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09-12-2005, 04:27 PM
Yesterday me, my roomate, and one of our buddies were sitting in this bar in Cincinnati waiting for the reds game to start. We had tickets and wanted to get a little drunk beforehand, cause beer is liek $6.50 in the stadium. Its this little hole in the wall shit bar about the size of my apartment, it rocked, those are the best kind of bars. Anyways, I drink about half my beer, and i realize i have to piss. I had felt kind of weird the past day or so, but i just passed it off as a hangover or something. OK, enought with teyh bull shit, the story im trying to tell is, i get right outside the bathroom, around teh corner from everyone else who is in the bar, and everything goes black, my eyes are open, but i cant see shit, then i start shaking, really bad, and i have to throw myself against the wall to keep from collapsing, finally after what seemed liek forever, some of teh color cdomes back and i can make out a chair next to me, i sit down and rest my head and i start to feel a little better, i still feel really dizzy and shitty, but i can stand up now, and i finish my way to teh bathroom, i look at myself in teh mirror and i am pale white, like whiter than alex, and my eyes are beat red, plus im covered in a very cold sweat now, i start to get dizzy again so i sit on the toilet and take a shit, you didnt need to know that, but now you can think about me shitting, and thats important to you. i flush, and wash up, and make my way back to my buddies, who had 2 more beers and a three wiseman (jack, jim, and cuervo all in one shot) Im thinking, no way, im way to sick for this shit, so i order a coke and a sammich.

the end

It scared teh shit out of me, I had a little bit here and there, but the last real meal i had eaten was friday evening, it was now sunday afternoon, plus i had been drunk twice between the last time i had eaten, and the moment of teh attack, so i think alot of it was from not eating, dehydration from drinking so much, and io had seriously had like 4 hours of sleep over teh past 3 days as i worked 55 hours last week, 15 of those on friday. Im rambling now, just... just... feel my pain bitches!

09-12-2005, 04:40 PM
I have no idea whether this is the same thing that happened to you, but I've had similar sudden blackouts before. Once after sitting watching TV for a bit I decided to go to the kitchen to get something. I got up quickly and walked the 25 feet or so. About the time I reached the kitchen I started to feel disoriented. I grabbed the handle of the refrigerator when I got to it and my condition got steadily worse. I felt an odd shaking sensation as well and suddenly everything went black. I guess I went unconscious, but I came to rather quickly to see my mom asking what was wrong. It's happened a few times after I've been sitting for a while.

09-12-2005, 05:23 PM
I've gone mysteriously blind twice before. One time I was playong Final Fantasy VIII in the dark and all of the sudden the center of my vision goes very fuzzy and is the color is mixed with the outer sides I can see. The only way to see objects is to not look directly at them. I decide to go down to the lit kitchen and I run into the wall. I also tripped over the dog gate. My dad wondered what the hell was going on. He made me turn my game off and go to bed. I felt alot better the next morning. It wasn't lack of sleep because I had gone to bed at 11:30 the night before and I woke up at 10:00 the morning of the incident.

carrot red
09-13-2005, 11:50 AM
The moral of the story. You should eat before drinking and try to sleep a little more.

I blackout if I stay too long in the sun because of dehydration and if I remain standing and not moving for a long time.

09-13-2005, 12:10 PM
Remember sleeping with any random whores during your period of "blackedoutness"?

09-13-2005, 08:22 PM
Dehydration probably caused it. Similar shit happens with bad food poisening but having not eaten that seems unlikely. I've never heard of anything like that happening from malnutrition or fatigue. Maybe your liver is giving out.

I feel your pain, bubba.