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View Full Version : The dare game

06-15-2005, 02:36 AM
This is kind of like YOCPI but it is with making Custom Quests in ZQ. Basicly, I dare you to make a quest that reaches specific requierments that will be stated in the dare. You can only post if you make a quest that reaches the above requirements and provide a link to the download page and then post a new dare.
IDU to make a world war 2 simulator.
(link to download)
IDU to make a pokemon game.

Besides the requierments, the quest can be anything. Forsay, the above mentioned pokemon game, you can just make it have only one screen and one pokemon to fight. YOU CANNOT MAKE A DARE THAT CAN NOT BE REALIZED IN ONE SCREEN. So you can't make dares to do remakes or specific storylines.

i am at the top, so I will give an easy one.

IDU to make an FPS.

06-15-2005, 03:30 AM

06-15-2005, 03:48 AM
Because ^ forgot to make another dare, I have to make one for him.

IDU to make a ww2 sim.

06-15-2005, 02:25 PM
I spent about 2 hours making this quest. It's good for a 1 screen quest:


It's a decent WWII Simulator I called it Battlefeild ZC. Anyways...

IDU to make a battle game (sort of like Super Smash Brothers Meele. This can be done in one screen too.)