View Full Version : Torches

09-04-2005, 09:18 PM
Is there a way to have four torches on the screen, and then make it so that a secret is only triggered when all four are lit (like in the early dungeons of A Link To The Past)?

09-04-2005, 10:08 PM
there is a way i just don't know where you can find it :laughing:

09-04-2005, 10:19 PM
Yes, but it involves Tiered Triggering.

Tiered triggering is essentially stacking secret flags on top of existing secret combos (that have yet to be triggered) so that when they do trigger, they'll have a secret already on them to be triggered next.

It's basically like, ... well, imagine a floor, with several stacks of plates. Some stacks only have one plate as the stack, while others have more than one plate on it. The floor represents the triggering sequence, upon which the plates on it would trigger as they would in ZC.

Now, remove the bottom-most plate from each stack. What happens? The previous secrets / plates have already been triggered, so that leaves the secrets that were on top of the secrets that had been triggered already, which have NOT YET been triggered.

... I really hope this is getting through to you. XD I suck at explaining things sometimes.

So, before you work with the torches, work with setting tiered secrets. I.e. secrets triggered will allow for another chance to trigger secrets, because secrets have been stacked on top of each other.

How do you stack a secret? In the Secret Combos screen, (Data-->Secret Combos) go to the last panel, (The right-most one.) and ctrl+Click on one of the 4x4 black boxes. You can select a flag for that secret combo to have. If you Ctrl+Click on Secret Combo #1, (The upper left of those boxes.) and select Flag #17, (Corresponding to Secret Combo #2, as Flag #16 is for #1.) that will mean that when Secret Combo #16 is triggered, (AKA Tier 1.) the next time secrets are triggered on that screen, Secret Combo #2, (By Flag #16) will trigger, because it had been placed on top of Secret Combo #1.

So, if you place Flag #16 (Again, corresponding with Secret Combo #1) on a piece of floor, and set Secret Combo #1 to have #2 as its followup, you can have two secrets appear by the same flag.

So in terms of your question, You'd be placing a lot of blank lamps as secret combos, linking them down the chain. In terms of your arrangement, only one of your lamps can have the burn flag, as the rest will have secret flags on them.

It's highly mathematical in nature. Try to figure it out based on the clues I have given you. Good luck.

09-04-2005, 11:21 PM
Just open my SwanSong quest and see how it's done, it would be easier that way I think.
You can also put smoke on layer 3 so they smoke when lit too.
The password to SwanSong is gleeok3

09-05-2005, 02:12 AM
I figured it out on my own. Thank you all for the help anyway.

I found it easy when I used each row in the 4x4 secret combos window for each trigger event--flags 16-19 for trigger event #1, flags 20-23 for trigger event #2 and so on. It helped me get my flag assignments right.

09-05-2005, 02:47 AM
Doing it that way is a real waste of time and secret combos.
Bare bones it can be made to work with burn (4 I think), 16, 17, and 18
Then on layer 3 you use 16 with smoke, and clear in 17, 18, 19 and have them trigger down to 16.

09-07-2005, 04:28 PM
Use freedoms way or make a torch and put a fire undercombo! I dunno.