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Master Ghaleon
07-17-2005, 04:54 PM
What do you call yourself in games that you can name the main character or characters?

I used my name for the main character and usually used the default names for the other characters. I think the only game that I named every one was Shining Force 3 I think.

07-17-2005, 05:12 PM
I generally used default names, but there are a few times where I've changed the names of other characters in RPGs.

Final Fantasy VII
Barret= Big Daddy (Actually, this was in my friend's file. I gave him the idea to name Barret).

Final Fantasy VIII
Ifrit= Efreet (I like this spelling better).

Final Fantasy IX
Stiener= Beans. (yes, Beans. My sister said I should name him "Asparagus," but it wouldn't fit).

I know I've done more. If I think of it, I'll add to it.

07-17-2005, 05:39 PM
Every Zelda file I use is called "Post" because it was not only my nickname in 6th grade, it was the name I used when I beat Zelda Link To The Past for the first time, which was special to me. :)

For Chrono Trigger:
Chrono - Post
Marle - Lia
Lucca - Jana
Robo - R2D2
Magus - Ass
Ayla - Ayla
Frog - Lear
Wings of Time - 747

I leave everything the same for Final Fantasy games. In Fable I've been Jax, Arc, and Randall. I have also used lots of different names in the Quest For Glory series.

07-17-2005, 05:56 PM
I used my name for the main character and usually used the default names for the other characters.

Same here. What can I say? I'm not very creative :shrug: The only exception to this was while playing FFVII on the PC, I named my other party members after friends of mine who reminded me of the in-game characters.

07-17-2005, 07:26 PM
Okay, if the game is something like Zelda, I go by Link. If the plotline takes place in the present or future, I use my name for the main character and the defaults for the others. If the game is more of a medieval fantasy game, I go by Leodin (don't know, medievalish sounding name I came up with it), and if it's an online shooter, I go by "The Mad Fragger."

07-17-2005, 08:35 PM
Dayamn Bel, you've played the QfG Series? :odd: ... Damn, awesome. :D

I used to name my characters after things. Recently though, I've just started to leave them alone, with the exception of still naming my Zelda game characters "Link," or "ZELDA," and things like that. It's mostly just "Link." Same with Castlevania. It's "Alucard," or "Juste," etc.

The most I rename things, is when their name starts out capitalized. I just .. uncapitalize the non-first-letters.

07-18-2005, 12:38 AM
Fighter - Quinn
Blk Mage - Ted
Wht Mage - Beth
Thief - I dunno

Zelda Games I always call my file name Link
Alot of games latley I use the name Jakten which was taken from a song by a band called Fintroll.
Sometimes I just give the characters names tha pop into my head like... Theodore or Seralinde.... Mortimer *shrugs*

07-18-2005, 12:45 AM
Lead Male Character- Amal
Lead Female Character - Sarai

Usually I have a Cirrus, Ino, and Galuf thrown in there.

King Link
07-18-2005, 02:19 AM
Usually either the default character's name, or my own.

Darth Marsden
07-18-2005, 07:59 AM
I'll always use the default name... except when there isn't one. I name all my Zelda games Link, for example. For save games (which isn't asked, but related) I'll use the filename 'Darth' or 'Darth's Game'.

There's only one exception to the character names - when I play Chrono Trigger, I always name Frog 'Glenn'. It's great fun when his actual name is revealed to be... Glenn. Hehe.

07-18-2005, 03:54 PM
Eiko-left the same
the guy with the red hair(he wasn't important)-Jacob

Chrono Trigger
Marle-Kelli(pattern, anyone?)
Wings Of Time-The Shit

I <3 using the same names over and over :D.

07-18-2005, 06:29 PM
I have a bunch of different names I use for different character classes in games that use classes -

Fighter types - Ti'Arkon
Healer types - Edward
Rogue types - Karanor
Mage types - Xio
Paladins - Solas

I don't even know why I use those names... I just do.

In console RPGs, I use the default names, although if they are all in caps, I remove all the extra caps whenever possible.

