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06-30-2005, 10:06 PM
As a new member of the team, I want to get started right away. Of course, I'm not just going to do anything on a whim. Thus, for the time being it'd be beneficial if we had a thread for priority suggestions you would like to see immediately in ZC. Anything is fair game, regardless of how plausible you think it sounds. I'll keep an ongoing list of suggestions I would like to work on (or am working on) in this post, from stuff either stated here in the thread, in this forum, or even the public discussion forum. I invite DN and FCF to also list what they're working on in this post as well, that is, if there isn't anything they're holding back ;) (and believe me, there are a few surprises I'll keep from you as well)


Red - Under consideration
Blue - On the backlog
Green - Being worked on as we speak
Purple - OMG DONE

Bug Fix release (priority, collaborative effort by entire team)
Timed Pit Warps (Postmortem - So easy to implement I don't know why DN didn't XD)
Categorized flags in ZQ
Simpler quest loading
New enemy patterns

06-30-2005, 10:42 PM
Hmm.. How about the ability to have scrolling screens? (I know this is a bit far-fetched.. XD)

07-01-2005, 12:21 AM
Id like to see a mostly bug free release before some new stuff, but.... ah hell, suggestions wont hurt.

Four Tile Warps per Screen (One in each divisible chunk in the screen. Like Upper-Left, Upper-Right, Lower-Left, Lower-Right)

New Enemy Appearance Patterns
(Falling From Sky: Enemies Fall From the Sky one by one and when they land begin following their normal pattern)

(Rise From Ground: Enemies burrow out of the ground one by one in the manner of a leever, and begin following their normal patterns)

Hmm, and if you want to be even MORE farfetched...

Enemy Editor!

07-01-2005, 01:41 AM
I believe a more stable release should be a priority over new features, but here are some ideas I had:

1 .Not sure if it has been talked about recently, maybe it has and I just missed it, but what about a "guy" editor?

I imagine it being similar to how strings are added to rooms. Instead of choosing a string number that has a line of text associated with it, you choose a "guy" (possibly identified by a number or a short name) with the tile used to represent that guy from a certain cset.

2. An enemy editor, like bigjoe said. Nothing too fancy mind you. Something that would let you easily choose which tiles that enemy would use, and change it's health, vulnerabilities, weapon, etc.

3. Floor masters - basically wall masters that roam the floor (maybe like Ropes!). These first appeared in one of the Oracle Zelda games I believe. I think they should behave so that if you are grabbed by one, you won't be pulled through the ground and back to the dungeon entrance until a certain amount of time passes - maybe the same amount of time it takes for a Like-like to eat your shield once it catches you.

07-01-2005, 02:51 AM
Bug fixes are the first thing I'd like to see.

However, another neat little thing (that really needs to be done at some point) is categorized flags.

A big mess. But looky! A pulldown menu!

And like magic! All of the block related flags are listed!

I suggested this before, but it was lost when a database restore happened (I think?).

Seriously though... 90 (and probably more in the future) flags is a bit too much to search through with no shortcuts. :shrug:

07-01-2005, 03:35 AM
Like everyone else, I think we should get out a bug-free release before any new features are added. But...

1. String triggers (probably a flag)--this is something I've been begging for for a long time. This would work for signs or NPC's. The flag could be placed in front of signs, or on all four sides of an NPC. (Now that we have eyeball combos, an NPC could turn to face Link to talk to him.) The string would disappear when Link steps off the string trigger.

2. A player that has a simpler system of loading custom quests, thus eliminating the first question all newbies ask. Make it obvious.

Dart Zaidyer
07-01-2005, 08:01 AM
I want to see the new Warp system fully implemented, including selectable screen transitions and all that stuff.

07-01-2005, 09:36 AM
I figured a bug free release was obvious. Isn't as easy as it might seem, but rest assured that's on the top of our list.

07-01-2005, 10:33 AM
jman, curious on these timed pit warps... is it going to be timed tics set for the tile warp, but the warp acts as a pit?

I have a few suggestions, but they aren't big or really needed. But, with them, you could create somewhat of a good RPG battle system.
Screen flags:
- Disable B button
- Enemies cause no damage

I thought I heard awhile back DN was putting in a flag to disable the A button on screens for cutscenes and such. Anyways... with these flags, it could be somewhat done like this:
First, Link attacks (and timed pits could be good here). The enemy runs around and can't hurt you. After Link's itme is up, the enemy attacks. Both buttons are disabled from Link, so you have to run from the enemy. With timed pits in combination of full-screen warps, this could be pretty effective for regular enemies.

My last suggestion is a new enemy (could there be room for it under Ganon?) that steals rupees and other items. Perhaps a Rupee Like from the FS games for taking rupees (5 every two seconds would be reasonable), or a thief like in LTTP that takes rupees and bombs.

I didn't download 2.11 (because I was told all the bugs were fixed, so I'm waiting for the next release), but I made a New Enemy Tiles guide at PZC, and perhaps you could implement all the unfinished enemies ;) (in red):

I say to forget about the BS Aquamentus's, though. Maybe a few of these done (like the wallmasters as vegeta previously stated) would be good.

07-01-2005, 10:47 AM
Indeed, bugs should be the top priority.

Personally, I think a combo-flag cycling would be nice. You know, the combo cycles and a flag pops up above it. Very nice for something like Custom Bosses. ;)

Another thing that would be nice would be to make and stairs work if Link is above them, period. You know, if the combo cycles and it puts Link over the pit, and he isn't moving, nothing happens. It would be nice if he actually would warp. Still, Custom Bosses come to mind.

The thing would be to make damage combos more sensitive. I was playing a quest with a custom boss, and you could avoid the damage combos by being halfway between 2 combos. It made the custom boss loads easier than it would have been.

The last would be to fix the thing about launching the hookshot on a half solid combo. If Link is on the non solid part, he simply shoots over the solid part, thus ruining some dungeons. :shrug:

But... like I said, bugs should be the first priority. :tongue:

07-01-2005, 12:02 PM
The thing would be to make damage combos more sensitive. I was playing a quest with a custom boss, and you could avoid the damage combos by being halfway between 2 combos. It made the custom boss loads easier than it would have been.

I don't remember hearing anything like that... is it possible the quest maker didn't have the linked combos rule checked?

As for timed pit warps, it's still not entirely clear how they'll work, but I'm sure whatever is implemented will be beneficial to all quest makers.

07-01-2005, 12:06 PM
The thing would be to make damage combos more sensitive. I was playing a quest with a custom boss, and you could avoid the damage combos by being halfway between 2 combos. It made the custom boss loads easier than it would have been.

That might have been the builder's fault by not clicking the "Linked Combos" rule.

07-01-2005, 12:20 PM
Long Post, Bear With Me.
Lots of little ideas, iterations on what's already been said.
BTW, GREAT ideas everyone. I love seeing such creative sparks. :highfive:

Four Tile Warps per Screen (One in each divisible chunk in the screen. Like Upper-Left, Upper-Right, Lower-Left, Lower-Right)Kinda hard to do, seeing as we have an odd number of tiles crossing the screen in one of the directions. Maybe both, I forget...

1 .Not sure if it has been talked about recently, maybe it has and I just missed it, but what about a "guy" editor?Initially, this concept sounds very good. It could eliminate a layer entirely. o_o But then we get into the whole "We should be able to PLACE this "Guy" on the screen, like a rupee or a flag or start position." But then it falls apart, because this "guy" would or would not be strikeable, and we'd have to decide on the minutia of that as well. But I suppose it can be done, if we know exactly what it is we're looking for. :odd: I like it.

1. String triggers (probably a flag)--this is something I've been begging for for a long time. This would work for signs or NPC's. The flag could be placed in front of signs, or on all four sides of an NPC. (Now that we have eyeball combos, an NPC could turn to face Link to talk to him.) The string would disappear when Link steps off the string trigger.Nice idea Jaye. :) The question comes to mind though; Would the player be able to walk under these strings? If not, perhaps we could change it from string to layer? You could layer the text right on the screen, causing the layer to turn on and off. Heck, we could change its entire goal from making text appear to making whole layers appear and disappear! You could have a SWITCH on the layers screen that says "On" and "Off." (Off implying that the layer is not in effect, and isn't evident.)

2. A player that has a simpler system of loading custom quests, thus eliminating the first question all newbies ask. Make it obvious.I really wish more people would think like this. Perhaps we could add a new text-option like new name, copy, and delete, that says "play custom quest" instead of having to press "A" twice, with little to no indication of doing that. Man ... Kickarse!

Nick, I'd generally agree with you on the whole flag organization thing, but IMHO, after you work with flags enough, you really start to memorize what is where. But that doesn't really help the newcomers, so perhaps you have a point. But I can still see a lot of people not even bothering to use the pulldown menu after a certain "ZC Experience Level" (heh) due to this familiarity.

Now, if we had HOTKEYS to bring us down to certain points, like bookmarks, Now THAT would really help. Those are such tremendous time savers.

You know what we Really, ABSOLUTELY need? Two Things.

1) Something to check if strings are referring to themselves. This shouldn't be THAT hard to do. Something that would be a bit harder to do, is to check if strings never finish; i.e. if they're referring to a previous iteration, causing an infinite loop of never-ending strings. We definitely have to check for that. Adding strings is DANGEROUS BUSINESS.

2) Link Start Positions default to the extreme upper left corner, resulting in these obvious "Why can't I see or move Link?" situations. Perhaps he should default to the center? Heck, you KNOW that it's something that needs to be dealt with. ;)

The thing would be to make damage combos more sensitive. I was playing a quest with a custom boss, and you could avoid the damage combos by being halfway between 2 combos. It made the custom boss loads easier than it would have been.... :odd: ... What The Heck! O_O; You're kidding right?!? XD IMHO, they're sensitive enough! I mean, there are times in which you're barely NEXT TO the thing, and you're already dead! O_o; There are also times in whcih you can walk pretty much OVER it without getting damaged. I think the horizontal plane is the supersensitive part, whereas the vertical isn't as sensitive. Very odd.

jman, as for Timed Pit Combos, how similar is it to the timed warp combo? I mean, obviously, I know little to nothing of the code, but from the perspective of the wee folk, they should be similar enough. :shrug: It's definitely more than likely an extraordinarily fallacious viewpoint, but I / we see no reason why it shouldn't be if timed side warps are implemented.

07-01-2005, 12:27 PM
Timed warp combo? You referring to combo cycling to a pit/direct combo, cause I see nothing in ZQ about a timed warp combo

Not to mention using timed pit warps, you no longer have to have Link walk to trigger the next
'frame' of an event/boss. Furthermore, since it uses the side warp, it gives you the freedom to use the tile warp in another fashion if you so desire ;)

07-01-2005, 01:05 PM
Initially, this concept sounds very good. It could eliminate a layer entirely. o_o But then we get into the whole "We should be able to PLACE this "Guy" on the screen, like a rupee or a flag or start position." But then it falls apart, because this "guy" would or would not be strikeable, and we'd have to decide on the minutia of that as well. But I suppose it can be done, if we know exactly what it is we're looking for. :odd: I like it.

The main idea for it (in my opinion anyways) would be so that you wouldn't be stuck with using the same "guys" over and over, and could create new ones for special situations. More over, you wouldn't have to mess around with the default tiles for them, since you could pick your own.

I don't think people should be able to place "guys". They are fine in the center of a room like they've always been.

07-01-2005, 01:45 PM
The main idea for it (in my opinion anyways) would be so that you wouldn't be stuck with using the same "guys" over and over, and could create new ones for special situations. More over, you wouldn't have to mess around with the default tiles for them, since you could pick your own.

I don't think people should be able to place "guys". They are fine in the center of a room like they've always been.
And this is from the Zelda Classic view, I take it? All perfectly logical, and if I were utilizing that viewpoint as my guiding purpose, I would support such a thing too.

But the use of layers has made "Guys" moot. We don't even need them anymore.

However, because many of the more "advanced" users are using ZC's abilities to make other games, not just other "first quests" and such, we should be keeping both methods intact.

Thus, shouldn't it only be right that everyone gets what they want, but done through a simple way? We could have the option "No Guy" (Or just eliminate the Fire tile as we've been doing. :shrug: ) and we can add many more Guys, or make them configurable. It should work for everyone.

07-01-2005, 01:58 PM
The guy system still stands as the 'easy way out' for newbs, as do many of the other supposedly depreciated features of ZC. I agree improvements to the system could be made, but since it is a simple and old technique, it shouldn't be given priority. If anything, the system would be replaced with a competent NPC system before the current one gets redone.

07-01-2005, 02:30 PM
A couple more suggestions

Backgrounds: Setting in DMAP(you select any screen on any map that is to be the top left of the entire background). Where there is (X) ( or no) color on the screen, a background will show through it. Normally, it doesnt scroll when you switch screens, giving you the effect that it is distant. When [] Parallaxing (Left Right) is checked, it will scroll by a factor of <variable> pixels as you travel Left and Right. When Parallaxing (Up Down) is checked, it will scroll by a factor of <variable> pixels as you travel up and down.

Custom Font: Customize the font via a sprite setting. If left alone, it will use default font.

07-01-2005, 03:55 PM
BH4: The question comes to mind though; Would the player be able to walk under these strings? If not, perhaps we could change it from string to layer? You could layer the text right on the screen, causing the layer to turn on and off. Heck, we could change its entire goal from making text appear to making whole layers appear and disappear! You could have a SWITCH on the layers screen that says "On" and "Off." (Off implying that the layer is not in effect, and isn't evident.) That was the reason for having the string disappear when Link steps off the string trigger. Your idea is cool too though. Anything to keep us from having to warp to another screen to make signs work and NPC's talk.

07-01-2005, 04:11 PM
Yeah, .. Thanks and all. :) I was referring to having this situation take place near the upper part of the screen, where the string would appear. If it was, the player would probably get stuck or something unless something drastic was done. Obviously, we have no idea how hard it'd be to code in the removal of walk access under that string area.

07-01-2005, 06:37 PM
I don't remember hearing anything like that... is it possible the quest maker didn't have the linked combos rule checked?

LTM PM'd me at PZC about it. I believe it may have been Chuck Block (SDR)... and sorry to say, jman, but I've ALWAYS had the rule checked (I opened the quest a few minutes ago). Which means, there's a bug with the rule. Might want to check it out.

07-01-2005, 07:24 PM
Wait... you might have misunderstood what I was refering to. I'm not talking about multiple damage combos in a row. That's fine. I'm talking about 1 single combo. If you have 1 single damage combo, you can walk in between of a regular combo and the damage combo to avoid damage.

07-01-2005, 07:43 PM
Whoah, that is REALLY Odd. I You mean, ... Okay.. ASCII-Based Diagram time.


Okay, the X is a damage combo, the O's are regular floor combos, and you're walking BETWEEN the two blue ones FROM the south, going North, across the left half of the Damage tile. I assume that's it, right? .. So that doesn't damage you?

However, if you walk from the red O onto the Damage tile, you get hurt even before your character seems to enter one pixel's worth. Kinda odd.

07-01-2005, 11:14 PM
Heres another suggestion: Button Warps. Press a button, and be warped. If not an entire new warp type, it could be something in Screen Data, like [Button] triggers [Warp Type]

ex: A triggers Side Warp

I had suggested this along with the "Invisible Link" and "No Subscreen" stuff, but for some reason, only those got added.

Oh and maybe a "Deny Game Input" screen flag to go along with them, that way , you wont see any sword beams zipping across your title screen. ;)

07-02-2005, 12:03 AM
This goes along with bugfixes, but I would like to see the map import/export feature working again. Then maybe I could finally finish my group quest since the work got spread across 2 files.

And I can't believe nobody mentioned arrows! I'd also like that flamethrower that was in one of the betas a while back. It was a fun item and would make a good addition to the list of items that use magic.
And on the subject of retro ideas, it would be nice to have the LttP-style dark rooms where you have a region of light around Link and you can light torches to brighten the rooms. Since we have transparency effects which didn't exist when that was first attempted it might work better now.

07-02-2005, 02:10 AM
And I can't believe nobody mentioned arrows! I'd also like that flamethrower that was in one of the betas a while back. It was a fun item and would make a good addition to the list of items that use magic.

I think BH4 here mentioned something of that today... and a long time ago, IDK said something of adding a Wand 2 that shot electricity if you held B (or something to that effect). Was this flamethrower you're referring to that item?

Oh, I've got another suggestion. Would it be possible to make ZC have more than one sword beam on the screen at a time, jman?

07-02-2005, 10:26 AM
Whoah, that is REALLY Odd. I You mean, ... Okay.. ASCII-Based Diagram time.

Okay, the X is a damage combo, the O's are regular floor combos, and you're walking BETWEEN the two blue ones FROM the south, going North, across the left half of the Damage tile. I assume that's it, right? .. So that doesn't damage you?

However, if you walk from the red O onto the Damage tile, you get hurt even before your character seems to enter one pixel's worth. Kinda odd.

Yep, your explanation is right on. The current damage combos are really funky. They are ultrasensitive head on, but like in this, they aren't at all. :shrug: I do have to agree with you though, damage combos are practically too sensitive when going onto them head on. :disgust: Which, the ultrasensitivity wouldn't be bad if Link wouldn't get propelled in a direction when he turns. :(

07-02-2005, 01:14 PM
I think BH4 here mentioned something of that today... and a long time ago, IDK said something of adding a Wand 2 that shot electricity if you held B (or something to that effect). Was this flamethrower you're referring to that item?
One of the betas took a lot of the items and transformed them into slightly different items. The potion became poison which made your screen go wonky. The bombs became remote bombs (hit b again to blow them up) and proximity mines. The boomerangs became bomberangs that exploded on contact. You had to be careful to hit something with them, or they would come back and blow up in your face. The candles became flamethrowers that shot out a continuous fan of flams as you held down b. It was sorta like the Gleeock2 breath, but it only traveled about 3 tiles and it fanned out rather than being a single stream.
The reason I brought them up is the code for them probably still exists somewhere, which would make the implementation a bit easier.

07-02-2005, 03:08 PM
Wow... interesting item-twists. O_o Perhaps this flamethrower could be a "candle 3"? Now, the remote bombs sounds excellent, and those were even in TMC. Perhaps a new room type or something called "bomb switch" to switch between regular and remote. And for the remote, there'd be tiles for it stationary, then ones for it exploding.

You should add these after the next stable release, jman. :P

07-03-2005, 03:50 AM
I ask for one thing right now: A Combo that stops arrows.

07-03-2005, 05:29 PM
just three simple (hopefully) things for now. I'll but you with more as time goes by

first, make it so maps affect all DMap types (currently, they only work for dungeons... maybe caves, but I'm not sure)

second, NPC combo. they'll trigger like chests (only from all sides), and they start playing a string. when the string finishes, the player presses A to remove the string from the screen (as well as the barrier area)

third, string backgrounds. customizable graphics that appear behind strings, and dissappear when the string is removed from the screen (they would be set up like maps. click one square, and ZQuest fills in the rest)

also, there are a few typos present. I'll see if I can find them

I've got a bunch more, but they can wait

07-06-2005, 02:30 PM
One thing that I would love to see work again is Quest Templates. Although you can use them by importing the template manually, the list that pops up when a new quest is started doesn't work. I use them all the time. Since they can be inserted manually I definately wouldn't call this priority but just thought I'd mention it.

The major thing that should be implemented is correctly working Chests and NPC's, by which I mean hitting A when standing in front (for chests) or on any side (for NPC's) activates the effect (open/item or string) instead of swinging the sword. As with most of my suggestions (the few there are) I have no idea how possible or, if possible, how tough these would be to do. Just my rare 2 cents.

Dark Nation
07-06-2005, 03:14 PM
The major thing that should be implemented is correctly working Chests [...]http://www.armageddongames.net/showthread.php?t=85232

07-06-2005, 03:50 PM
Yeah but I mean one's where you press A after walking up to it, not just walking up to it.

Dark Nation
07-06-2005, 04:07 PM
I suppose that could be done. It was just assumed that if someone started pushing on a treasure chest that they wanted to open it. *shrug*

07-06-2005, 04:52 PM
And that's probably the case. But I figure it was done with the A button in all the other Zelda games, why not here?

07-06-2005, 04:54 PM
"Scroll to Combo" Right click option in main editor.

This option scrolls the combo brush to the combo youve right clicked. This can be useful for finding combos that are near combos that are on the screen.

07-06-2005, 05:27 PM
Here's my batch...

First of all... I'm sure it's been asked qutie a bit, but could the DMap count be boosted? At LEAST to 300? Many quetmakers get all tense and worried they may run out, and conservation is pretty high. I think 300 is a good safe amount, and people could probably use them more without worrying.

- Next... perhaps some option in the "Data" menu for a screen. A "Select MIDI" option that allows you to assign one of your already uploaded MIDIs to one screen. I've had many occasions where one MIDI would come in handy in one situation, but I'd need to waste a DMap for it. Even though I'm asking for more DMaps, this'd be nice if possible (And make sure the song doesn't immediately start over if you scroll to a screen or warp to one which has the same MIDI set to it. :P)

- Two new screen flags: "Items always return" and "Enemies never return". For items, it'd be really helpful in... oh say, you got some trial run of some sort. You keep fighting enemies, then come to a refill room. You can put a fairy here, but set it to always return (incase you die and must start the trial over, you can always get the fairy to recover so it's not like a "Oh shit, I just fucked myself over gettign that before" situation). I can even think of other places this'd come in handy; like game area for earning cash.
The other flag could be useful for just getting rid of certain groups of enemies on a screen rather than using a dungeon boss flag and several DMaps for this.

And... I've always meant to ask, what was the "HS Bridge" combo intended to do?

07-06-2005, 05:36 PM
The "HS BRIDGE" combo is supposed to create a series of walkable combos on its way back, when you hookshot this combo and the hookshot comes back. So when the hookshot comes back to you, there will be walkable combos where the hookshot had travelled. :)

Or at least that's my recollection of it from the Oracle Series on the gameboy games. Like, you'd hookshot a pile of rope, and the rope would come back to you in the form of a wood-slated bridge. It was pretty cool actually. ;)

I doubt this'd be easy to do on its own. Considering that we can easily do this now via secret combos, I don't see much of a point.

Actually, the only thing I would think of, is that we should be able to trigger stuff when the hookshot is out, instead of being basically invincible and intangible while it's out. Perhaps a quest rule for that?

Dark Nation
07-07-2005, 01:40 AM
"Scroll to Combo" Right click option in main editor.

This option scrolls the combo brush to the combo youve right clicked. This can be useful for finding combos that are near combos that are on the screen.

Good idea. Just added it.

07-07-2005, 08:26 AM
"Scroll to Combo" Right click option in main editor.

This option scrolls the combo brush to the combo youve right clicked. This can be useful for finding combos that are near combos that are on the screen.

Extremely good idea. Perhaps bookmarks too, to add to DN's change?

not yet, but perhaps soon.

Dart Zaidyer
07-07-2005, 11:26 AM
The quest rule "Full Link Tile Mods" should do exactly what it says. Right now it doesn't.

This should also extend to shields. There is no reason to continue limiting the way shields are allowed to show; Doing so is essentially just trading one problem for another.
You have to take the whole package, and if you want to show your shields the "classic" way, then just don't draw them in the tile mod!

07-07-2005, 02:16 PM
Here are a few suggestions of mine:

First of all, in Zquest, an option of scrolling the screen in any direction. This would be useful if say you wanted to make a series of animations. What would happen is that you would pull the screen in any direction, thus you could adjust it to your specifications.

The second thing is the idea of having layers follow certain monsters. For example, let's say that I want to have a death knight that instead looks more like a tank. With this, I would make the tank graphics, and then select at what point the enemy would drag the graphics arround(in this case it would be in the centre, like he's driving the tank). The layer would follow the sprite arround, untill it dies, in which case it would disappear. It could even be programmed to deal damage, which could allow for things like spiked log rolling traps, and stuff like that.

Another idea would be a tile that when push against, would automaticall sent link up a pixel, sort of like having curved edges in the game. It would work better with diagonal control, but it could be used as is for some effects.

One more idea is the ever so classic warp that is activated by pressing the A or B buttons. This would make using side warps in cutscenes obsolete. What could be even better is a combo that warps you differently depending on what button you press. For example, a yes or no question that determines your actions. If the anser is yes, you press the A button. If not, you press B. Under the Warps section, a side warp could be assigned to one button, while another could be assigned to the other button. The tile warp could still be used as well.

I heard a suggestion about splitting the screen into 4 sections, each quadrent leading to a different area. This might not work exactly, but the simplist thing is just that warps should just be overhauled.

Instead of tile warps, side warps, ect, what there will be is a list of about 10 warps. You select things as normal, but there would be an extra field, which is what kind of warp it will be. Under the menu would be several options: Stairs warp. direct warp, timed warp, timed direct warp. In the combo screen there could be an extra parimetar that would be from 1 to 10. This would work for whatever combo you selected. Right now, for stairs and direct warps, 1 to 10 would indicate what warp it would use, and you could have from 1 to 10 different warps on the screen at a time, with what warp being saved directly into the combo. Other combos could make use of this, perhaps a 1 to 10 for which weapon would break a certain solid combo, or how many hearts a spike tile could do as damage, or even what out of 10 seperate locked door fags would be triggered. This brings me into another idea:

Locks overhaul. Each room would have 10 locks(more than enough, but it fits in with the 1 to 10 idea with the warps), and lock block combos would be renamed lock combos. Basically, lock combos would replace regular locks(although the origional would be available for use). You have 10 locks per screen, and if you unlock one lock of one number, all of them are unlocked. Also, if you somehow appear on a lock combo, either by scrolling into it from another room, or placed on top of it by a warp, instantly the lock will be triggered without you using a key(in the case of scrolling, it would check if the lock is on a screen, and check to see if Link will collide with it. Somthing like this exists in the Oracle games).

Anyway, all of this is very hard work, and what about the Classic Zelda? Well the best idea I can think of, is to have 2 modes of editing. The first would be normal standard Zelda, and the second one would be with all the extras. You can upgrade quests, but you cannot downgrade quests. Both quests can be played on the ZC player. This way you can make a classic quest, and a new nifty quest without the need of worrying about backwards compatablily(since one player can play both types of quests).

07-07-2005, 02:40 PM
All that sounds a bit ambitious, Jiggly, like turning ZC into something totally different. It would also be very difficult for beginning questmakers to get the hang of.

07-07-2005, 03:07 PM
a suggestion I forgot to mention, that I would really like to see

"Enemies never return" screen flag, or "Secrets stay triggered" screen flag, so you can have makeshift doors in non-dungeon and cave DMap types

07-07-2005, 08:49 PM
I just suggested the former of your's, Gashin.

Somebody brought this up to me awhile ago during a discussion... a favorites page for combos. You put your most used combos in this page for an easy selection so you don't need to keep scrolling through the pages. Though, with BigJoe's scroll to combo added, maybe this might not be needed. :shrugani:

07-07-2005, 10:28 PM
I just suggested the former of your's, Gashin.

Somebody brought this up to me awhile ago during a discussion... a favorites page for combos. You put your most used combos in this page for an easy selection so you don't need to keep scrolling through the pages. Though, with BigJoe's scroll to combo added, maybe this might not be needed. :shrugani:

I was actually planning on implementing this very idea, as well as having preset 'brushes' of certain combo sets. How it would be displayed would still need to be determined.

07-07-2005, 10:37 PM
How about this - instead of (or in addition to) a favorites page, you keep a list of the last 5 or 6 combos used. Then if you're working on a screen and switching back and forth within a small subset of your combos, they would be right there and ready for use.

07-08-2005, 12:33 AM
I was actually planning on implementing this very idea, as well as having preset 'brushes' of certain combo sets. How it would be displayed would still need to be determined.Interesting, but just for thought, here's another way this might be done.

We can just add our favorite combos to the beginning of the combo page instead, or "slip the in." It's like inserting a piece of paper between two others. I don't know how it would be done, and obviously, it still stands to messing up all the combos in the game, (And How. O_o; ) but it's something interesting that people may like to see.

Of course, we should be making this as easy as possible for our favorite Devs. :p It's just not fair otherwise.

07-08-2005, 03:10 PM
Ya know, I haven't seen it here, but an enemy damage option for rooms would be cool. What I mean is, when you hit a certain enemy(which could be specified), another enemy would be damaged the same. I think this and an enemy fence combo to keep enemies at bay would make custom bosses much easier to implement and allow more flexibility in design.

And I'd like to see test come back, I liked that option, it allowed me to test/fix quests much faster. Ya know, I was thinking about a quick way to scroll between favorite combos. How about using the mouse wheel?

07-09-2005, 02:48 AM
Here's one I forgot to mention... would it be possible to make combo cycling operate on lyaers? There have been people who really want this.

07-09-2005, 06:09 AM
2. New quest rule: 'Combo cycling on layers' Incorporates code that allows combos on layers to cycle in the game engine. Properties don't take effect (as usual), but I assume it'd be useful for certain animations as well as changes in collision.

In the 2.11 beta 1 and 2 thread... ;)

07-09-2005, 11:30 AM
Since my other suggestions were rather complicated, I'll just restate one of them and that is the combo that acts as a warp when you push a button. There can be an A and B button, or heck, how about one for all the buttons? If you make a room that disabled all buttons except walking, you could set up an elaborate password system by entering A, B, Start, and the 2 cycle buttons. But anyway, if nothing else, just the combos that trigger a warp when you press the button. It beats having to press down. Imagine a title screen where you actually have to press Start instead of press the down key? A variation of this, which is more complicated, would be a combo that depending on what button you press, you are warped to a different screen. It would use tile warp and side warp, or there could be one where it's tile warp or direct warp, depending on what button you press on top of the combo.

Push button switches are also a good idea. That way you could have a toggle switch that doesn't cause rapid cycling of secret combos, as well as look better.

How about a rule to disable sword and wand graphics? How it would work is that the sword and wand won't actually come out, but instead of a projectile can be fired, it would be fired as if it was an arrow. This is good for quests that want the game to be more gun oriented instead of sword oriented. Also would be a quest rule to make link shoot from an actual bow, but I think that's allready planned.

Dart Zaidyer
07-09-2005, 12:27 PM
The "New" Warp System had that as a feature, Jigglysaint. Why not just implement that?

Here's another suggestion: The option to assign a regular string to an item. When Link picks up the item for the first time, it will display the string while Link is holding the item in the air. When it's finished, you can press A to dismiss it, much like an intro string.
There can be a "display once" checkbox as well, so the string will only be shown one time and then never again. Useful for Bomb and Bait items so the game won't explain what they are over and over again.

07-09-2005, 12:55 PM
The "New" Warp System had that as a feature, Jigglysaint. Why not just implement that?

Here's another suggestion: The option to assign a regular string to an item. When Link picks up the item for the first time, it will display the string while Link is holding the item in the air. When it's finished, you can press A to dismiss it, much like an intro string.
There can be a "display once" checkbox as well, so the string will only be shown one time and then never again. Useful for Bomb and Bait items so the game won't explain what they are over and over again.

I don't recall hearing anything about a combo that allows you to warp when pushing a button on top of a combo. If it is, I haven't seen it.

07-09-2005, 01:45 PM
I haven't seen any code for such a thing either, although i'll admit I haven't been looking too much for it.

Switches and warps that require button presses are nice, though it will probably be a more simpler scheme than anything else when it is implemented.

07-09-2005, 05:03 PM
Compass Overlay: A Dmap setting. Its an image precisely the size of a map that is laid over the map when you collect a compass, which , thus, will reveal whatever the user wishes to have his or her compass reveal. If left alone, compass will function as normal.

"No Shadow in Passageways" Rule - Flying enemies such as bats will not leave a shadow in a passageway or dungeon item room.

By the way, I think you mentioned that you were making new subscreen types. Do you mean subscreen types that will use custom user items rather than triforce, or just expanding it for more items?

-Default Damage Values-
If theres not going to be an item editor any time soon, can the default damage values for certain items be changed? Id like to be able to give my player a hammer in the first portion of the game, but since it takes the same amount of damage as the magic sword, its not a likely candidate.

Other things that could be done:

Weaker wooden arrow, and thus , each following arrow is weaker.

Weaker fire boomerang.

Stronger first sword than second sword, but second sword shoots beams.

07-10-2005, 02:42 PM
I don't think I saw this anywhere, how about a flag delay option? There's several items that if used with tiered secrets will cause multiple flags to activate, like the boomerang. Some won't stop activating secrets, like the arrow. So, if tiered secrets are used, we'ld have this flag delay that we could set that sets that would force ZC to wait a time limit before the next flag could be activated.

07-10-2005, 02:46 PM
I don't think I saw this anywhere, how about a flag delay option? There's several items that if used with tiered secrets will cause multiple flags to activate, like the boomerang. Some won't stop activating secrets, like the arrow. So, if tiered secrets are used, we'ld have this flag delay that we could set that sets that would force ZC to wait a time limit before the next flag could be activated.
That would be nice as it will also help with the trigger a flag multiple times in a row.. I once shot an arrow at a crystal switch in PolygonX8's SDR and it literally "Froze" ZC. The secret sound would not shut up and Link was unable to move. So I think this will be a perfect solution to that.

07-10-2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, I suppose that is a pretty good thing to implement. =/ Perhaps put the "wait" input box near the Timed Tics in the screen flags screen, and set the "default" to half or a third of a second. That would be wonderful. :)

But having an arrow FREEZE ZC? O_o' ... That's a little excessive, IMHO. I was just replaying Sabotage Dragoon, and I was in the Inverted Tower, hitting switchthings with the Partisan, (L1 "Sword.") and the secret triggered like, twelve times (Estimate) before the blade had left the tile. Freaky, huh. :p

07-10-2005, 03:23 PM
I think it'd just be preferable to add a game-wide delay as far as tiered secrets go. When a secret is triggered, any subsequent secrets are untriggerable until 5 frames later perhaps?

07-10-2005, 03:27 PM
I think a good few choices like 5F, 10F and 20F would be cool, but if I had to go with one, 5.

07-10-2005, 04:36 PM
Or how about this - each action can only trigger secrets once. For instance, once your sword strike hits a sword flag, that sword strike would be 'used up' and you wouldn't be able to trigger any more sword flags until you swung your sword again. That would really help for spaces that can be triggered multiple times by the same action - i.e. crystal switches you can hit with your sword multiple times. If I slash a crystal switch with my sword I expect it to trigger once, and having this as a quest rule (or maybe even an outright fix) would keep the quest designer from having to think about it as they design the quest.

