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07-26-2005, 01:20 PM
FFTA, no contest. That's got to be one of the worst made games of all time. God it was boring.

Darth Marsden
07-26-2005, 01:25 PM
Daikatana. The demo was so bad I almost laughed. Then got killed by a f**king frog. Gah! Okay, I'm joking, but it still comes in my top 5. My biggest gaming letdown has to be the fact that you HAVE to have an internet connection in order to play Half-Life 2. I don't have one on my gaming PC, so I had to use a crack. THAT'S NOT A GOOD THING, VALVe.

Also, I'd like to nominate Final Fantasy 1 and Skies of Arcadia Legends, for their terrible, terrible endings. And if anyone can fully explain FF's ending to me, they get a cookie.

07-26-2005, 01:30 PM
Actually, I rather liked the style, and the story was the classic Square sort that I like. But I admit the action is tediously slow.

The biggest letdown I can remember was a NES game called "Demon Sword" I think. Got it for my birthday, had finished it in a few hours by essentially just mashing buttons. Rather sad. But then I didn't exactly have high hopes for it either, so maybe it doesn't classify as a "letdown".

07-26-2005, 01:54 PM
Chrono Cross - it had it's good points, but I expected a lot more of a game that was so critically acclaimed and supposed to be the sequel to Chrono Trigger.

07-26-2005, 02:21 PM
My biggest let down was Star Wars Rougue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike. It looked so cool in the commercials, but when I got it that christmas morning, I was so disappointed. So, since then I reaserch games before i buy them to make sure they don't let me down.

07-26-2005, 03:22 PM
This probably wasn't the biggest, but the ending for Jurassic Park for SNES was really really REALLY lame for as hard as that game was. It was like a mode 7 of the island that rotated and said "You have escaped Jurassic Park". That was it.

07-26-2005, 03:25 PM
Most underrated game? I'm inclined to make mention of games that were popular back six years ago, but would flop now due to comparisons between technology.

For example, the game Outcast. It got, like, 90% in PCGamer. Instant Hit. Well, I played it merely last year, and it was very difficult to even play, much less enjoy. A Shame.

I also didn't like Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. It was nothing compared to Aria Of Sorrow, White Night Concerto, and obviously one of the greatest games of all time, Symphony Of the Night.

07-26-2005, 03:28 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention that the battle mode in Mario Kart: Double Dash was a big let down. I liked the new modes, and being able to steal balloons from your opponent was nice, but the arenas are so small! I think the only good ones are the Warp Pipe one, and Luigi's Mansion (which you have to unlock first)

Darth Marsden
07-26-2005, 03:38 PM
Most underrated game? I'm inclined to make mention of games that were popular back six years ago, but would flop now due to comparisons between technology.

For example, the game Outcast. It got, like, 90% in PCGamer. Instant Hit. Well, I played it merely last year, and it was very difficult to even play, much less enjoy. A Shame. I played Outcast a year or two ago. I thought it was pretty good, but you have to remember that even back then opinion was divided. I remember PCZone giving it a sixty-odd percent score, which seemed a little harsh. I'd have given it about 80%, but that's me. I like Zelda-ish open adventure/platformers.

I'd also like to mention Quake III. I'm an Unreal man myself, but I gave it a go and found it quite enjoyable (Hell, I kicked some proverbial ass with it when I was a tUniversity). But after a while, I just got bored. THAT'S what UT had over Q3 - multiple game modes. And don't talk to me about mods, they're useless if you don't have an internet connection, as I didn't back in those days. And there was also the difficulty levels. There were 5, and you kept going back and choosing a lower one until you realised that you were always using the easiest setting all the time.

Bit of a dissapointment for me, really. Plus you couldn't go akimbo. TRAVESTY!

07-26-2005, 03:38 PM
Final Fantasy VIII, definitely. I was really looking forward to it, but it just didn't capture my interest as much as the previous games did. It wasn't the gameplay or the setting, I liked all of that, and thought that the draw/junction system was pretty innovative. I think it was because I hated Squall.

07-26-2005, 04:51 PM
I've had my biggest gaming let downs with the Gamecube. Both Starfox Adventures and Mario Kart:DD!! were big let downs for me, but nothing beats Wind Waker in the disappointing race. I mean wow, I almost wanted to cry because that game was so crappy. I had never played a bad Zelda game and I still had this blind trust to Nintendo a few years ago but with WW the Big N managed to destroy the so far perfect series for me. I had so high expectations for the game, but what did I get? A kiddy version of OoT (It's like a toned down version of OoT. All the music, dungeons, graphics, everything were lame, and the game was so insanely easy that it destroyed all the fun). Ok, I've said enough. :)

07-26-2005, 05:22 PM
Yeah, Mario Kart DD was another disappointment, just because I wub MK64 so much.

07-26-2005, 05:52 PM
My biggest gaming letdown would probly' be Final Fantasy X-2.

I guess Square was never meant to make sequels.

07-26-2005, 06:43 PM
Secret of Mana.
I had already played and enjoyed Secret of Evermore a lot, and on the internet I kept seeing people say SoE sucked compared to SoM, and that SoM was or nearly was the best game of all time. I figured that was probably somewhat exaggerated, but tried it out anyway.
WTF? Play control was spotty, hit detection was pathetic, the combat system needed a total overhaul (magic and weapons in particular), characters were flat and predictable (when you could actually tell what they were supposed to be doing), storyline... I'd have preffered if they had NO storyline at all. By the time I had managed to get past a Wall Face boss (who just sat there and killed you with magic while you tried in vain to hit him with your normal weapons since you ran out of MP no matter what, even with Fairy Walnuts, until he decided to just crush you against the back wall while you tried to attack) I was ready to give up, but I pressed on to see if things got better. I got up to a village of Mushrooms without seeing anything that might interest me, and then I had to return the game.
Earlier this year, I had a chance to play Legend of Mana. Which I thought was about as good as most people seemed to say SoM was supposed to be. So I decided to give Secret another shot, and this time I brought my brother along so we could do 2 player, which I figured might have been what I was missing. I figured it couldn't really have been as bad as I thought it was.
It was. I managed to find a reindeer asking me to save Santa Clause (WTF just doesn't cover a situation as stupid as that) before I decided staring at walls would be a better way to spend my time. My brother decided to stop playing well before I got there, though.
I've been too scared to try out SD3 since then. It might be almost as good as SoE or LoM... or it might be nearly as painful as SoM.

I've played games which were worse, but I always knew in advance that they would be worse.

07-26-2005, 07:22 PM
Linkafier makes a good point, X2 was a total piece of shit. Then again I didn't have hugely high hopes for it in the first place.
Quest64 was a huge letdown because I had waited so long for an N64 RPG and then all we got was that huge pile of crap.
Lufia 2 was also a big letdown because they did everything right except the 2 most important things in an RPG: story and challenge.