07-18-2005, 08:21 PM
If it's a fantasy game, I usually use "Aledor Lueltana" or "Aledor". If it's an RPG, I keep the default names.

"Alex" for Zelda.

Otherwise, AlexMax.

Darth Marsden
07-19-2005, 05:07 AM
In console RPGs, I use the default names, although if they are all in caps, I remove all the extra caps whenever possible. Oo, forgot about that. I do that too, but it's a little annoying when you're characters are in lower case but all the NPCs have all-caps for names. I'm looking at you, SNES!

07-19-2005, 03:08 PM
I usually use my own name, that way I fell like I'm actually in the game. But if I have the option of naming my party, I give them the same names as my friends.

07-19-2005, 04:07 PM
In Worms, I named everyone after me and my mates names... Steezy20, Pengu1ns, Smacky P, Scunny and Flynn.

07-20-2005, 02:29 AM
In Zelda games, I always enter the name "Link."

In FF1, I tend to use these names:
Fighter/Warrior: Gawain or Bors
Thief: Dante
Monk/Black Belt: Ryu
White Mage: Tiroa
Red Mage: Sorvan
Black Mage: Vincent or Alatar

In other FF games, I always use the characters' actual names the first time through. Although I have a tendency to give the Esper/Summoned Beast/Eidolon/Guardian Force/Aeon "Ifrit" the name "Pyromaniac."

07-20-2005, 04:10 PM
Every Zelda game I've played I've used a few names:
Ryan - my RL name
bObbY - this one is odd. For some reason I entered that for a Oot game file and I've been using it ever since

For RPG's I tend to use the original names. I always change Frog in Chrono Trigger to Glenn though. :shrug:

If I'm doing a game the requires an 'creative" one. I usually do the Keyboard Smash technique where I hit the keyboard in some random spot a few times and see what I get. I do this repeatedly until I get something that looks good. I might tweak it a bit as necessary.

07-20-2005, 04:25 PM
Glitch, Renmazuo, or Skythe.

07-20-2005, 05:04 PM
I used to just leave them as-is, but a few years ago I made up a character for a board RP and a story to go along with him, so ever since then I've been naming the main character Ozzy or Ozzie. ^_^ Not based on the singer or anything, just popped into my head based on a few different things. There are a few other characters that go along with the backstory that I sometimes use if the naming of other characters is allowed. Such as Azrael, Fox, Kit, or Relmtia.

Darth Marsden
07-20-2005, 05:29 PM
For Worms teams, I'll always call my team 'Dark Side' and take the names from my KX series - so Kris Marx, Michale Chase, Neil Teris & Karie Rumate(whose surname I spell with a French 'e' with one of those dashes above it). I used to name then after Sith Lords like Darth Vader, Darth Tyranus, etc. but I got bored of that after a while.

When it comes to Tony Hawks games, I'll use Darth Marsden on my first run through (as well as building a custom character that looks pretty much like me), and then Karie Rumate(again with that e, although I 'build' her in the image of my dream woman - a fun fact is that the voice for the female player in THUG is exactly what my perfect woman would sound like) on my second run through. I've yet to do a third run through, so I've no idea what I'll do for that!

07-21-2005, 07:18 PM
I just name them whatever their default name is. What can I say, I'm an unoriginal bastard.

07-21-2005, 07:29 PM
depends on the game. if it's Zelda or Golden Sun, I'll name the character their normal name. but if there is no "default" name, I'll either use my name, or come up with one that fits (usually 'Leif'). I never rename other characters, though. just seems wrong to me

07-21-2005, 07:31 PM
Um, I usually just use Eckels.

Sometimes Monkey. but usually Eckels.


07-22-2005, 02:25 AM
Aegis. Dunno why. It's just teh cool. :shrug:

Dark Knight
07-22-2005, 07:40 PM
I use my real name for the main character, but leave the rest alone. I don't know why. Could be a way for me to become more immersed in the story. :shrug:

07-23-2005, 03:23 PM
Really depends on the character. If I do, it's always "Exate" which is the term pulled from the last portion of my name, "PolygonX8." A lot of people refer to me online as Exate, especially since I abhor "Poly."

