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09-01-2005, 02:24 PM
...Can occur at any time. I'll just take a few moments and describe one that happened recently for me. Me and a friend of mine arranged a trip for me to travel to New Jersey(for those of you who don't know, I currently live in Michigan). Now some might think that it's not an interesting trip, but for a perceptive and "wandering student" type of person like me, it turned out to be a very pleasant experience. If you want to skip the details, just go past the cyan text here.

Since I was an air virgin, getting on a plane made me nervous. Very nervous. Add to that the fact that I had to navigate a series of hallways and elevators to reach the desired area, and there you have good reason. I had to go from Detroit Metro to Newark Liberty, and the servce was more or less friendly. Someone helped me to the plane, and we were off(after about an hour positioning the plane for take off). The ride to Newark was boring. Cramped in a small window seat, looking at the sky and clouds, it seemed like the plane was swimming in a sea of soap suds. As we got higher into the air, it was just blue...nothingness. It took me an hour or so to get to Newark, and my friend greeted me at luggage claim(who will now be referred to as Matt).

Now, I lived with him for 2 weeks and experienced what he goes through on a typical day. He has a lot of female friends, and surprisingly, they were pleased to see me. Anyway, we all got along fine, and then he showed me the various places in New Jersey he hangs out at. I tried a variety of otherworldly dishes(I could only remember him telling me about the Malaysian food I ate) and I also visited some fast food restaurants. In Newark, everything seemed...bigger, than what I'd usually have in the mitt. Taco Bell's burritos were literally stuffed(no I didn't order those), and Wendy's burgers seemed to be a little harder to eat than what I remember. When it came to dinner time at his house, it would be served late, around 10:30. His father really knows how to cook, and has a large library of recipes under his belt. Any new dishes that aren't eaten become leftovers and any leftovers not eaten become part of tomorrow night's dinner. Half of the vegetables we ate were actually home grown, but there was still meat to be devoured. I soon realized how bad people in America were actually eating, compared to what I ate(my friend's religion doesn't allow him to eat pork, and fast food isn't exactly frowned upon, but lightly discouraged). I was very surprised to have lost a significant amount of weight there, despite what I ate.

A few times while I was there, me and Matt's father talked about more adult issues. Oddly eough, I got along well with him, and talked about all sorts of matters, from political, to spiritual issues. The insight I obtained from him was very profound, and really opened my eyes. He was a strict, smart man, but at the same time a very compassionate person. He loves working in the garden when he arrives home from work and adores nature. Now, one of the reasons why I traveled to NJ on the 17th of August was because my friend was going to college in September. When I was there, his sister showed me where she was going for a college level education, which was Stevens.

The place was huge, but was easy to navigate once you understood the map. It was pretty old looking, but had a lot of facilities for large and small classes, residents and dining. It was at that time where I went to Hoboken, which was a very nice place. From there i could see the Empire State building, and New York. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to travel there(sorry BH4). And the people were very nice as well, I haven't seen so many people from across the globe in one place.

Anyway, as my vacation died down, I went to a few other places and picked a nice book on psychic development. For some reason, amongst all the books on similar categories, I was drawn to this one. What I read in that book was very interesting and enriched my knowledge of the occult. Once I start to get the hang of all the exercises presented, I'm sure my intuitive abilities will increase ten fold. I recommend everyone interested read "Psychic Development for Beginners" by William W. Hewitt.

As my vacation came to a close I headed to the airport, and said my goodbyes to my dear friend. As I again placed myself into a small window seat, I was greeted by a flight attendant, named Pamela. She was a middle aged woman, with a very nice body. Trying to reply well to a woman who was eager to start a conversation, I replied with my usual cocky one-liners. Needless to say, our interaction got off to a lovely start. We talked for a long time, and the more we talked, the more similarities and distinctions I could see in the two of us. It was like, whatever problems one of us had, the other could easily fix without harm and with love and respect. I guess you could say we were the yin to the other's yang and were destined to meet. It also made me realize how far people have fallen from grace so to speak. We're so busy trying to take care of our own problems and get to the top, we forget how easy it is to do so while helping others do the same and making our lives better by interactng with other people, just for the sake of no-strings enjoyment.

As I was heading home to my apartment, I was thinking about the multitude of experiences I had within just 2 weeks in one state, and imagined how many I could experience beyond that. To my surprise, I returned to a messy home, filled with anger, laziness and for the lack of a better term, stupidity. It was at that time I realized how important I was to my siblings and just how much of a difference I made in doing the mundane chores and constantly scolding them.

To sum things up, I took a short trip and came back with incredible experiences and a renewed perspective on life. I also know about the recent disasters that have hit our beloved, but plagued country. And to that, I say not to compare any disasters to anyone because they don't share the same perspective as you or anything else, but to send your love, courage and whatever else you can generously to those affected, move on with your life, and allow others to do the same.

09-01-2005, 04:11 PM
Sounds like a good experience. Glad you got a lot out of it.

My life changing experience forced me to grow up very quickly. I went from a whiney college kid with everything handed to him to a grown (and married) man who works a real job and earns his pay. Joining the army kinda does that. Sometimes I wish I would have stayed in college and gotten a bit more "childhood" out of my life, but I didn't, and I have to live with my decision. Its all good.

I would hardly call our country plagued...there are many many countries that are worse off than ours. Remember that.

09-01-2005, 07:21 PM
Yes, those kinds of things force you to grow up. I call our country that because while other countries seem to have it worse off, ours still has a lot of issues that other countries don't have that need to be dealt with if we want it to stay prosperous(or close to it), and the people who have the most power aren't willing to do the right thing, which is quite unfortunate.