07-26-2005, 07:38 PM
Secret of Mana.
I had already played and enjoyed Secret of Evermore a lot, and on the internet I kept seeing people say SoE sucked compared to SoM, and that SoM was or nearly was the best game of all time. I figured that was probably somewhat exaggerated, but tried it out anyway.
WTF? Play control was spotty, hit detection was pathetic, the combat system needed a total overhaul (magic and weapons in particular), characters were flat and predictable (when you could actually tell what they were supposed to be doing), storyline... I'd have preffered if they had NO storyline at all. By the time I had managed to get past a Wall Face boss (who just sat there and killed you with magic while you tried in vain to hit him with your normal weapons since you ran out of MP no matter what, even with Fairy Walnuts, until he decided to just crush you against the back wall while you tried to attack) I was ready to give up, but I pressed on to see if things got better. I got up to a village of Mushrooms without seeing anything that might interest me, and then I had to return the game.
Earlier this year, I had a chance to play Legend of Mana. Which I thought was about as good as most people seemed to say SoM was supposed to be. So I decided to give Secret another shot, and this time I brought my brother along so we could do 2 player, which I figured might have been what I was missing. I figured it couldn't really have been as bad as I thought it was.
It was. I managed to find a reindeer asking me to save Santa Clause (WTF just doesn't cover a situation as stupid as that) before I decided staring at walls would be a better way to spend my time. My brother decided to stop playing well before I got there, though.
I've been too scared to try out SD3 since then. It might be almost as good as SoE or LoM... or it might be nearly as painful as SoM.

I've played games which were worse, but I always knew in advance that they would be worse.

You suck :P Secret of Mana rocked. Legend of Mana did suck though. Probably the only bad Mana game in my opinion. It would have been ok if they didn't try to make it some sort of "create your own world" deal in the absence of a true storyline (was there one? All I saw were bits and pieces that were mostly self-contained in each area). In any case, the whole thing was too disjointed. I never felt like there was a real reason I was going to all of these places (aka a story). It was just all too random. Plus everything was all cutsie and full of animals. Mana has always been animated storybook-like and I had no problems with the graphics, it's just that it seems like they changed what was a normal RPG type setting into a fairy tale.

And yes, Quest 64 blew absolute chunks.. One of the worst N64 games, hands down.

07-26-2005, 08:03 PM
This probably wasn't the biggest, but the ending for Jurassic Park for SNES was really really REALLY lame for as hard as that game was. It was like a mode 7 of the island that rotated and said "You have escaped Jurassic Park". That was it.

LMAO Thanks for bringing this up. When I was a kid, me and my friend spent so much time trying to beat this game. It became an obsession. After everything we went to trying to beat it, all we got was this lame ass little ending. Blarg!

For me, the biggest gaming let down of my life was Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. I loved the first KOTOR. I beat it three or four times with different character styles/alignments. KOTOR II took everything that I loved about KOTOR and eliminated it, then took everything stupid that I hate about video games and made it central to the gameplay and story. Speaking of story, there wasn't one. It was the most stupid plot ever. Horrible game, horrible let down, waste of $50.

07-26-2005, 10:38 PM
LMAO Thanks for bringing this up. When I was a kid, me and my friend spent so much time trying to beat this game. It became an obsession. After everything we went to trying to beat it, all we got was this lame ass little ending. Blarg!

Haha I know.. I rented that game so many times trying to beat it. I even had the Nintendo Power maps and they were worthless. It wasn't so much that it was *difficult* in that it was "hey, have fun guessing where you are supposed to go now!".. If I'm remembering it right anyways. It had those FPS type levels inside it too which were even more confusing (because they were crappy FPS.. like the original Wolfenstein 3d type FPS) and I remember there was one specificly where I spent forever trying to figure out what to do only to discover that there was a door somewhere that was wierd looking (it didn't look like a door to me - I didn't even notice it) and I had to open it to let out some raptors or *something*. In any case, I spent so much time on it and that ending was just not worth it.

Edit: I couldn't find a picture of it but it was something like this:

Stick that (yes, with the logo) on a mode 7 plane and rotate it. Then put "You have escaped Jurassic Park" on top of it and that is the ending.

07-27-2005, 01:44 AM
Ah Jurassic Park...I never did beat the game. I think the farthest I got was the Raptor cave where you had to set off nerve gas bombs to kill their eggs. btw, that game scared the crap outta me many times in FPS mode. I'd be walking through a hall and BOOM, Raptor in my face!

I also didn't like Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. It was nothing compared to Aria Of Sorrow, White Night Concerto, and obviously one of the greatest games of all time, Symphony Of the Night.

For me it was the opposite. I loved Circle of the Moon and it's DSS card system, and was disappointed in Symphony of the Night. SoTN is a great game, and I love the visuals and music, (not to mention Alucard is badass) but it wasn't as good as I expected. And Harmony of Dissonance, don't get me started - that game is such a SoTN wannabe it's sickening. I haven't played Aria of Sorrow yet, but I'd like to.

As for the Mana series, in my opinion the story was never really good. The action is what pulled me into the series, and I love the charm of the characters and world. I doubt I'll enjoy Legend of Mana if I get it, since it sounds like many of it's features carried over into Sword of Mana, but I'd still like to play it.

As for SD3 - again, the story isn't that great, but it's really fun, especially considering there's a lot of replay value in being able to choose your team of 3 out of 6 characters, and choosing how you grow in the game through changing classes. Plus, if you want action, SD3 has plenty. In fact, sometimes the fighting is overwhelming, but the game still keeps you playing.

Master Ghaleon
07-27-2005, 01:48 AM
Im gonna take this on another route and say lack of new ideas for games would be my gaming letdown. I have not bought a new Ps2 game since Madden of last year when that came out. The last game Im buying for the PS2 is Madden 2006. Every game that comes out now is the same thing but with a different title. Some games can get away with it, but I cant see buying alot of these games that come out nowdays

07-27-2005, 02:35 AM
MegaMan Network Transmission. it was fun, but WAY too short. that, and MK: DD. and Space Invaders for GB. I STILL can't get past the first fucking level... those three are my greatest letdowns. the rest of my games are actually pretty good, because I do research before I buy (MK: DD was an exception to that. good reviews, but it was a huge letdown when I played it...)

07-27-2005, 05:06 AM
Super Mario 64...wtf, a cake? The game was uber fun, and its like, HAHAH, FINALLY GOT ALL DEM EFFING STARS...DO I GET AN ULTRA COOL FUN MODE TO PLAY IN NOW? Yes! You get...STARE AT A CAKE MODE!! OMFG R0XX0RZ...I cut my wrists in a bathtub after that...-_-'

Actually, Zelda 2 was a really hard game for me when I first got it as a kid, and I kept playing it and playing it. The day I finally beat it...I was like...Alright...what else happens? A midget gives me the triforce...do I need to do this seven more times...? Yeah. I still love Zelda 2 though OH MAN. :O Mario64 was a bigger disapointment though...I have yet to beat Cake Watching mode...

Darth Marsden
07-27-2005, 07:56 AM
I have memories of that Jurassic Park game, but I don't think I played it on the SNES. Was it also on Genesis? Or maybe it was on Amiga or something. I DEFINATELY remember those FPS sections. Ugh!

Yeah, and multiplayer on MK-DD!! kinda sucked. A total of 6 battle tracks? Bah! I could make better ones on my PC while sleeping.

07-27-2005, 08:23 AM
I liked FFTA.

My biggest letdown is the entire action genre these days. I just can't stand the 3-d action adventure games. I miss the SNES and Genesis days of that. Thats why I love my GBA so damn much.

