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View Full Version : Too many problems!!!

08-05-2005, 05:52 PM
Now it seems I can't get dins fire to work...Can someone explain it to me please? I tried the tutorial and it almost helped me...I need someone to help me finish what the tutorial started.

08-05-2005, 05:59 PM
This assumes that you're using ZC 2.10 of course.

1) You need a lot of magic to get it to work. Go to Quest-->Init Data and go to the last page, and set up Link to have at least four containers of magic. Din's Fire is rather expensive, magic-wise. ;) Also, go to Quest-->Rules and check the rule that says "Magic Enabled" or something like that. Then you'll actually be able to HAVE magic to cast it, but there's a chance that you'll be able to cast it even if magic is disabled. Better safe than sorry though, so definitely enable magic. ;)

2) Maybe you just can't see the effects when you use it. Go to Quest-->Graphics-->Sprites-->Misc/Weapons or whatever it's called. Fix up the Din's Fire sprites so they point to flames.

Why, how isn't it working? Could you be more specific? What happens when you try to use it? The more specific you are, the more help you'll get.

08-12-2005, 11:42 AM
I think he meant the sprites, or that he couldn't use it, but you explained both of them, but it could also be that it's a bug in ZC or something that happens randomly like the no shop 2.10 bug...

08-13-2005, 04:58 AM
same thing happened to me when I with dins fire in the current quest I am working on. you get 5 units of magic from the start and I have magic enabled, I have set the sprites yet nothing. so I am leaning towards random bug here.