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View Full Version : A good example of liberal bias

08-09-2005, 01:18 AM
I was looking at a story about an artist that was going to recreate the Buddha's of Bamaiyan with lasers, and was interested in what they look like today. I then found this story (http://www.ron-james.com/blog/index.php?p=376)comparing the Taliban to the Bush administration. I don't agree with all of it, but I agree that what the soldiers did to the Koran was overpublicized and nothing compared to what the Taliban did, and I never heard about that. I never heard about them destroying Rachel's tomb or defiling the Church of the Nativity. Once he gets into Guantanemo Bay, I stop agreeing, but everything before that makes sense. What does everyone think about this?

08-09-2005, 01:36 AM
Didn't you know that all conservatives are just as bad or worse than the Taliban, Saddam, and Hitler combined? They are why there are bad things happening at home and abroad. I applaud this Ron James person for having the courage to stand up for what is right, even as the agents of the Nazi Bush Adminstration are undoubtedly hauling him to Guantanamo Bay or Abu Ghraib as we speak.

EDIT: I just realized that Ron James is espousing a conservative viewpoint and phattonez actually misinterpreted it! Quick, lets all write letters to James' ISP and have him shut down! This kind of conservative hate speech cannot be tolerated!

08-09-2005, 01:49 AM
I am completely out of the loop on Starkist's post (I don't know if it is sarcastic or literal, it's just confusing the hell out of me). Anyway, I'm just trying to say that the media overpublicizes something like what the soldiers did, but says nearly nothing about what the Taliban did to the historic landmarks. Why should that be so appauling, when what the Taliban did is seemingly ignored.

08-09-2005, 02:44 AM
I am completely out of the loop on Starkist's post (I don't know if it is sarcastic or literal, it's just confusing the hell out of me).

You were confused long before Starkist posted. :whap:

08-09-2005, 07:14 AM
Oh Jesus... Don't get me started on what liberals think of conservatives. I mean, seems unfair, especially when you consider what conservatives generally think of liberals. But no, it sounds like you want to start an "evil bastards" vs. "ignorant morons" argument, which honestly is really quite pointless. Instead, I'd like to focus on that last paragraph of his.

Bush and the U.S. military should stop trying to appease those critics here and abroad who want us to fail in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the rest of the Middle East and devote all of their time and energy in the effort to decisively defeat those working to destroy us.
WTF!? I mean, seriously, what is this guy smoking? "Decisively defeat?" "Working to destroy us?" My God, does this guy know anything about anything? I think it's clear that we will NEVER decisively defeat terrorism, because terrorism isn't the kind of thing that you can just get rid of. Even if we were to somehow completely eliminate these terrorists (and we never will - every one that we destroy only creates more), there will be other terrorists in the future, fighting for different causes. Also, the goal of terrorism is not to destroy us. That's a practical impossibility. Even if we never retaliated, it would require the deaths of more people than every army that's ever existed has killed combined to exterminate us. The goal of terrorism is to send a message, to try to change things. This isn't a war, and it can't be fought like a war. I really wish people would do some research, actually learn what terrorism is about before making such statements.