View Full Version : I need some overhead spiderweb tiles, and some nayru's love tiles...

07-20-2005, 05:52 PM
Yeah, so BH4 gave me some nayru's love tiles, (presumably from PureZC) and they.. Don't work. They need to be heavily recolored, and with all the tiles they are to give them a nice 3D effect, I don't want to. So... Does anyone have either these tiles recolored for the Pure set, or simpler, so that I can recolor it in >30 minutes?

Also, I'd love if someone could make me some overhanging spiderweb tiles, which I would use to funtion kinda like the tiles in the ALttP forests, except... Suited for dungeon's and homes. It'd be nice if a shadow could be made, too, to layer onto the floor. Also, for the pure set.


07-20-2005, 07:15 PM
I believe there are already spiderwebs in the Pure set. :)

07-20-2005, 08:22 PM
Those Nayru's Love Tiles are from the Newfirst Set. They were the "Original" ones. They even had their own all-blue Cset. The reason they "don't work," is more than likely because you didn't import the Cset to match. You .. DO .. have a spare Cset available for an all-blue Cset, right? You generally should. You can substituate it for Cset 10 or 11. They're generally USELESS either way. (Seriously.)

Oh, and I can probably send you the spiderweb tiles. I think they're from Freedom. ... Yes, they are. He did a great job with them. I'll look for them, okay?

07-20-2005, 10:14 PM
Thanks much. 10 or 11 of the sprite palette will be useless? I'll check that out, and stuff. And sure, I'd love the tiles. I don't mean like, what is put down on sidescrolling screens, I meant exactly what I said - Like the overhead forest tiles.