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View Full Version : Complete Enemy drop percentages?

08-23-2005, 11:58 PM
I doubt this is documented anywhere, as one of the programmers would have to document it themselves, but a table or something showing the drops and percentages for each enemy would be pretty useful to have for questmakers. I mean, for the most part, we know what enemies drop what, but sometimes we forget (or maybe it's just me..-_-), plus, accurate percentages would just be nice to have. ;P

08-24-2005, 12:01 AM
Black Moblins, Blue octorocks, and Blue goriyas all drop rather high amounts of bombs, while red octorocks and red goriyas don't drop much, and red molins drop hearts pretty often Manhandlas drop lots of hearts, and for money then kill some rope 1 or 2's, and also some Stalfors 1 or 2's.. There you go, the most common enemies in a quest and what they drop.

Seriously though, if you play enough quests you know what enemeis drop what.

I don't know of any place with a complete listing, though.

Scotian Gold
08-24-2005, 12:18 AM
This table would also incude the weapon type that you used as well, because this changes the outcome. Like when you smoke-bomb a traditional Dodongo, you always get bombs. And when you use your boomerang on those pesky "item bubbles" (is that their name? :odd: ) you always get a fairy!


Scotian Gold

08-24-2005, 12:30 AM
Blue tectites tend to give out blue rupees more often than normal. But no, I don't know what the full drop list is either.

08-24-2005, 06:39 AM
Yeah, that's why I wanted the list. Thanks for the information anyway everyone, I agree, if you play enough quests, you basically know what the drops are, but I'm hoping a full list with the percentages can be compiled. :shrug: