View Full Version : 2.10 link animation problems

08-22-2005, 01:40 PM
I tried importing the Four Swords Link and i seem to have a problem with some of the animation. When i go to the Link sprites (Quest-->Graphics-->Sprites-->Link), the movement thing is like, messed up. The right and left movement is fine, but when its up and down, they do these random movements. I can't seem to fix it (when you try reassigning new tiles, they give completey different things). There are even certain link tiles that didnt get replaced which explains (sort of) the left/right sword slash and swimming problems(i already tried looking for other help on this topic, wasnt helpful).

08-22-2005, 02:37 PM
I had that same problem with the pure tileset. I just went and moved the correct tiles to the right places. It took a little while but it works now. There is a certain sequence to the tile placing. If you can figure it out, it should be able to be fixed.