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08-16-2005, 08:46 AM
hi ereybody out there :( i am problom with the zelda game that i download for windos v2.10 when i run the game it frezzes up on me it play good for 5 min then it frezzes up for 1min or so and it keeps on doing the same thing over and over agin i was told that it was becaues my virus scanner is running and its locking up my syetem so i tryed and disable my antivirus program and also my firewall to and i am still haveing the same problom with the game it still frezzes up on me and it keeps on doing it :( is there anybody out there that can help me out thank you :)

08-16-2005, 09:12 AM
How much memory do you have and are you running aol?

08-16-2005, 09:16 AM
760mb and yes i am runing aol

08-24-2005, 11:50 AM
I had a simular problem caused by several programs running in the background for my printer. Open the program monitor by pressing Ctrl+Alt&Delete and use the End Task button to shut down un-needed programs.

Good Luck

08-29-2005, 09:46 AM
thanks dewlap i am going to try that lets see what happens