07-27-2005, 10:27 AM
I have to say Megaman Battle Transmission too. I only got interested in him because he was a Navi that lived on the internet and fought viruses (I love the Navi idea) and I loved 1 and 2 so naturally I thought the GCN game would be a mega huge, mega long, RPG exactly like the GBA ones. It even said it was an RPG with important story stuff on the back (I think) But instead it was just platform levels (Platformers bore me now) and it was a big dissappointment, I can't even play it. Also, it was cool in Japanese, but kinda weird, why didn't they translate it? That kinda says that they didn't care for the game... Huge RPG would have been so unspeakably fantastic...!

Also, I hated WW, I never finished it. I. Hated. The WATER! I hate sailing, I hate ships, in games. There is nothing more boring in a game then sailing, useing that weird sea map...The dang TRIFORCES were in the water and had to be dug up didn't they? I dunno, I got lost in the Earth temple with Little Leafy Boy.

On a good note, I never got to play OoT on the 64 so I preordered WW for the bonus disc (I wish I'd have know about the collection back then...) and OoT was Spectacular, so I'll just pretend I bought it and got WW as a bonus, lol. ^_^

07-27-2005, 10:31 AM
My biggest letdown is the entire action genre these days. I just can't stand the 3-d action adventure games. I miss the SNES and Genesis days of that. Thats why I love my GBA so damn much.

Play Viewtiful Joe. It's a side scrolling beat'm up with cel-shaded visuals that just oozes style. You gain powers that let you slow down, speed up, or zoom in to beat up baddies and pull of some cool moves. Did I mention it's really hard too?

07-27-2005, 10:51 AM
I haven't had any major letdowns, but there were some things in games that made me go "... That's it?"

Resident Evil 3- I hated how you had almost every weapon from the start. I was able to blast zombies away very early in the game (I was playing on normal, however).

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask- I liked this game, but there weren't enough dungeons. I would've really liked it if there were at least 2 more.

Final Fantasy VIII- This game didn't seem as in depth as the others in the series. A lot of people say it's one of their favorite games. It happens to be my least favorite. The storyline was kind of odd, and I despise points of no return (disk 4). I also like to buy weapons and armour. I didn't enjoy having to search for items to improve your weapons.

Starfox Adventures- There's no replay value! I would've liked this game more if it was a little more difficult, and had something to make me want to play it again. And like I said before, I HATE POINTS OF NO RETURN.

Silent Hill 4- This game wasn't nearly as creepy as it could've been. No broken radio, no dark areas, and no flashlight. Granted, there were some parts that were disturbing (apartment building, 2nd time and the room hauntings), but SH3 was much scarier. Also, combat seemed kinda rushed. Enemies had a ton of life, and you always had to kill them by stomping on them (which looked odd when Henry's foot went through them).

07-27-2005, 12:09 PM
Yeah, Starfox Adventures just sucked. I never even beat it. It was too boring. After that game I could only say "good riddence" to Rare. They clearly lost their touch when all those designers/etc left after Perfect Dark.

07-27-2005, 01:40 PM
Starfox Adventures was kinda fun the first time, but I had nothing to do, not one thing.

Majora's Mask was way too damn short, and WW was just SAAAAAAAAAAAILING ALOOOOOOONG...*zzzzzzzzzz*

FFTA...I really liked it the first time I played it, then I got Fire Emblem and never looked back. After the first Totema battle it became WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too easy, you seriously have to TRY to die. Stays at that same difficulty till around the last battle, where if the queen summons the right totema, you lose. If she doesn't, it's easy.

I will give it credit for some things, it was very long, maybe a tad too long, but it did eat away several months of my life :laughing: but then again it was my first SRPG, so I didn't know how to compare it.

Also had possibly the worst storyline EVAR...I made a parody of it on GameFAQs, but I think I lost it.

07-27-2005, 01:52 PM
Super Mario Sunshine. I was hoping for a game that would bring back memories of SM64, which I spent a lot of time playing. Instead what I got was a game with fairly uninteresting levels, a horrible gimmicky water pack doodad, and a world that looked mostly the same through and throughout with uninspired character and enemy designs.

Darth Marsden
07-27-2005, 02:05 PM
I finished Starfox Adventures without dying. Once. I feel almost ashamed to admit that.

Duke Nukem Forever. I'm so irritated they haven't released that yet. Although Manhatten Project (Which Anthony may enjoy if he does PC games) was bloody good fun, it wasn't what we'd been waiting 5 years for. I've since moved onto the new, improved Prey, which looks AMAZING.

07-28-2005, 01:50 AM
Mario Kart DD, in general. Blorgh, the controls.

Oh and Manhunt, because I wanted to play a really violent game to get rid of my stress, blow off some steam. So I asked around and was pointed to this by a ton of people who RAVED about it. But it turns out most of the gameplay is sneaking around and reading maps to monitor people (which I am horrible at) and most of the actual fighting where you can control things is in defense instead of offense, so they make it super hard. Because you aren't SUPPOSED to actually fight the people, you're supposed to sneak up and then activate a violent cut scene. I mean it's a good cut scene, but I kind of just wanted to run around and mindlessly beat stuff up. The sneaking and strategizing everything made it stressful, opposite of what I wanted, so it was pointless. Argh.

And Majora's Mask, I hate timers so much I couldn't play the game without feeling paranoid.

07-28-2005, 03:52 AM
I finished Starfox Adventures without dying. Once. I feel almost ashamed to admit that.

Duke Nukem Forever. I'm so irritated they haven't released that yet. Although Manhatten Project (Which Anthony may enjoy if he does PC games) was bloody good fun, it wasn't what we'd been waiting 5 years for. I've since moved onto the new, improved Prey, which looks AMAZING.

Haha.. I am sadly still looking forward to that game. I don't know if it will ever come out, but damn if I can't help liking the Duke franchise. Duke 3d was one of the few FPSers I've actually liked.

07-28-2005, 08:05 AM
Biggest letdown has to be DRIVER 3 as soon as you step out of the car. Absolutley awful.

07-28-2005, 08:44 AM
Play Viewtiful Joe. It's a side scrolling beat'm up with cel-shaded visuals that just oozes style. You gain powers that let you slow down, speed up, or zoom in to beat up baddies and pull of some cool moves. Did I mention it's really hard too?
I've been told to play this countless times, but I always seem to forget or I'm not interested when I go out to get a new game. I really should try it, but I kind of can't right now due to lack of video game buying resources. Which leads me to my recent disappointment:

We have a PX (Post Exchange), its a store that only appears on military instalations. Thankfully, we have one here on our post in Iraq so I can get movies and games. Unfortunately, the game selection is VERY limited. I picked up Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana after reading in some reviews that it was a good 2D RPG. Well, I thought it sucked. And so I wasted 50 bucks on a game that I'll probably never play.

07-28-2005, 11:37 AM
Sis, if you want a run around and slice shit up game, try Dynasty Warriors 3 ^_^ Very satisfying.

07-28-2005, 11:50 AM
I picked up Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana after reading in some reviews that it was a good 2D RPG. Well, I thought it sucked. And so I wasted 50 bucks on a game that I'll probably never play.

Funny you should mention that game. I watched Electric Playground the other day on G4 (EP is the only good show on G4 btw), and they reviewed Atelier Iris against some new Arc the Lad game. Both got really really bad ratings, but Atelier Iris was voted the better of the two.

