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08-26-2005, 02:23 AM

Good lord, if it's going to cost that much, I'm not getting it. Not right away anyway.

08-26-2005, 02:34 AM
i was looking for a way to quickly spend my paycheck all in one place...

Darth Marsden
08-26-2005, 09:46 AM
Holy mammories on a stick! Nicely shot in the foot, Microsoft. Man, I knew it was gonna be pricey, but ouch!

Dart Zaidyer
08-26-2005, 09:49 AM
I remember people were actually paying upwards of 400 to 500 dollars on PS2s at launch.

But is the X-Box really *that* popular?

08-26-2005, 10:27 AM
$299 is my cap on a new system. As much of a fanboy as I am, if the Revolution is more than that I will wait until its price is more reasonable.

Welcome to the new age of gaming guys. Ooohing and aaaahing over pretty graphics while ignoring the gameplay elements that were sacrificed have now brought the PC into the gaming world. Consequently, consoles are beginning to cost as much as a PC. Now, instead of a world where everyone is playing on the same hardware so everyone is fighting on level ground we will play in a world with haves and have-nots.

How well do you think a gamer with a 19" analog TV is going to play against one who bought the more expensive XBox 360 package so he could play in HD on his $4,000 widescreen TV?

08-26-2005, 10:51 AM
... Holy crap.

Who do they expect to be buying this? The majority of people who own consoles are either kids whose parents bought it for them, or people in college. Unless their kid's a spoiled brat, I really doubt that parents are willing to shell out $400 for a system. And college students just don't have that kind of money.

Half of the stuff they're putting on the systems people don't even need. Most people don't even need a DVD player on a gaming system. I don't watch a whole lot of movies, and I don't need the price of a gaming system jacked up for something I won't use. :glare:

I got my GCN for Christmas and I think it was $150 then. I got my PS2 a year ago for $100. I really hope that Nintendo doesn't put the Revolution up to something over $250. For a gaming system that only has a life of 3 or 4 years, it isn't worth the cost of a computer. :disgust:

08-26-2005, 11:15 AM
I waited a while before buying a Gamecube. I just couldn't afford to buy one when it launched. I think I finally got one in the fall of 2002 when it was $150, when they had the deal where you get Metroid Prime for free. I needed to get it before March 2003, cause that's when The Wind Waker came out. I'll probably wait until the Zelda game for the DS comes out before picking up one of those too.

I saw that X-Box 360 article. That's just too much money for a normal person. I'm going to laugh though if people buy that huge bundle with four games, and the games wind up being lousy.

08-26-2005, 11:16 AM
I project somewhat of a financial crash in the video game world, as legions of people decide that the new generations of consoles just aren't worth it.

Also, if you guys think Microsoft is the only company about to release a ludicrously expensive console, you've got something else coming.

08-26-2005, 11:21 AM
I project somewhat of a financial crash in the video game world, as legions of people decide that the new generations of consoles just aren't worth it.

I think there will be people who will still buy the games regardless of price, but I do see a crash of the industry coming too. I made similar comments a few months ago: http://www.armageddongames.net/showpost.php?p=1010420&postcount=4

08-26-2005, 12:08 PM
Sony's been touting a multi-level release of the PS3 since the PS2 first came out. Microsoft is just beating them to it, although Sony's take on it at the time had nothing to do with the PS3 functionality as a console. It was more like, you could also have your PS3 function as a TiVo and other shit if you paid more.

08-26-2005, 01:33 PM
I think the thing to consider here though before we all jump to conclusions is this is the first available preorder bundle. Remember this is EB doing this, not MS. If people are stupid enough to jump at the first preorder bundle available, well then EB deserves to take their money. Really, it shouldn't be hard to find a base system near launchtime. (As you can probably tell, I've tempered somewhat after first reading this)
The big problem here is, apart from the system being priced too high, is the peripherals are way too expensive. I mean, $40 for a memory card? Come on. I'm going to get the bare-bones peripherals until third party companies start making them at half the price.

08-26-2005, 03:19 PM
The Revolution won't cost that much. I think you could expect Nintendo's usual pricing.

