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View Full Version : 5000 bottles of beer on the wall

08-04-2005, 03:17 PM
Well, I just noticed that I have over 5000 posts. I would have a lot more, but I've spent well over half my time here being banned. At one point, I was banned for like a year.

About four years ago, when I was really getting into emulation for the first time, my good friend Doug pointed me towards a program that allowed you to not only play The Legend of Zelda on your computer, but to edit and make your own quests as well. Naturally, I was stoked. I checked out AGN and really enjoyed the program. I have never completed a quest. This is because I have been really busy with other stuff, but also because I enjoy playing people's quests so much I never get around to making my own. Also, all of my non-guitar time is usually spent either programming or reading up on some subject that has my interest. I just find it hard to make time for quest making. So, I enjoy it vicariously through everone else.

I have been a nerd all my life, but my soul was marred by a desire to be popular, to fit in, to be accepted and loved. So I was always so hurt that I was just "a geek" all through school. I was that short kid with the big head who knew the lines from Star Trek episodes, had all the DOOM maps memorized, who tutored kids in math, and who attended six grade math and reading classed in the 4th grade because he was ahead. I'm not any smarter than your average "smart" kid, but I have lots of time on my hands because I've never been very social. So I just spent a lot of time at home reading books so it appeared I was smarter than I was.

But in 11th grade, things changed. My interest in guitar, which had been percolating for a few years, culminated in actual ability. I played a bombastic guitar solo at a high school assembly and all of a sudden, I had access to the "cool people". This would prove to ruin the next 5 years of my life. I was so lonely, that I wanted to be accepted by these people. So I did musical activities that I thought would make me look cool. By the time I was a senior, I had a really hot girlfriend, I had turn down the seductive advances of a cheerleader, I was invited to all the good parties, and I was "that guitar guy" at shcool. Life was supposedely good.

But I was really unhappy. When I found Zelda Classic and AGN, I realized how badly I didn't belong with that crowd and how much I just wanted to punch their faces in. So while I never got into quest making, associating with people who shared my interests in computers and technology helped bring me back to my roots. I started programming, and eventually supported myself working as a programmer for almost two years (before moving to Texas.). As I became more and more the nerd that I truly am and always have been, my relationship with my really hot girlfriend deteriorated. When she realized that her gun slinging guitar boyfriend dressed up as Darth Vader at Star Wars movies, spent more time reading programming manuals than he did with her, and liked heavy metal better than pop music, it ended. But it was a long drawn out ending with lots of hot makeup sex, so it was ok.;)

Anyway, when I consider the life I'm living now, I'm really surprised at how the entrance of AGN into my life sparked a sort of personal revolution. It had nothing to do with AGN specifically, but AGN sort of reminded me that for the 17 years before becoming "cool", I was a computer dork. Yeah.

Currently, I am in between both jobs and school for a bit. So I spend upwards of 50 hours a week on the computer, writing programs, learning, and reading. It is so fulfilling. The rest of my time is spent practicing guitar, working out, or trying to beat my high score on Galaga or Pacman. My brain is under constant stimulus, whether it's to learn a new scale technique on the guitar, the twitch and fire adrenaline of a video game, another chapter in my math book, or some new graphics API or programming language I am assimilating. Despite that I have to spend a certain amount of time on either a job or school, I am very happy.

But this is what's weird. In my zone of mental stimulus, I don't make time to spend with people. In fact, I really don't enjoy spending time with people in person at all. I literally finish my work, and then work on my own stuff until it's time for sleep. This means I am either working, programming, or practicing guitar for roughly 110 hours a week. I think that ten years from now, I will be not only a very accomplished musician, but a very accomplished programmer. It will be interseting to see.

I will also be a socially stunted freakazoid with an unnaturally developed skill at video games. =)

I guess what I'm saying is, as sad and twisted as it may be, my only social stimulus is the internet, which at the moment consists mainly of AGN. How fucked up is that?

Well, this post doesn't make much sense, so I'm just going to cap it off with a bunch of random images that represent things I think are awesome.



















Thanks for 5000 posts worth of memories! =) Here's to 5000 more. (unless I get a life. ...nah. :laughing: )

08-04-2005, 03:21 PM
And I was thinking "oh great, another post about liquor"

Congrats, and I hope that this can be a significant half-way point or less. As I near 4K, I think to myself that AGN has really been there for the best parts, for the best of my college entertainment, and most if not all of those things you show are part of my experience here with you all.

/me raises a beer to at least 5K more!

08-04-2005, 03:50 PM
I like how people always have to tell how they got to AGN when they reach important milestones.

08-04-2005, 04:00 PM
Being a nerd is so much better than following the crowd. ZC is how I got into AGN as well.

When your life is one huge video game, you get a continue when you die, instead of going straight to hell like all the jerks out there. Nerds have that privilege.

08-04-2005, 04:19 PM
All right, will whoever's editing sex pictures into my post please stop and go fuck themselves? :cool:

08-04-2005, 04:22 PM
All right, will whoever's editing sex pictures into my post please stop and go fuck themselves? :cool:

You weren't supposed to notice that fast.

FYI, you forgot to include;


08-04-2005, 04:34 PM
Yeah, you pretty much suck.

Just kidding. You're one of my favorite AGN posters and I hope you stay un-banned for a couple thousand more. :)

08-04-2005, 05:04 PM
Hear Hear. :thumbsup:

Beldaran, I remember asking in the newcomers forum if AGN had any pictures of Renamon to use as an avatar. I still have those images that you linked me to. ;)

Happy 5000th post, Beldaran. :) A milestone more than well deserved.

And an early happy 4000th to you as well, Russ. :highfive:

Drunken Tiger
08-04-2005, 07:41 PM
Hey i know you! =) Congrats on teh 5k, keep them coming mate..

08-04-2005, 09:21 PM
hey, i might be on a lot, but im not a nerd. I just like making video games. And my freinds think im crazy. All of my friends are crazy too. Thats beside the point. the point is that im cool because i know all this stuff about making video games and my eyes are turning gold. It takes three years of sunglasses to do that.

08-05-2005, 03:03 AM
Gratz dude. 5000 is a big number, almost as big as 6000, lets see you get there. After that point is total domination! Mwahahaha!

Useless personal fact: Once I actually managed to sing the whole "100 bottles of beer on the wall" song in one trip without getting bored or people yelling at me to stop. It was pretty sweet.

08-05-2005, 12:03 PM
Congrats on the milestone and the personal revolution. Rock on Bel.

08-05-2005, 01:02 PM
yeah, i'd have to say you are one of the people who's posts i actually look forward to reading.

gratz on 5k.

08-08-2005, 06:50 PM
Would you mind if I sold this and made millions with Beldaran: An Autobiography?
Just Kidding.

If I posted as often as you I should already be around 5,000 posts too, but, you can see how that went down.

08-08-2005, 06:57 PM
hey, i might be on a lot, but im not a nerd. I just like making video games. And my freinds think im crazy. All of my friends are crazy too. Thats beside the point. the point is that im cool because i know all this stuff about making video games and my eyes are turning gold. It takes three years of sunglasses to do that.

What the hell are you replying to?

08-14-2005, 10:15 PM
What the hell are you replying to?
i was simply explaining that just because you spend alot of time in video games doesnt make you a nerd.

Darth Marsden
08-15-2005, 05:50 AM
Oh thank god! Vindicated! :D

Congrats Bel. Hope you have lots more posts to come.

08-15-2005, 09:13 AM
i was simply explaining that just because you spend alot of time in video games doesnt make you a nerd.

Yes it does. Spending lots of time playing videogames, especially returning to videogames that are over a decade old, ruins your social life.