I rented Viewtiful Joe when it first came out and liked it, but not enough to pay $40-$50 for it. It is a short game after all. But, I picked it up off eBay for $10 last week, and it can be found brand new in most stores for $20.

07-28-2005, 12:44 PM
Wow, I can't believe the dislike for Mario Kart: DD. It's one of the best games for Gamecube, and I don't know anybody IRL who don't like it. Sure, the battle mode sort of sucks, but who cares? Play some bomb run. Or better yet, RACE!!

I guess the only real letdowns for me were the EA James Bond games. I was so dissapointed that I spent 50 bucks on a game, and couldn't get past the first section without having to look at a FAQ. Goldeneye was so perfect, I guess I'm just disappointed.

07-28-2005, 12:58 PM
Wow, the EA bond games were really easy for me in most places. Not great, not awful.

Me and my sis played MK64 to death, and we got DD hoping that it would be MK64 with better controls and a few updates. It wasn't :(

07-28-2005, 01:11 PM
Let's see

FFX-2 : Plain boring unless you'r into half dressed wh()Res. Plus the story line was so plain and boring it hurt my eyes , theres no real stories except the missions.

Gran Turismo 4 was also kinda boring , I bought it and played with it for 5 days and kinda stoped and have no urges to play :S its too much like the frickin 3rd one.

But I think games are getting pretty boring nowdays , they need to release something GOOD! Like the old PS1 days , im buying more PS1 games than PS2 games right now.

07-28-2005, 04:29 PM
My biggest let down.

Final Fantasy, Crystal Chronicles. I absolutely hated the sytem they had in that game, forcing you to play the same levels multiple times. The magic system was horrible becuase once you could use cure, you could use it infinate times, so you would just about never die. Sure there are different aspects of the game like having a family that can do different things for you, but I played through the game once, and have never had an urge to play it again.

Darth Marsden
07-28-2005, 05:13 PM
Wow, I can't believe the dislike for Mario Kart: DD. It's one of the best games for Gamecube, and I don't know anybody IRL who don't like it. Sure, the battle mode sort of sucks, but who cares? Play some bomb run. Or better yet, RACE!! Yeah, but it gets boring kinda quickly, especially when you own as much as I do :D I tend to play against my sister or her friends, since I don't have any myself :(

EDIT: I don't have friends, I mean. You won't catch me out with that one!

07-28-2005, 09:50 PM
Silent Hill 4- This game wasn't nearly as creepy as it could've been. No broken radio, no dark areas, and no flashlight. Granted, there were some parts that were disturbing (apartment building, 2nd time and the room hauntings), but SH3 was much scarier. Also, combat seemed kinda rushed. Enemies had a ton of life, and you always had to kill them by stomping on them (which looked odd when Henry's foot went through them).

I feel the same way.

Also, I thought Half-Life 2 was a let down. Not really because the game was bad, but just the way it ran. I was so disappointed when it ran terrible even after meeting the recommended specs that it pretty much ruined the entire game for me. I expected a game like Doom 3 to run worse when it had more demanding requirements, and when it actually ran smoother on a system that didn't meet the minimum requirements then Half-Life 2, I was extremely disappointed.

But of course, I have a better computer now, I just haven't played it again.

07-28-2005, 11:29 PM
I didn't really like SD3. I was kind of expecting it to play like SoM (which was great, since you could use different weapons, and could actually dodge!), but it's kind of like its own game. The enemies, starting with the Ghost Ship, get really powerful (A zombie took 35 HP off when I had about 165), battle movement sucks, because you can only move at snail's pace, and after swinging, you have to wait for them to recover, and I don't like the level system, either (pick a stat, raise it up by one, get some HP and MP for nearly every level). But the class change system was okay, and the bosses were challenging, too. But I think if it was more like SoM, I would've liked it a lot more.

Darth Marsden
07-29-2005, 03:58 PM
I feel the same way.

Also, I thought Half-Life 2 was a let down. Not really because the game was bad, but just the way it ran. I was so disappointed when it ran terrible even after meeting the recommended specs that it pretty much ruined the entire game for me. I expected a game like Doom 3 to run worse when it had more demanding requirements, and when it actually ran smoother on a system that didn't meet the minimum requirements then Half-Life 2, I was extremely disappointed.

But of course, I have a better computer now, I just haven't played it again. Ha! It was the other way around for me. Of course, that may be because I had to crack my copy of HL2, but even so it ran beautifully on my machine, while Doom 3 had a struggle. Had to lower the resolution to 800x640, and even then I had problems at times.

07-29-2005, 07:40 PM
I didn't really like SD3. I was kind of expecting it to play like SoM (which was great, since you could use different weapons, and could actually dodge!), but it's kind of like its own game. The enemies, starting with the Ghost Ship, get really powerful (A zombie took 35 HP off when I had about 165), battle movement sucks, because you can only move at snail's pace, and after swinging, you have to wait for them to recover, and I don't like the level system, either (pick a stat, raise it up by one, get some HP and MP for nearly every level). But the class change system was okay, and the bosses were challenging, too. But I think if it was more like SoM, I would've liked it a lot more.

Different characters fight differently. You probably had Duran who is a slowass. Try someone like Kevin or Hawkeye.

07-29-2005, 08:15 PM
I'd say when I rented Superman 64. I was expect a video game.

07-29-2005, 08:49 PM
Majora's Mask hands down. After playing OoT religiously (my favorite game of all time), I could not wait for Majora's Mask to come out. Then when I finally got it and played it, I just hated everything about it. Got about half way through it then quite. What were they thinking with the whole time thing?

07-31-2005, 10:08 AM
The GameCube was definately one of the biggest gaming letdowns I've had. All the games that have been made for it are aimed more towards the kiddies and not people with actual money to spend who enjoy games.

The final fantasy series kinda died after the 7th game. It went all high tech and look-what-we-can-do.

The worst game I've ever played though, has to be Legia 2. It's not even really a sequel of the first game. It's the same world 800 years in the future. It's a bad RPG that leads you around by the hand, you can't fully explore the world, there's no random battles on the world map, and it's dreadfully short. I could beat that game in under a day, if I really wanted to.

Darth Marsden
07-31-2005, 11:22 AM
The GameCube was definately one of the biggest gaming letdowns I've had. All the games that have been made for it are aimed more towards the kiddies and not people with actual money to spend who enjoy games.

The final fantasy series kinda died after the 7th game. It went all high tech and look-what-we-can-do.

The worst game I've ever played though, has to be Legia 2. It's not even really a sequel of the first game. It's the same world 800 years in the future. It's a bad RPG that leads you around by the hand, you can't fully explore the world, there's no random battles on the world map, and it's dreadfully short. I could beat that game in under a day, if I really wanted to. Gamecube does have more then its fair share of kiddy games, but that's generally becuase Nintendo are, and always have, aiming for a more family friendly audience. Sony and Microsoft have gone for a more mature, Teenager-and-up market. That said, a lot of Ninty's games have hidden depths that only an adult could reach - Mario Sunshine, for example, or Wind Waker, wouldn't be fully appreciated by kids.

Regarding Final Fantasy, see FF9, 11 and 12. Those aren't set in technology driven worlds, so you might enjoy those.