07-23-2005, 03:49 PM
In games like Zelda or Pokemon I just use the name "Pete".

For my favorite game (Final Fantasy 6) I came up with the following names:

Terra - Jenny
Locke - Thief
Edgar - Edward
Sabin - Johnny
Celes - Carol
Gau - Ugauga
Strago - Granpa
Relm - Mary
Shadow - Black
Mog - Muumi (That's Finnish)
Setzer - Seth
Umaro - Snowie
Gogo - Weirdo

heh... :shrug:

07-23-2005, 04:08 PM
Hmm...the first time I played FF7, I gave the characters rather weird names:

Cloud: Spazzy
Barret: Ed
Tifa: Traitor
Aeris: Slum Drunk (Hey, you can have Cloud call her that)
Cid: Ace
Red XIII: Garfield
Cait Sith: Don Guido

I don't remember what I called the others...

Master Ghaleon
07-25-2005, 04:26 AM
Very interesting names indeed. I always named the sexiest female after the girl I liked. :D

07-25-2005, 09:06 AM
I used to only use my name and my friend's names if it was an RPG I was playing. Unless it was the first time through, then I kept the default names. In Zelda games I'm always Link.

But I saw this thread the other day before I started playing Chrono Trigger and so I named my characters differently.

Crono: Jack
Marle: Zelda
Lucca: Anne
Frog: Theo
Robo: Roy
Ayla: Jane

Yup. Just used random names.

07-25-2005, 11:14 AM
I used to always use the name "Emrys" for my main characters. It's a name that one of my best friends always used, and after I moved away I sorta adopted it as a way to remember him. Eventually I grew out of that though, and now I either use the character's default name, the name I'm using for my main character in whatever MMORPG I'm currently playing, or a name off of the big list of names that I've come up with for different character archetypes over the years.

Darth Marsden
07-25-2005, 12:54 PM
Here's a challenge - next time you play a game where you can name the characters, call your characters something insulting, then take a screenshot when it comes to a classic piece of dialogue and post it here.

Example: Play Final Fantasy VII, but name Tifa 'Bitch' and Berret 'Nigger'. Then take a screenshot at a particularly funny piece of dialogue. Come on, it'll be fun.

07-28-2005, 04:37 PM
In FF7:

Cloud - my name
Cait Sith- Cat Shit
Yuffie - Useless

In FF8, I always left Squall normal because I hate his name and I thought it was funny.

in Crono Trigger:

Crono: Red
Marle: Yellow
Lucca: Purple
Frog: Green
Robo: Junk
Wings of Time: White
Magus: Periwin (short for Periwinkle)
Ayla: Old


Darth Marsden
07-28-2005, 05:10 PM
In FF7:

Cloud - my name
Cait Sith- Cat Shit
Yuffie - Useless Cool... now let's get a screenshot of that!

King Aquamentus
07-28-2005, 05:13 PM
I always either use the character's name or I'll call myself Link.

Wait, I forgot about Final Fantasy 4. You know the monk, Yang?

You can pretty much guess what I changed it to. :D

07-28-2005, 10:42 PM
Me, depends on the game.
Final Fantasy: Whatever I think of at that point.
Legend of Zelda: Legendary Swords
Halo: Church (If you know Red vs. Blue, you know who I'm talking about)
Tribes: Keyboard Smash and edit

Darth Marsden
07-29-2005, 03:59 PM
Me, depends on the game.
Final Fantasy: Whatever I think of at that point.
Legend of Zelda: Legendary Swords
Halo: Church (If you know Red vs. Blue, you know who I'm talking about)
Tribes: Keyboard Smash and edit Yeah, I know who you're talking 'bout. Heh. "Why are there 6 pedels if there are only 4 directions?"