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08-28-2005, 11:29 AM
...and let the army fuck me in the ass again.

Most of you know I'm in Iraq. I wear it like a billboard so if you don't know, you either don't know who I am or you just don't pay any attention. Well, I recieved good and bad news today.

The Good News: My unit will be home by the end of January 2006. I will then have two combat tour free years in Georgia.

The Bad News: My unit will be deploying in January of 2008 to Iraq for another year long tour. Even worse...they freeze all soldiers who are supposed to ETS (end term of service) in May of 07...I'm supposed to be out in January 08, meaning I'll be going on another year long escapade in the asshole of the world. Another year...and then after that, they won't let me out right away, I'll have three months where I have to stay with my unit so I get a chance to search for a job or get ready for school or whatever. So after signing a contract for 4 years in the army, I'll be extended another year and a half. I have a year and a half in right now...so those four years I signed up for start now.

At least I'll have two years with no combat...yeah...

Darth Marsden
08-28-2005, 11:39 AM
Ah man, that sucks. My sympathies. Try to look on the bright side though - you're serving your country and doing it proud. If I were even remotely related to you, I'd be so proud of my little Anthony...

Plus, there's always that chance you'll get promoted again. And, as you said, there is that two years with no combat. Cheer up, little soldier. It'll fly by.

08-28-2005, 12:06 PM
If the war on oil, I mean, Iraq ended within those two years, would you then not have to go back over there?

08-28-2005, 12:31 PM
Well that's good/bad knews. We can only hope that the war might die down a bit by then and your unit won't need to be deployed. Good luck man and thanks for serving the country.

08-28-2005, 12:49 PM
That sucks dude. You'd think that since we have a "volunteer army" (to quote Bush), that it'd be somehow illegal for them to just randomly modify your contract. Hell, why don't they just make you stay in forever? Screw that, why don't they make your wife join too? :(

I'm really sorry to hear about the 2nd tour. Maybe you should try and fight it legally somehow?

08-28-2005, 01:17 PM
That definitely blows. Over at PZC, one of the staff will be going down to Iraq as well, and he's been depressed and exploding over the whole ordeal, and I can probably guess you may feel the same way. :\

All I can say is good luck!

08-28-2005, 01:42 PM
Can't fight it legally. I'm legally bound to the army for 8 years. I only have to do 4 of active service unless the army needs me so...

carrot red
08-28-2005, 02:40 PM
Can't fight it legally. I'm legally bound to the army for 8 years. I only have to do 4 of active service unless the army needs me so...
Let's hope it won't come to that, shall we?
Why 8 years? You said 4 plus a year and a half.

08-28-2005, 02:46 PM
It wouldn't be able to. As a soldier you cannot fight the government legally for anything. When you sign the first contract, you sign for 8 years no matter what. Some people sign up for 2 years, some for 4 years, some for 6 years. Those are how many years they are active, meaning they work daily with their units and deploy with their units. The remaining years are spent as inactive, meaning if the army really needs you or needs to hold you over, they can reactivate you for however long a deployment is going to be.

carrot red
08-28-2005, 02:51 PM
I know you can't fight it. When *I said I hope it won't come to that,* I was replying to "unless the army needs me so..."

Good luck, Tony.

08-28-2005, 05:11 PM
I'm sorry...I hope something happens soon that shortens the war a lot. I remember when they were counting days and expecting the war to be over in like a month. bah! If there's anything that drives me crazy, it's thinking you see an end in sight to a task, and then having a bunch of stuff added on at the last minute. I can't even imagine how that must feel in this situation :/

08-28-2005, 05:19 PM
Tony, have you ever read Catch 22?

08-29-2005, 11:48 AM
Nope. I've heard of it though, should I get it?

08-29-2005, 02:38 PM
In Catch 22, the commander of the Bomber Squadron kept raising the required number of missions before a crew member was eligible for rotation back to the states. The number set by the government was 25, (I don't care what all of you say, this is NOT where the title of the book comes from. It's 25, not 22 god dammit.) and I think the final number of missions was in the 60's or higher. But he would always raise them right before everyone would fly their last mission.

There's more to it of course. It's a good read.

08-29-2005, 04:59 PM
But he would always raise them right before everyone would fly their last mission.

not everyone. just one guy (Joe if i remember right). after all, with all the time spent in the infirmary, Yossarian couldn't have flown as many missions as others

that sucks that you're going ot be there longer. try to stay safe

carrot red
08-30-2005, 01:17 PM
This link (http://www.bellmore-merrick.k12.ny.us/catch22.html) will help you get a clearer picture of what Bel wanted to mention.
It's a good read, Tony.