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View Full Version : Interesting Quotes from other Forums

07-23-2005, 07:30 PM
I thought this might be fun... Post strange/odd/dumb/funny/cool quotes from other forums you visit. You don't need to link to them or reveal the poster's name, just a quote and a desription of the thread. :)

"If IE is the McDonalds of browsers, then Firefox is the BurgerKing, and Opera the kobe beef burger. Vegetarians can stick to Apples." - Opera Forums, in a thread about Browser Wars

"Why play as a black man if you have the choice of being white? (No racism intended - sorry no offense to anyone who is offended)." - Elder Scrolls Forums in a thread about Redgaurds

There were more I knew of but can't remember them at the moment. I'll post them when I find them.

What do y'all have?