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View Full Version : I need help with sprite colors.

08-03-2005, 01:20 PM
I am new at ripping tiles and such. What happened was, I went to Purezc.com and got some kirby sprites downloaded. I am planing to make a kirby themed quest. Now I put the file into my zquest folder. and I opened up zquest (by the way, I have version 2.10). I went to quest->Graphics->tiles. and I clicked on grab. I found my file and made kirby appear instead of link. But I can't make him change from the color orange!!! I've tried to, but I can't. Can someone tell me how to get him pink again without having to edit every single kirby tile?

08-03-2005, 04:02 PM
Change the pallete is one way, another way is to, just as you said, recolor all the tiles. Besides that, I can't think of anything.

08-03-2005, 04:38 PM
Aha. Okay. Gotcha.

Go to Quest-->Graphics-->Palette-->Main and click on Cset 6. Go to Grab, and find your Kirby tiles file. Click on the row that most likely will be Kirby's colors, and press enter. Bam, you've got the colors. Hopefully.

Now, go back to the Tiles pages, and Press Keypad + or - until Cset 6 comes up. If they still don't look right, import other rows of colors into Cset 6 in the Main Palette area (As described above) until it DOES look right.

Good luck. :)

08-03-2005, 10:33 PM
Hey! It worked! Could someone tell me why so I don't have this problem in the future? I appreciate your help!