "