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View Full Version : Help with Win XP, Please.

07-05-2005, 08:58 PM
Like the topic implies. I blame it on Windows XP, two formally good working copies of Zelda Classic Beta Version and 2.10 don't work anymore. :mad:

I didn't even change the computer. I just tried to download SP2, and the bad thing is that sometimes Notepad doesn't work. I have to use a Windows 98 copy of Paint in order to save. So I know that it definitely isn't Zelda Classic. :(

I used a system backup before on the computer to get rid of SP2, because I couldn't run some programs (I forget if it was 16 bit programs or 32 bit programs that I couldn't run.) And I noticed this because PJ64 1.4 didn't work, and my sibling told me so.

I'm not sure, if it's because I cancelled a Windows Auto-Update, that I accidentally clicked, a few days before PJ64 didn't work, but I think that's why.

Any and all help will be apreciated, thanks in advanced. :)

07-05-2005, 11:46 PM
since your current version of WinXP is jacked (have to use a win98 copy of paint?), i'd say backup your shit, and reinstall windows. if even notepad doesnt work, then you need lessons in operating it.

i use winxp-sp2, i have a winxp version of paint, notepad works perfectly, and so does ZC.

07-06-2005, 07:51 PM
I don't have anything to backup into. Anyways, when I took lessons on computer operating, I never bothered to learn Backing-Up because I never figured that I'd need it. However, I did take BASIC, C++, and HTML.

07-06-2005, 09:03 PM
Sounds like you don't have a virus scanner.

07-07-2005, 12:54 AM
Sounds like you failed your computer operating lessons.

If you have a Windows XP disc lying around, most of the time all you need to do is slap it in your drive and reboot. From there, unless one lacks moderate intelligence, it's all self explanatory.

07-07-2005, 03:51 PM
I don't have anything to backup into. Anyways, when I took lessons on computer operating, I never bothered to learn Backing-Up because I never figured that I'd need it. However, I did take BASIC, C++, and HTML.

"Backing up" is a general term. Any 'second copy' of anything that is not stored on the origional media is considered a backup. You could use a complicated BACKUP 2000 PROGRAM WTF OMG BBQ 6.0 or you could just fire up burnatonce and burn your files to a CD. It's all a matter of preference.

07-07-2005, 04:03 PM
"Backing up" is a general term. Any 'second copy' of anything that is not stored on the origional media is considered a backup. You could use a complicated BACKUP 2000 PROGRAM WTF OMG BBQ 6.0 or you could just fire up burnatonce and burn your files to a CD. It's all a matter of preference.

Don't lie to the kid.

Backing-up actually refers to the act of programing a OS from scratch. Should not be done by a amateur.

07-07-2005, 05:42 PM
Thanks for the advice guys.

The problem is that I'll have to buy a new CD, and Symantec says that I don't have any virus on my system. (Though I did use to, but got rid of them by using Symantec's instructions.)

My problem's really with XP. I never had this problem with any other (non-XP) computers. However, I did find ways around most problems, (For examples: right-clicking and opening some documents, using command prompt to open NotePad, opening EDIT and QBASIC by shortcuts instead of by command prompt.) and sometimes I've got to restart the computer to get somethings to work.

However, I'm not sure if Microsoft wouldn't just make a more stable version of Windows. My old XP computer did start having problems too, but this doesn't seem as bad in some ways.

Anyways, Please don't treat me like if I was an amateur with computers. I know very well how computers work, and I've been working with computers for practically all my life. I just need a little help solving the problems.

Like I said thanks for the advice. I'm going to wait a while before getting the CDs to backup my system, just because it seems like a drastic step. Then I'll try Burnatonce. But I have hope that Microsoft unleashes some kind of fix, after all most people do. (Though Microsoft didn't really try to fix the problem with Windows 2000 and later XP not being compatable with most games.)

07-07-2005, 08:54 PM
I've never had these problems with XP (currently running three computers with XP; for quite a length of time). Would this by chance be a prepackaged computer, for example, by HP?

I usally use Nero to burn files, since it comes free in especially marked cereal boxes.

07-08-2005, 01:23 AM
If you have used computers "all your life", then you wouldn't have the problem you are experiencing now (or at least, know how to fix it). Windows doesn't suck, the fact that you are a horrible operator says enough.

You don't know how to backup your important data, which is laughable considering your previous statement. Any cd-burning software will work for you (Nero Express is my preference).

The only games Windows XP isn't compatible with are really (in my experiences) the ones that are older than dirt.

Don't try to play off your computer illiteracy by using the old "windoze sux lol" garbage.

07-08-2005, 06:00 PM
SomUnknown, my computer is prepackaged, if I remember correctly. And it's from emachines.

Gerudo, well, that's the only explanation that I can find. I mean why else would the computer start not working. All that I do on the computer is play games and go to Message Boards. It's not like I could have accidentally deleted a Registry Key doing either. And I'm aware that it is really easy to get a virus on your computer. However, I trust Symantec in their report that I do not have a virus. And I might not be an export at Internet technology because I've only been using the Internet for 6 years. However, I have been using the computer practically all my life, only a few years short (around 3-4), and I was able to completely take care of my computer before now.

So why is this happening? The reason that I don't know how to backup is because I've never needed to. It's not like backing up is the first thing that you learn when you go to computer classes. Anyway, I usually base my knowledge out of experience, my own experience. So that's the main reason why I haven't learn it (the backing-up, I mean).

What's wrong with those games? They are Classic, and being on this site, I'd expect you to like Classics, also.

Plus trust me, I very well am not the only one with these problems, I might not be an export with new computers, however, I am very good with old computers. And I expect them to be compatible, at the very least.

07-08-2005, 11:41 PM
Gerudo, well, that's the only explanation that I can find. I mean why else would the computer start not working. All that I do on the computer is play games and go to Message Boards.
Let's try this:

Are you the only user of the comp? If not, then that could be your problem.

BTW, 99.6% of computer errors are the end result of the user's operation.

07-09-2005, 02:31 AM
And yet they blame it OMG WINDOWS SUCKS 1101. They love denying it that they caused the problem =/

07-10-2005, 09:41 PM
Thanks. I am not the only user. My brother, mom, and dad also use it.

07-10-2005, 10:38 PM
What are the security settings on your computer? Do you know if your family goes to www.iwantsomevirii.com and clicks "yes" to every prompt?

How long have you experienced this "problem" ?

07-11-2005, 12:41 AM
Just shoot your computer and then yourself. Problem Solved.

07-11-2005, 07:53 PM
What are the security settings on your computer? Do you know if your family goes to www.iwantsomevirii.com and clicks "yes" to every prompt?

How long have you experienced this "problem" ?

My settings are Medium and override automatic cookie handling is off. The Default button is grayed out.

No most likely not. At least it doesn't show up in the histories.

For about 2 weeks, more or less.

And thanks for helping.

07-11-2005, 08:36 PM
Dude format your pc and reinstall it and die.

07-12-2005, 12:29 AM
Heh, you guys are so mean...

Anyways, at this point, Legend, I will say you're best bet is not to try and fix the problems as they are now. Just save any important data (such as emails, word documents, and programs), and format your system and reinstall Windows XP. Aside from that, the only thing you can do, is just keep dealing with the problems as they are.

Good luck.

07-15-2005, 05:45 PM
Sorry that it took so long to respond.

Thanks, Gerudo. I'll try to backup and format as soon as possible.