If we're talking about games you can beat in a day, then I'll nominate Red Faction, Max Payne 1+2, Full Throttle and Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. Most of those are pretty good - not every game you finish in under 24 hours sucks.

07-31-2005, 11:36 AM
Dragon Warrior VII- I never trained more on any game than I had to for this game. You just fought and fought and fought and fought. The battles weren't even that interesting, but the game really dropped when you got to the second disc, and you have to collect all the pieces of the puzzle. They gave you absolutley no hints or clues whatsoever to where the peices are. I think I searched for 5 hours and got 2 pieces. It wasn't too terribly bad, it was just too... vague. The first disc was 40 hours though. That was a plus.

07-31-2005, 01:24 PM
Regarding Final Fantasy, see FF9, 11 and 12. Those aren't set in technology driven worlds, so you might enjoy those.

To play 11, you need to be on the internet and can't really play too well on dial up. From the screenshots, 12's graphics looks like you're watching a movie. I have played 9. It's stupid. Final Fantasy should have just died with 6, then I'd be a happy camper.

Darth Marsden
07-31-2005, 05:17 PM
You didn't like 7? Blasphemy!


I'll give you 11, but at least wait until 12 is out before you kill it... :)

07-31-2005, 05:24 PM
For me it was the opposite. I loved Circle of the Moon and it's DSS card system, and was disappointed in Symphony of the Night. SoTN is a great game, and I love the visuals and music, (not to mention Alucard is badass) but it wasn't as good as I expected. And Harmony of Dissonance, don't get me started - that game is such a SoTN wannabe it's sickening. I haven't played Aria of Sorrow yet, but I'd like to.... lol, he IS A Badass. XD .. *Cough* .. Aria of Sorrow is done in pretty much the same style as SotN, but gives you a lot more interesting stuff to do. Upon killing an enemy, there's a random chance that you'll steal their soul, (Much like how it's done in SotN, but it's red, instead of blue.) then you can use their innate ability. Like, there's a maid whos soul you can steal, and if you hold in the button, there's a vacuum cleaner thing that sucks up enemies' hit points and gives them to you. (God, I love that.) There are also ability that you use like SotN's relics, but the bad part is is that you have to activate and deactivate them whenever you need to use them, and that takes time. The weapons are pretty nice, ... you start off small, and actually appreciate the difference between each weapon. It also has a handgun. :p It's so kickass. *Doesn't mention the plasma cannon on purpose because of it.* World layout is kinda like CotM, but more detailed, and slightly more complex. I remember one or two dull areas though. =/ But overall, it's pretty darn good. I'd definitely get it. :)

Duke Nukem - I LOVED Manhatten project while I had it. It was like, the perfect game style for me. Unfortunately, everything went to hell when I got bored of it because it was just the same action over and over and over again. :odd: Annoying. Wasn't DNF in production since 1997 or something? I think it's switched engines like, four times already. x_x' Ugh...

And I think I'm the only one in the known world who actually enjoyed Starfox Adventures to a degree.

King Aquamentus
07-31-2005, 06:20 PM
And I think I'm the only one in the known world who actually enjoyed Starfox Adventures to a degree.

No, you aren't. I'm pretty sure I enjoyed it too. why wouldn't you? I mean, sure it's not star fox assault, but...

07-31-2005, 06:35 PM
Meh, it was ok, it just had no replay value. Played like a bad Zelda, nothing more, nothing less.

King Aquamentus
07-31-2005, 09:39 PM
Now a real nightmare...

Charlie and the chocolate factory videogames.
It's a letdown, and I haven't even played it to know.

07-31-2005, 10:13 PM
I have one game come to mind so far...

Doom 3

Fuck that game. It took everything that was cool about the first game and totally screwed it over. The first game was about exploring huge complexes, enjoying all the varied scenery, blasting a LOT of monsters, and still being at an arcade game. Doom 3 seemed more like a poor man's Quake 2, running endlessly through halls that all look alike, only 1-2 enemies on the screen at a time, a lameass cyberdemon fight (USE THE SOUL CUBE, LUKE!!!1111), and the deathmatch is total shit compared to Doom 2's deathmatch.

Half Life 2, on the other hand, exceeded my greatest expectations. My problem isn't the game, but the expectations of the people. I bet the same people complaining about not having cable so you can play Half Life 2 are the same people who complained about not having a 3D hardware accelerator when Quake 3 came out. The requirements have changed, faggots, get with the program or get left in the dust.

The Ion Extreme
08-01-2005, 12:13 AM
I would have to say that one of the biggest letdowns in gaming is realizing that great games are shafted from your country because the company thought it was too hard. Riddle of Murasame Castle and 3/4 of the Adventures of Lolo series comes to mind.

08-01-2005, 12:53 AM
Well, I don't have much letdowns because I only buy games that I feel are good from testing or general opinion. But I thought Halo 2 was a terrible game. Lame ending, 100 more problems than Halo 1 had, and unbalanced gameplay just made me chuck it out the window. Not like Halo 1, I can still go back to that game and have fun.

08-01-2005, 01:34 AM
Wind Waker. I had loads of fun going through dungeons, solving puzzles, and figuring out boss strategies; right up until I had to find the triforces. Up until that point I'd managed to keep the boaty to a minimum. Still haven't found the chart I need to get the chart on the stupid ghost ship. That's where the game fails, it's just plain annoying to sail around all the time. I missed Epona so much while I was playing that game....

Other than that, I'm not often disappointed, because I don't expect anything.

08-01-2005, 02:03 AM
Final Fantasy VII in it's entirety. Yes Final Fantasy VII.

Darth Marsden
08-01-2005, 09:12 AM
I enjoyed Starfox Adventures... a little. It was just too easy to be any REAL fun though. And look! It was Andross all along! ...again. Ugh. New bad guy required!

Also, I don't like card games, so RPG series that TURN into card games is something I hate. Phantasy (sp?) Star Online, for example. Ugh.

08-01-2005, 10:16 AM
Final Fantasy VII in it's entirety. Yes Final Fantasy VII.

Good for you, want a medal? A medal dedicated to your outstanding tastes in gaming, such that you would turn your nose up at FFVII? Declaring it unfit for your refined palate?

08-01-2005, 10:33 AM
Good for you, want a medal? A medal dedicated to your outstanding tastes in gaming, such that you would turn your nose up at FFVII? Declaring it unfit for your refined palate?

In reinforced my point because I'm sure someone was going to come around and say, "uhh... you mean 8 right?" thinking I had made a typo. I was attempting to prevent any misunderstandings, but, I guess I screwed it up somehow.

Darth Marsden
08-01-2005, 12:51 PM
In reinforced my point because I'm sure someone was going to come around and say, "uhh... you mean 8 right?" thinking I had made a typo. I was attempting to prevent any misunderstandings, but, I guess I screwed it up somehow. Well, it may help if you point out exactly what you didn't like about FFVII. Plot? Characters? Dialogue? Graphics? Music? Battle System? Colour of Sephiroth's eyebrows?

Rather then just saying 'I hate XYZ', try explaining what it is about XYZ you don't like, and what you do. Surely there's something about it you like? You have to admit that what you put was rather blunt.

