View Full Version : dmap problems

08-24-2005, 06:25 PM
ok i'm gonna spell out practically everything i'm doing and someone plz tell what part i went wrong on.
(using descendant tiles)
first of all my problem is: i set a tile for a person to appear as the guy... so who do i set as the guy if i have a guy???

my bigger problem is:

i am tyring to make it so the player walks into a cave entrance (entrance is set on dmap1 map1 s17 [type: overworld]) and appear at another area that is an overworld (entrance: dmap2 map5 screen01[type:ovrwrld]
and on map1 s17 i have the following set: string:blah blah guy:still not sure but i set abei ne ways room:special item special item: wooden sword

also i have links appearance and exit points set correctly

please gimme help sum1 i really would appreciate it and feel free to repeat what i said in my steps just i hope that my question was.......errr.......sorta clear

08-24-2005, 06:37 PM
You said lots of stuff for 'your biggger problem' but I don't see your problem, sorry, but i'm bad at understanding things like that unless they're explained really well.

For your smaller problem, highlight your custom 'guy' in the tileset pages and hit 'c'. this copies the tile. Then, highlight the default 'abei' tile in the first page of your tilesheets, then hit 'v'. This 'vastes' it, as I say, actually it 'pastes' it but I like to say vaste bcause it starts with a v :P

Hope that helped you out.

08-24-2005, 06:49 PM
lol sorry heh i got so carried away with what i did do i forgot to say what didnt happen right. ok so when i walk into the warp tile it warps me to the correct screen but the string doesnt play nor the special item appear. so wuts up with that?

08-24-2005, 07:54 PM
The room has to be on a dmap number other than level '0', and the 'type' has to be something other than 'overworld'