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08-12-2005, 01:38 PM
I swapped my keyboard to Dvorak last night, and its a different experience. I feel so proper typing with all of my fingers.

It's quite fun!

Here's some reference - http://www.mwbrooks.com/dvorak/

Anybody else heard of this layout?

08-12-2005, 01:42 PM
Heard of it. Haven't tried it, but it seems interesting. Of course, I'd have to go back to typing while looking at the keyboard, but hey.

08-12-2005, 01:54 PM
Comfort: Dvorak wins this contest hands down. The Dvorak keymap is carefully adapted to the English language. For example, most typing in Dvorak takes place on the home row, so your fingers and hands don't have to move around so much. Dvorak also divides words more evenly between hands, so one hand isn't typing whole words like agree, fact, grass, greater, opinion, regard...Very encouraging. O_O' I particularly like the end of that paragraph. I agree do type "agree," "fact," and "opinion" far more than I tend to think that I do.

I'll look into switching. Thanks for the reference. I honestly can't wait.

08-12-2005, 03:21 PM
Heard of it. Haven't tried it, but it seems interesting. Of course, I'd have to go back to typing while looking at the keyboard, but hey.Well, I don't have a Dvorak keyboard yet, so looking doesn't quite work...

08-12-2005, 03:35 PM
Well, I don't have a Dvorak keyboard yet, so looking doesn't quite work...

You could always pull off your keys and place them in the new positions. Some keyboards allow you to do this without damaging the keys.

08-12-2005, 03:46 PM
No matter what happens, I'll perfer to stay with the normal layout. I work with computers daily, so getting used to another keyboard would be a bad idea. Plus, I already know how to type with the normal layout.

08-12-2005, 04:38 PM
nrn c-m yflcbi cb ydco oyglce t.fxrape nafrgy! ',.pyf urp ncu. xcyjd.o!!!

lol I failed at Dvorak!

08-12-2005, 05:20 PM
tub ,draobyek karovd a gnitteg tuoba thguoht I
.retsaf yna epyt ot deen tnod I .tuoyal YTREWQ eht htiw elbatrofmoc yrev m'I

pot eht no srebmun on htiw draobyek a si ,rof dehsiw evah I taht gniht ylno ehT
dluow tI .smeti tfihs-non eb dluoc >< )( ][ }{ sa hcus ,stekcarb lla ,daetsni dna ,wor
.eno taht od t'nseod draobyek karovd eht nevE .gnipyt bew retsaf hcum rof ekam

08-12-2005, 07:16 PM
I don't know what's more difficult: learning this, or reading the Slecke posts :pirate:

08-12-2005, 08:25 PM
Dvorack is my dentist's name.

08-13-2005, 12:30 AM
I notcied that too O_O

08-13-2005, 01:22 PM
my brother uses is, but he doesn't recommend it. It took him about a month to become fully proficient with the new layout.. While he can type very fast on his computer, he says he has trouble typing on qwerty-style keyboards now. Its too much of a hassle for me. In a world dominated by qwerty, there is no place for dvorak in my life :shrug:

08-13-2005, 01:31 PM
. . . While he can type very fast on his computer. . . This works for me as a bonus that nobody will use my laptop anymore :P

08-13-2005, 01:54 PM
I'd thought about trying this out before, but I figured I'd need a specific keyboard. I'm going to need to try this out some. Thanks for the link!

08-13-2005, 02:46 PM
So last night, I swapped the physical keys on my laptop. Here's the pics:


Each key has a carriage attached to it so it can't be removed. This entire process took about an hour.

I think I'll be happier in the long run, as I'm already at 30 WPM on this. The only real issue is mapping a game like P7 to this because dispite the layout, it still runs on qwerty.