08-01-2005, 01:49 PM
In reinforced my point because I'm sure someone was going to come around and say, "uhh... you mean 8 right?" thinking I had made a typo. I was attempting to prevent any misunderstandings, but, I guess I screwed it up somehow.

Actually, it's that I know of alot of people who list FFVII as their least favorite, if for no better reason than it represented Squaresoft's betrayal of a beloved game company(Nintendo) or because of its movement to 3D graphics or FMV use. I've seen it posted regularly on this board, actually and tends to be a scapegoat amongst classical gamers as the moment "gaming" began to suck(or at least with the FF series).

The only reasons I could really accept for disliking VII is if the gameplay wasn't great or the story sucked. VII's story is easily the most well written in the series, and I initially disliked the fact the game wasn't set in more medieval fantasy settings(like previous FF games). Gameplay wise, its pretty weak because of a dissapointingly low difficulty level, which probably inspired the addition of the Emerald and Ruby weapons; this actually represents the moment that the FF series became engineered for two separate gamer demographics.

The casual gamer is welcomed to an RPG that is quick and easy to get into, and can be completed with relative ease and without some of the skill conventions developed by previous RPG gamers, such as leveling and developing battle strategies to win. Also characters require only three equipment pieces and only two are really necessary, and then theres no cross character equipment, so armor and weapons are easily identified to be used with what character. The only consideration givin to the RPG or FF fan was extras, like side quests, a character building system of some complexity(materia) and then of course the Weapons as challenges requiring full use of the hardcore arsenal provided in said side-quests and materia.

All true FF games since then have been divided between the casual and hardcore gamer, and this is probably the only real reason I have for disliking where the series went.

08-01-2005, 02:15 PM
Something I've noticed in that regard is that there seems to be a spike in difficulty near the end. Although the game is fairly easy enough most of the way, if you go the bare minimum the finale is much harder. If you go for the sidequests, though, the finale is probably the easiest part. Which is another problem I had with FFX, the game goes by so fast you barely have time to do any sidequests ('cept blitzball, which I hated)

08-01-2005, 02:33 PM
Something I've noticed in that regard is that there seems to be a spike in difficulty near the end

Bah, the last boss in FFVII was so easy it was pathetic. For being chalked up as such a badass, Sephiroth was so disappointing.

I did like the game overall though. I wish there were a way to re-watch the FMV scenes once you finish the game - being able to watch the FMVs and hear some of the better music is my only motivation for replaying the game.

08-01-2005, 04:02 PM
Army Men for Game Boy Color. Completely idiotic.

As opposed to Metal Gear Solid:Ghost Babel and Turok 2: Seeds of Evil which were fine game-boy versions of their big-console predecesors.

08-01-2005, 05:36 PM
Actually, it's that I know of alot of people who list FFVII as their least favorite, if for no better reason than it represented Squaresoft's betrayal of a beloved game company(Nintendo) or because of its movement to 3D graphics or FMV use. I've seen it posted regularly on this board, actually and tends to be a scapegoat amongst classical gamers as the moment "gaming" began to suck(or at least with the FF series).

The only reasons I could really accept for disliking VII is if the gameplay wasn't great or the story sucked. VII's story is easily the most well written in the series, and I initially disliked the fact the game wasn't set in more medieval fantasy settings(like previous FF games). Gameplay wise, its pretty weak because of a dissapointingly low difficulty level, which probably inspired the addition of the Emerald and Ruby weapons; this actually represents the moment that the FF series became engineered for two separate gamer demographics.

The casual gamer is welcomed to an RPG that is quick and easy to get into, and can be completed with relative ease and without some of the skill conventions developed by previous RPG gamers, such as leveling and developing battle strategies to win. Also characters require only three equipment pieces and only two are really necessary, and then theres no cross character equipment, so armor and weapons are easily identified to be used with what character. The only consideration givin to the RPG or FF fan was extras, like side quests, a character building system of some complexity(materia) and then of course the Weapons as challenges requiring full use of the hardcore arsenal provided in said side-quests and materia.

All true FF games since then have been divided between the casual and hardcore gamer, and this is probably the only real reason I have for disliking where the series went.

I agree. Even back before I had a PSX I picked this game up for PC (one of the few that was ported over - and actually the PC port is *better* than the PSX game - considering they fixed typos, the graphics are slightly better, and they added in a few new monsters and such - though of course keyboard is never as good as joystick but at least the save system was pretty nice, being able to have something like 100 save files :D). I enjoyed it quite a bit. One of these days I need to go back and finish it. Hopefully I still have the save where I mastered most of my Materia before the second disk :D

Anyways, my only real complaint about this game was Aeris' death - not that I am against main characters dying but she dies so freaking early in the game. It's like, you invest all this time in skilling her up and then, oh oops.. you never get to use her again. I mean, even the process for getting her best weapon and limit break (right? been awhile so I hope I have the right word) are insanely annoyingly long and hard for the first disk only to use them for like.. a couple hours before you waste all that effort forever. I dunno, it has just always felt like Square intended to bring her back later in the game but changed their minds. Therefore a lot of her "content" was left somewhat unbalanced for the limited time you get to play her.

Other than that, a great game overall. I wish Square would really remake it like they did for that short FMV PS3 preview (which as they stressed over and over.. was JUST a tech demo and NOT a game).

Darth Marsden
08-01-2005, 07:33 PM
Bah, the last boss in FFVII was so easy it was pathetic. For being chalked up as such a badass, Sephiroth was so disappointing.

I did like the game overall though. I wish there were a way to re-watch the FMV scenes once you finish the game - being able to watch the FMVs and hear some of the better music is my only motivation for replaying the game. You can if you have the PC version - just root around on the CDs and play them in Media Player. They're even prettier if they're not squished into a 640x480 resolution. Of course, knowing me and my efforts to help people, you've probably got the PS version, right? :rolleyes:

Warlock: You may not know it, but if you hack around in the PC version, yu can find a few references which suggest that Aeris was originally supposed to die a bit later. I'll see if I can find the link for it, it's pretty damn interesting.

(Suppose we can call this thread 'FFVII discussion' now, can't we ;))

EDIT: Found it. This scene takes places at the end of the snowboarding sub-game that I was always crap at, and shows that, at some point during the game's development, Aeris did not die so early. Hmm..! (http://www.ff7citadel.com/secrets/sa_seen1.shtml)

08-01-2005, 08:12 PM
One of the reasons that people thought they could revive Aeris was that if you Gameshark her back in, she has dialogue.

08-02-2005, 12:41 AM
I also heard that people thought you could bring Aeris back on the Japanese FFVII because if you used an action replay code you could get the 'underwater' materia which, in the Japanese version, had no effect. So people figured you would use it to go into the pool and get her. But then in the American version they added the weapons, and so of course you can use the underwater materia to fight Emerald without a time limit.

The problem though I would say though for bringing Aeris back is her later limit breaks are way too strong. For those of you who don't know, here level 4 limit break heals everyone to max HP and makes them invincible for the entire battle. Imagine using that against Emerald Weapon.