Some people speculate that Sony might be trying to get M$ to think PS3 will cost alot and then actually going lower to try to cut into sales, or something like that. If Sony was smart that is what they'd do. But they won't, I'm sure they'd love to sell their PS3 for 500$ or something.

Darth Marsden
08-26-2005, 03:25 PM
I applaud you for your monetary sacrifice.

Yes, we know it's the first pre-order deal, and we know it'll get cheaper, but by how much exactly? Not a lot, I'll bet. I'm not good with American prices (I think I have to take a third off to get a rough price in English pounds, but I could be wrong), but even so it seems a huge investment to me. At those sort of prices, even if you factor in the fact that it will get cheaper, it's still going to put a large number of people off, and that's not a good thing.

08-26-2005, 04:26 PM
Yeah, if it does get cheaper it'll only be about $100 less, and that's still insanely expensive for a console.

08-26-2005, 04:30 PM
...that's still insanely expensive for a console.

That's still insanely inexpensive for a high end gaming PC.

King Aquamentus
08-26-2005, 06:45 PM


...oh, microsoft is serious about this? Well hang on, then...

(Clears throat)

Oh, stupid Microsoft...
Stick with sony or Nintendo, folks.

08-26-2005, 09:13 PM
August 19th, 2005


08-27-2005, 12:00 AM
I was satisfied with my Xbox. I have already achieved the amount of time I wanted with it, I think I spent over 250 hours on just this past winter alone.

I'm not going to buy any system that comes out on launch. You can just buy one when a price drop occurs, it will be a new model (which means hardware fixes, a longer life...) and you can get all the games that you missed a bit cheaper.

08-27-2005, 01:02 AM
A 400 dollar launch doesn't really seem that bad, considering the extras it gets. The original Playstation launched for 400, and had nothing more than the minimal peripherals besides a demo disk.

I suppose it's a step back though from the original Xbox which had its HDD out of the box for 300.

And I am very highly doubting there will be a crash. We're not the main demographic the industry profits from. Gaming has become mainstream and the consumers of mainstream, as with all other media consumers, prefers garbage. Which is what the industry is quite capable of selling.

Nintendo will also most likely sell their revolution at a 200 pricetag, the minimum X360 is still 300, and I highly doubt SONY is going to attempt 500, unless they're even more arrogant than I realize. People, that is, the casual gamer douchebags, will buy these consoles(except maybe Nintendo's) and buy the shit that gets made for them. I predict another year of all sequels.

08-27-2005, 02:49 AM
It's true, that's why there are 8 million madden nfl games. Retarded consumers just buy whatever crap is shoveled to them. In my opinion, which the rising costs of everything too, I wouldn't pay more than 200$ for a game console. I got my GC shortly after it launched so that was 200$, and I got my Xbox and PS2 later, so I think that was 150$ for the Xbox... but it could have been 200$, but I know the PS2 was 150$. Thats atleast 500$ on this gen of consoles plus tax... but that is over several years.

Aside from Nintendo consoles, I've never really wanted a console enough to buy one when it first is out. I think the GC is the first console I've ever bought very close to the launch. I don't trust Sony or M$ to put out anything worth the cash. But generally Nintendo has always had some true gems.

Anyways, I for one definitely wouldn't buy any of the systems at launch unless Nintendo is gonna have launch titles like F-Zero, Metroid, or Zelda maybe.

08-27-2005, 03:11 AM
I may very well buy a Revolution for the Smash Bros launch game. Since it'll be online, I don't think that game will ever get boring for me, heh. As for price, I'm expecting $250 or so for the Revolution. I just hope stores don't do insane bundles like they're doing for Xbox 360; I only see those prices appealing to the very rich. Ridiculous.

08-27-2005, 10:24 PM
With four games and all those extras, those bundles actually aren't THAT expensive. But my cap is $200.

08-27-2005, 10:57 PM
I just hope stores don't do insane bundles like they're doing for Xbox 360; I only see those prices appealing to the very rich. Ridiculous.

Those are only online deals. The stores have nothing to do with it. If you don't want the bundle, you can always buy retail. :)