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08-28-2005, 12:22 PM
It feels like a long time coming, but here's to 4k. I know it's not really that big of a deal, and I'm like half as high as a few members, but that's not the point so much as how far I have came in 4 thousand posts, 3 3/4 years. I remember being borderline mentally retarded, forum wise, when I came here. I like to think that I've come a far way. While I have pretty warped social skills, I believe that I have developed them enough to not get banned every other day, anymore (Right, Breaker? ;). ) So here's my fourthousandth post. Yipee Cai yo, or whatever.

So instead of turning this into some dumb "Yay I have no life post" I suppose we could discuss something interesting, or something. Or I could tell you about my life, and you guys could respond with stuff. I'm sure I'll type something worthwhile soon.

My band Still Broke recorded an album this summer, we're workign on album design and all that right now.
My band Maximum Etcetera is in the middle of recording an Electronica album, Dance versions of our Latin/Jazz tunes. Half the songs are written, and like 2 of them have all the BG tracks done.
I have a side project with Tim ( http://purevolume.com/galacticfreedomcorps ) of Maximum Etcetera. We're writing a movie/musical theater piece, with electronica music as the soundtrack, as opposed to musical theater music and such.
I have another side project with Derek of Maximum Etcetera and Fugett of Still Broke, scheduled to record for a week on Christmas Break, a three movement, 18 minute long piece, Titled "Equinoxes", under the name Thematic Expressions.

I am in the marching band, but our school district is screwing us over this year. They tried to cut one of our directors, over the summer, but we got the community to donate 40,000, in like two weeks, somehow, so we got to keep him. However, through the whole thing, our head director quit, and we had like a week to find a new director. Amazingly we got this new guy who is really freaking good. He's from New Orleans. Now they're not gonna pay for our bus transportation to football games, but they're still gonna make us go to them, which is kinda messed up.

My girlfriend and I are okay. I've been having some problems lately, with being unable to be happy, but I'm working on it. I'm not gonna give up on her.

As some of you know, my little brother was born two and a half years ago, with clubbed feet. Since then he has had numerous problems arise, including water on the brain, strange spots over his hear, and deafness. He is only deaf in one year, and nothing is currently life threatening, though if his problems remain he may have to undergo surgery. But I got to hear him speak to me, the other day, and he has by far the cutest voice in the world. ;). He's a wicked awesome kid, and I wish I could see him more often.

We got a new car a couple of weeks ago, no dents or anything, runs perfectly. The day we got it my friend accidentally backed into it, but it wasn't a big deal to me; just a dent right? Well, the other night some drunk driver slammed into the back of it, totally messing up the backleft of the car, and now it won't even start. The upside is that it's really cool that the entire police force is looking for that guy, so it gives me the illusion of importance.

I got my wisdom teeth taken out, and I'm on these Loritabs, and pennicillen, and some other thing to fight off infection. I can't eat, all that. But I do think that getting them out was kinda fun. My dentist was crazy. I mean, seriously. I thought it was fun though.

I totally just went off topic in my own topic.

Anyway, that's all I can think of right now. Have a nice day.

Oh yeah, and leave me a lot of green rep :P

EDIT: I forgot Maximum Etcetera is playing at Hastings this saturday. That is all.

Darth Marsden
08-28-2005, 12:54 PM
Hey, happy 4,000! Man, your life is so much more interesting then mine. No harm in going off topic in your own topic, the only problem arises if you try to say it three times fast. :p

Here's to four thousand more!

08-28-2005, 12:54 PM
Yay! You are awesome.

It "makes my blood boil" to hear about the school district treating your band like crap. What the hell is the point of school anymore? Science budgets are shrinking, arts are being blatantly eliminated, and the only classes left are the social indoctrination classes where they teach kids not to think for themselves. ARG!

Fuck that asshole who hit your car, fuck your school, and fuck you! (er wait, not that last one:))

I hope everything works out for you.

08-28-2005, 01:58 PM
I should like to add that I wasn't driving the car. I kinda phrased it odd. But I was not in the car when it got hit. Just thought I should clear that up.
About the school board, I don't knwo why they cut our program. They should cut our football team. They won three games last night, which was actually one game more than their season goal. They seriously suck. We came in 6th in marching last year, statewide, which is the highest in a long time.

08-28-2005, 02:33 PM
Congrats darlin :) Good luck to li'l bro. May he thrive and always be happy and content.
:) love you!

Great Warrior
08-29-2005, 03:01 AM
Congratulations. i like your music and wish you luck. i am sorry about your little brother.
i fail to see the use of wisdom teeth. all they do is decay and have to be taken out.

09-08-2005, 11:53 PM
I kinda got some stuff to say in relatino to that stuff up there, so I'll just do it here. Our directors said we're not going to the games, which kinda sucks becasue it's really fun, so we're just doing home games now.

My little brother has started talking recently, and apparently now wears glasses. My other little brother is now a 6th grader and he went to his first dance tonight....Which is weird for me, because I remember doing that as well, same age and everything. It's a very strange feeling.

That MEATFSB show at Hastings was weird but cool. We're gonna do it again in November, and Still Broke might do it at the end of September. Still Broke is opening up for Mourning September the 17....has anyone heard of them? Apparently they're moderately well known. *shrugs*

Oh yeah, the football team actually won our first game. It was kinda a cool game too. It was neat, at the end, the coach asked us to play the "Fight Song" one more time, which is cool because we rarely get to play it anyway :P