PS: It doesn't surprise me that there are a few lines that don't normally get played in the game. There is a decent chance that whoever wrote that scene was the one who worked on the snowboard minigame. That person might not have a full understanding of the story, other than knowing that unique lines can be supplied for the various characters. Therefore, he may have inlcuded the line for Aeris, thinking she would be alive at the time. Since in all the testing she would have been dead, that line would never have come up, and therefore there wouldn't be anything pointing to it needing to be removed. As for the translation, remember that the person doing the translation doesn't do it through the game - they have a big table of text strings and are told to simply translate them. So the translator would not know that a line that says "I'm sick of this" actually belonged to a dead character.

As for keeping the thread on track...
A game that I found was a letdown was the new Contra. I picked up Gradius V and have had a lot of fun with it (although I've only gotten as far as level five twice). So I picked up Contra thinking it would be a dose of retro fun like Gradius was, but it wasn't. Contra as a series really hasn't felt the same since Alien Wars - after that game, it seems that they've largely ditched the level style the older games used to have and focus more on the bosses. That isn't as enjoyable for me.

08-02-2005, 03:09 AM
You can if you have the PC version - just root around on the CDs and play them in Media Player. They're even prettier if they're not squished into a 640x480 resolution. Of course, knowing me and my efforts to help people, you've probably got the PS version, right? :rolleyes:

I had the PC version - it was a copy burnt from a friend. I did watch some of the movies on the CDs, but they weren't easy to identify cause the file names didn't match the content of the FMVs.

I have since gotten rid of my burnt PC version though 1) because I can't play it anymore since I have Linux and it doesn't run in Windows XP (at least I don't think it does) and 2) I decided to get rid of all my pirated games and actually buy them. I got real copies of Warcraft II and Starcraft, and bought FFVII for the Playstation.

I agree with Warlock about Aeris - she was an integral part of my team who I built up quite a bit, and I was really upset to see her get killed. That and she was really cute.

I've seen the FFVII tech demo for the PS3, and although Square says it's just a demo, there are rumors floating around that they may be remaking the game. Who knows what's true? All I know is I want to freakin' see Aeris' face! (it's always cut off!)

Darth Marsden
08-02-2005, 07:43 AM
Ah, the
you can bring aeris back by fighting rufus 300 times and then going to nibelheim and youll see shadow from ffvi and if you beat him he gives you a sup[erlife materia and you can go back to where aires dies use the soperlife meteria and you can bring her back to life!!!!1!!!1!! rumours. Fun.

DISCLAIMER: This is not true. Aeris dies. You cannot bring her back to life without using hacking tools. Even then, it's not recommended. Just get over it.

Anyway, I prefered Tifa. Not as cute, but more feisty.

Biggest Gaming Letdown? Sonic Heroes. I don't know why I keep getting my hopes up for new Sonic games.

08-02-2005, 08:07 AM
Anyway, I prefered Tifa. Not as cute, but more feisty.

That's interesting, I just prefered her because she had huge tits.

Darth Marsden
08-02-2005, 08:23 AM
That's interesting, I just prefered her because she had huge tits. Well, that too. Plus, mini-top! ;)

Aeris just seemed, to me, to be the typical 'Princess' type of character - weak, always getting you in trouble, ends up getting captured forcing you to rescue her, etc. A very small part of me was glad she died, it meant I wouldn't spend any more time trying to 'find' her.

Vegeta: Only a month and a half to go. Hang in there...

08-02-2005, 09:28 AM
Plus Tifa has a sweet limit on top of all that stuff. It's cool cuz they all string together. I dont know what my biggest let down was. I'd have to say Hulk for GCN.

08-02-2005, 03:13 PM
Biggest gaming letdown?

Super Mario Sunshine would probably be my guess. Instead of a classic "Super Mario Bros." style adventure, we got Mario running through a very non-Mario-ish world spraying things with a watergun.

I long for the day that we get a Mario game as good as Super Mario Bros. 3, which is still the bestselling Mario game of all time.

Mario Power Tennis was a slight letdown because Toad wasn't a playable character, yet "Petey Piranha" was. Nintendo seems to be neglecting the fact that there are many Toad fans out there,

MPT was an awesome game, though, I just miss playing as Toad.

08-02-2005, 03:31 PM
Plus Tifa has a sweet limit on top of all that stuff. It's cool cuz they all string together. I dont know what my biggest let down was. I'd have to say Hulk for GCN.

Who cares? I've always just wanted to fuck her between the tits and splooge on her face. Every damn battle in that game won with Tifa left me needing to masturbate furiously. Incidentally, if I needed to get some progress done in that game, I'd keep her out of the party.

Same thing happened with Lulu in FFX.

08-02-2005, 03:45 PM
Lulu >>> Tifa. Easily.

08-02-2005, 07:26 PM
Yeah I have heard that stuff about Aeris before. The problem is there is a lot of BS floating around the internet about her too. I once read this really elaborate explanation of how you were supposed to "revivie" her by going in the sub and finding that materia she drops in the water (or something) and then apparently that was fake. There was a lot of fake crap like that around.

But yeah, if she had maybe died in the last disk or something I think it would have been better.

Regarding the Underwater Materia, it's also possible the Weapons were planned for the Japanese version but not finished until the American version. Hence the materia being in there but not having a point. And as for her limit break, it's possible they just beefed it up to lower the "suck" factor of her being lost so soon after you get it.

08-02-2005, 08:22 PM
Silent Hill 4- This game wasn't nearly as creepy as it could've been. No broken radio, no dark areas, and no flashlight. Granted, there were some parts that were disturbing (apartment building, 2nd time and the room hauntings), but SH3 was much scarier. Also, combat seemed kinda rushed. Enemies had a ton of life, and you always had to kill them by stomping on them (which looked odd when Henry's foot went through them).

Yeah, I understand. What really irked me about the game was that the game was distinctly level-based. SH3 was, as well, but in SH4 it was even worse. The game also goes for the gore factor more than the psych factor, which drops it down a notch. In addition, the Links-like "charge up" system for melee weapons was very awkward. I still enjoyed the game, but I think the series was at it's best in SH2.

I thought Half-Life 2 was a let down. Not really because the game was bad, but just the way it ran. I was so disappointed when it ran terrible even after meeting the recommended specs that it pretty much ruined the entire game for me. I expected a game like Doom 3 to run worse when it had more demanding requirements, and when it actually ran smoother on a system that didn't meet the minimum requirements then Half-Life 2, I was extremely disappointed.

That's really strange. HL2 runs like a dream on my machine, with all the settings cranked, wheras Doom 3 still won't run at any graphical setting above "medium."

08-02-2005, 11:56 PM
This may already of been said, but Metal Gear Solid 2:The movie . Well, that's basically how I remember it. There were at least 4 hours of cutscenes, in a 10 hour game. The game itself was good, but what the hell was with the story? The la-le-lu-li-lo(sp?) had to of been the dumbest name ever used in a game. What the hell were the Patriots? What happened in the last hour of the game, when the guy kept sending you weird messages over and over and your gf was all messed up? How come when you wait in the cold-passage way as naked Raiden, a Japanese model appears in the mini-map/radar. Ok, I may of been a little biased at the end of the game, but I can't hold it in for an hour, so I kinda missed the last two cutscenes, so I don't even know how the game ended.

08-03-2005, 02:00 AM
Yeah, I understand. What really irked me about the game was that the game was distinctly level-based. SH3 was, as well, but in SH4 it was even worse. The game also goes for the gore factor more than the psych factor, which drops it down a notch. In addition, the Links-like "charge up" system for melee weapons was very awkward. I still enjoyed the game, but I think the series was at it's best in SH2.