Dart Zaidyer
07-10-2005, 06:11 PM
Perhaps I'm late to the party with this suggestion, but how about cleaning up the SPC engine and adding NSF support?
I'm sick of not being able to adjust the volume for SPCs, which are usually pretty quiet by default. And the ability to use NSFs would seriously bolster the NES quests.

07-10-2005, 06:48 PM
SPC volume should be worked on. I think DN was doing something to that effect

And funny you should mention NSFs... come back to me in a bit ;)

Dart Zaidyer
07-12-2005, 03:37 PM
As far as Link Tile editing goes, do you think you could implement a system where you can assign animation frames and speed for Link's actions, just as you would an item or combo? That way, designers would no longer be limited to just 2 or 3 frames per action. This would especially be useful to people trying to mimick "modern" Links that have about 7 or 8 frames per action.

The fact that this could potentially increase the amount of tiles involved by a whole lot (Especially with Tile Mods) would be left up to the quest author to deal with.

07-12-2005, 08:41 PM
I'm loaded with these suggestions, and here's my latest one

darker colors for the grid in the tile editor. when working with very dark colors, it makes it almost impossible to see, or even tell the difference between the colors

07-13-2005, 02:30 PM
I'm loaded with these suggestions, and here's my latest one

darker colors for the grid in the tile editor. when working with very dark colors, it makes it almost impossible to see, or even tell the difference between the colors
Perhaps a slide bar along the left side, to the left of the tile tools. which can make the background temporarily lighter or darker? :shrug:

07-14-2005, 12:56 PM
And I can't believe nobody mentioned arrows!

THANK YOU! I was beginning to think I was the only on who finds it odd that we still have to use our money as projectile weapons. I mean, I guess a rupee to the eye would hurt, but still.

07-14-2005, 04:32 PM
Seeing as I hear jman and DN are working to give Link the other side sprites and make his tiles electable, I've got some new rules and room types in mind that would be VERY nice if put in.

Both of these are activated via rules.

Link hurt tiles - This rule enables Link to flip to a tile for each direction from when he gets hurt. Basically, when hit, Link will change to this tile for about a split second and then go back to the walking tiles. These should be for each direction and seletable in the Link tiles, but will only work if the rule is enabled.

Half-circle slash - Instead of Link Stopping the sword in front of him, he pulls it all the way to his side instead giving him a wider range of attack. This also means Link will need 4 more tiles for himself - the ones when he has the sword at his side.

Fast sword - While quick sword allows the player to cancel a slash and restart at any time, fast sword does exaclty what it implies; allows the player to swing the sword quicker, rather.

Room types:
Learn half-circle slash.
Learn quick sword.
Learn fast sword.

With these room types, it can allow the player to learn these skills along the journey. :thumbsup:

07-14-2005, 04:38 PM
While we're on the subject of swords, why not a "disable item sounds" room rule? You know, for cutscenes and stuff. It get's annoying listening to the sword sound. :tongue:

07-14-2005, 07:47 PM
Well, LTM... I believe DN installed a "No A Button" screen flag, which means the sword will be disabled for a screen.

07-14-2005, 10:10 PM
I think that any upgrades like slashing and half magic should also be in item format as well as room. That way you could have a shop that sells these upgrades as scrolls or somthing. I also think we should come up with more upgrades. I'd say at least 8, to give diversity. I also like the idea of items that trigger quest rules. There could be two items for select rules, one that turns it on, and one that turns it off. Imagine an item that makes traps only go halfway accross the screen? Imagine an item that upgrades your subscreen, maybe add a clock? Imagine an item that upgrades certain items so that they no longer require magic? Just think, you can pick up magic bottles, but you have to first LEARN how to use magic in order to use it. The possibilities could be endless, and would give the game much depth. In fact, you could go a step further and make new rules up exclusively for the purpose of items. Imagine, a ring that makes you take less damage from traps. Think, a amulet that makes ghinni 2's not harm you. Yeah, it's like suggesting an item editor and enemy editor, but maybe just start small and see what comes of it?

07-14-2005, 11:02 PM
Yeah, items in the form of certain upgrade room types would be great, like getting an item that increases your max bomb count, instead of pulling link through a series of rooms with conveyers and stuff.

And I think one item that toggles a quest rule would be enough Jiggly.

07-16-2005, 11:51 AM
Also a couple more suggestions:

First, dive warps and swim warps need a direct warp variant. This will allow for better dungeons that are flooded, as large expanses can be made that require you to dive.

Another idea, and often suggested, is a screen flag that would basically "room is underwater". What this means is that if you enter the screen, whether or not you have the flippers you will instantly be transformed into "mermaid Link" and will be "swimming". It can't work like in the oracle of ages since we don't have 8 way moving, but it could just be the graphics, maybe a slight speed reduction, and only b button items would work. Also, the screen could be wavy like in the game, giving that underwater affect. It would be a screen flag, and like I said, no flippers needed. I say this because it's like that in Oracle of Ages.

05-25-2006, 10:40 PM
"Room is underwater" actually is a good idea, and so is what I've heard about Map Copying. I'll look into those, and talk to jman/DN about it. I'd love to get out some new screen flags, hehe.