View Full Version : Suggestions for preview mode

07-19-2005, 11:14 PM
Here are some keys & actions for Preview mode that should be implemented:
1) Spacebar: The subscreen scrolls down on top of the current screen--really useful so that when a new subscreen type is released, people can view it right then & there. Also, all items that are checked off in INitial Data that you begin with, will also appear in the inventory.
2) "E" for Enemies: Enemies will either spawn randomly or spawn in their flag positions, or enter from sides.
3) "K" for Kill All Enemies: Enemies will just suddenly die--only useful though after pressing E and spawning enemies--it also may trigger secrets if the 'enemies->secrets" flag is checked. Good for making sure enemies are placed correctly & interact right & are animated appropriately. You could also simply exit Preview Mode by pressing the Esc. key which will also destroy all sprites.
4) "L" for Link--puts Link in the game; he 'spontaneously' appears wherever the 'green' placement flag is on that screen--when he reaches the edge, he'll stop--so you cant travel among screens--also, he can only use whatever item he collects in that screen, or perhaps whatever items are checked in Initial Data and also ruppees, magic & hearts will be non existent so he can take as much damage as he wants,buy anything, etc.--just for testing out the screen--also, 'K' will 'kill' Link in addition to enemies. Note that this does not display the 'HUD' where the hearts, magic meter, & items appear; Also the 'freeze' action ("F" button) freeze's all Link & enemies
5) "D" for Dark--Pressing this will make the room dark (screen flag: Dark Room"
6) "U" will replace all 'slash', 'slash item' bush, tall grass, combos with a plush flag, and the like with the set undercombo.
7) "Q" will replace all pound, lock block, & treasure chest combos with the next combo in the combo list.
8) "W" will show walkability & put 'red' over all solid areas.
9) "M" will play all sound effects on the screen from any screen flags' (such as 'secret sound fx', 'ocean sound fx', & 'boss roar')
--More to come--

07-19-2005, 11:34 PM
First of all, "W" already works. ;) It's great.

Hm. IMHO, the two here that I really like, are the Dark one, and the Event-testing. That's all we REALLY need here. We can easily test out the "next" quality just by looking at the combo page. (Maybe an "Undercombo" preview would be nice though.)

Now, Dark flag, ... definitely should be implemented. My Dark screens RARELY work, so I just use combo-cycling and lamps. Whatever works. I mean, it looks better, so... And event testing is almost NECESSARY. I know a lot of people who had immense amounts of problems with events. A lot of the time, they had all the necessary conditions, but it just wouldn't trigger. =/ A preview mode setting which would see if the event was triggerable (Or the secrets would activate) would be nice to see. VERY useful.

07-20-2005, 01:08 AM
The problem with E for enemies is that if you have the enemies on random spawn, where they will spawn depends on the direction you entered the screen from. Basically, there's about 8 points for each direction where they will spawn; they will not spawn anywhere else. I'm guessing this was done to keep them from spawning right under you as you enter a room, as they tend to be arrayed towards the other side.

I made a topic about this a while ago because I was building a room full of ice blocks (which you can smash with the hammer) with just a couple of open areas, and found that the enemies would not spawn. After some research, I came up with the following:
The blocks represent where the enemies could spawn when you enter from the left side (except the block right next to Link, that one was a mistake). The sand was where I had the openings, you can easily see why there were no enemies showing up. Some way to check for situations like this would be really nice, although I'm not sure how it would work.