Yeah, and while there were "levels" in SH3, it didn't even seem like they tried to cover it up in SH4. You go in the hole, Subway, cutscene, home, go in the hole, Forest, cutscene, home, go in the hole, Water Tower, cutscene, home, go in the hole... well, you get the point, then after you get the hosital, you get to do it ALL over again. :mad: Pretty lame way to try and connect with all the characters.

I agree, SH2 was my favorite in the series, and it has nothing do to with the fact that I think Pyramid Head is one of the coolest baddies in any video game. It was just really good because of the depressing psychological story. :tongue: Ok, enough of that...

Darth Marsden
08-03-2005, 07:41 AM
Who cares? I've always just wanted to f**k her between the tits and splooge on her face. Every damn battle in that game won with Tifa left me needing to m********e furiously. Incidentally, if I needed to get some progress done in that game, I'd keep her out of the party.

Same thing happened with Lulu in FFX.

Edited for naughty language - Darth Load up eMule and do a search for her. :odd:

Gaming letdown? Umm... I've mentioned Sonic Heroes, right? (I will NOT shut up about that.) Okay, I'll go with Billy Hatcher. It's just so damn weird that I honestly can't play it for long without going 'WTF?' and giving up. It's just bizarre. I payed £40 for it, and I've played it about three times in the last year. Blah.

08-03-2005, 09:04 AM
I was thinking about getting Billy Hatcher, but I decided not too. I figured if Sega couldn't polish it's own mascot's game, what makes me think they would do so for a new franchise?

Don't get me wrong, I like Sonic Heroes, and I didn't have as many problems with it as you did, but it has a lot of things wrong with it.

Darth Marsden
08-03-2005, 12:03 PM
I was thinking about getting Billy Hatcher, but I decided not too. I figured if Sega couldn't polish it's own mascot's game, what makes me think they would do so for a new franchise?

Don't get me wrong, I like Sonic Heroes, and I didn't have as many problems with it as you did, but it has a lot of things wrong with it. That's ALL I wanted to hear. :D Billy Hatcher isn't really a bad game, but it's just bizarre. If you can, rent it and see what you think. It takes a little getting used to.

More Gaming Letdowns! When I heard GTA San Andreas was going to be more stat-based then its prequels (I like the idea of getting different clothes though!), Halo PC, Star Wars : Jedi Academy, Earthworm Jim 3D, Unreal 2, Shrek 2 GC, Wallace & Gromit in Project Zoo and Enter the Matrix.

08-03-2005, 03:42 PM
I agree that Starfox Adventures was a letdown - there was no real reason for me to carry on past a certain point, which was quite far into the game, but a part I found annoying (the bit where you fly on a pteradactal, shooting towers.) So I stopped playing.
Another game I found a huge letdown was Shining Soul for the GBA. Not a major game, but it got a good review so I bought it. Never have I been quite so annoyed in a game. The whole thing is based on pressing A enough times to make your thumb drop off. The reviewers must have been seriously high when they wrote the review. Maybe I should sue and get my £30 back...

Star Wars : Jedi Academy, Earthworm Jim 3D, Unreal 2, Shrek 2 GC, Wallace & Gromit in Project Zoo and Enter the Matrix.
Shrek. Wallace and Gromit. Of course they were rubbish. They're licences. But not letdowns. Well, to me at least.

And I enjoyed Billy Hatcher, but it is indeed bizarre. Also it suffers from Sega Camera Angle Disease (SCAD). Especially at the end where you find a hell of a lot of bottomless pits.

Darth Marsden
08-03-2005, 03:51 PM
Well yeah, but they got kinda good reviews. Oh well. And I mention Jedi Academy because as cool as it was to play someone other then Mr Katarn, it was still an irritating little oink.

King Aquamentus
08-04-2005, 11:37 PM
I long for the day that we get a Mario game as good as Super Mario Bros. 3, which is still the bestselling Mario game of all time.

You too, huh?

Did Majora's mask feel a little short to anyone?

08-05-2005, 01:20 AM
Took me around 5 hours to beat Magora's Mask...

And I didn't even enjoy it.

Darth Marsden
08-06-2005, 12:46 PM
You too, huh?

Did Majora's mask feel a little short to anyone? I finished it in about a fortnight (not playing straight, thank you very much!) and it felt about 10 hours too long. Bleh.

08-06-2005, 02:10 PM
Needs more dungeons.

Darth Marsden
08-06-2005, 06:55 PM
It needed more dungeons and no timer. I hate timers, that's why I can't play the earlier Tony Hawk games.

08-06-2005, 07:17 PM
The timer wasn't that annoying, really. Time based events were good. What annoyed me was all the temporal paradoxes. And the masks. I quit the game because I lost interest after working to get the masks (only a few off from having all of them, maybe I should finish) The game was way to short if you played it straight, the minigames are longer than the main quest. From everything I've heard, though, the Fierce Diety Mask is worth it all.

08-06-2005, 07:37 PM
It makes it impossible to lose against Majora, but really it wasn't all that hard withotu it.

08-07-2005, 12:04 AM
Majora's Mask's 4 dungeons didn't seem that short to me, with all the sidequests and stuff to keep me occupied.

What did irritate me was the small amount of dungeons in LoZ: Wind Waker. Even though I loved the game and the dungeons were certainly interesting, I think they should have had a dungeon for each Triforce shard instead of fishing around for hours.

Darth Marsden
08-07-2005, 06:10 AM
I dunno, I kinda enjoyed the fishing. But that's just me. I can see why others would find it irritating. Personally, I find it kind of relaxing. There's a certain satisfaction to be had when you get that last square of map filled in.

Biggest Gaming Letdown? (To get back on topic) Let's nominate... The original Zelda. Go back and play it now, I dare you. Only in recent years have I gotten into the whole series, and I finally got to play the original legally when I got that Special Edition disc which had both N64 games on it as well. I tried it out... and quit almost straight away. Augh! How did we play games like that?

Then I played the Neverwinter Nights remake. Ah, much better. And pretty, too. Would you people like a link?

08-07-2005, 10:29 AM
Dude, LoZ was one of the first games I ever played. I remember sitting in the basement watching in fascination as my dad played it. Still a great game, why do you think most of us were brought here by ZC? That special edition disc I played for MM and Z2. Actually finished Z2, damn that was a challenging game. Only annoying thing was all the overworld distance you had to cover to finally get anywhere.

Wind Waker, though, I got really sick of fishing really fast. I never finished that game because I hated having to track down charts, so I could track down charts, so I could waste money to have the worst Zelda character ever tell me exactly where the triforce was, so that I could sit there fishing for it. Game had great dungeons and bosses, really in the Zelda style there. But the damn boat....

Darth Marsden
08-07-2005, 11:02 AM
I know you guys think it's great, but personally I can't do it. I can't play something like that. I need to be gently guided. I need a decent map. I don't need, but appreciate nonetheless, pretty graphics. Sadly, the original Zelda doesn't have any of those.

And if you're interested, here's that link to the Neverwinter Nights remake. (http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=modules.Detail&id=2988) It's actually pretty good.