View Full Version : Armor Anyone?

06-14-2005, 01:07 AM
So recently I've been getting into making medieval armor. Now I've been making chainmail for maybe 8 months, but recently I've been having an interest in making plate armor, which isn't nearly as tedious because it just comes together better. That is, while it may take longer to make each plate and rivet it to other plates to complete a full suit, it is less mind numbing than assembling 12,000 rings of a full shirt one at a time.

My first attempts at making armor beyond chainmail was with leather scale armor, which failed miserably. Firstly because good leather is expensive, then you have to boil and shape it while it dries and hardens.

Sheet steel costs considerably less, if you can find it. It requires more tools, tools that I don't necessarily have. But from what I have messed around with I think I can manage.

I guess this post doesn't really have a point other than to tell you what I've been doing for the past several months. I'm sick of not having anyone to talk to about this stuff as none of my friends seem to show the same interest as I do.

Here are some pictures of me posing in my chainmail for a film my friends and I made. Keep in mind this is just the character, so disregard the satin shirt and hte sunglasses.


This one's a little distorted for some reason, I don't know why.

Whatev, whatev, I don't care what you think. That's me, that's 100% hand made, even the rings I made myself so you posers who would laugh at me can go screw yourselves.

06-14-2005, 01:29 AM
I love chainmail. I got it when my fiancee and I started learning swordfighting (she is much better at it since she does it for performing). I'd really like to learn how to make it myself, but I don't know if I have that kind of patience.

06-14-2005, 01:48 AM
A couple dudes in my classes during college said they made chainmail for a hobby. I think the chainmail does look incredibly bad ass, but I'd never have the patience to actually put all the ringlets together. :odd:

I don't think I'd ever want to go to a renaisance fair though.

Great Warrior
06-14-2005, 07:41 AM
I admire the patience it took you to insert the 12,000 rings one at a time. It is really impressive and it looks very good on you.

06-14-2005, 10:28 AM
I forgot to mention that the shirt isn't finished. It will come down another 4 - 6 inces when it is complete.

06-14-2005, 12:02 PM
I wish I could do somthing like that. Mind you, I would hate to think how much a suit of chainmail would cost when you have to get it in 3XL.

06-14-2005, 12:07 PM
In tha making of the Lord of the Rings, there were about two guys completely devoted to making chainmail things. By the end of their work on the movies, their fingerprints were worn down to nothing. Yah, that's tedious work I imagine.

06-14-2005, 12:48 PM
I don't think I'd ever want to go to a renaisance fair though.

They are worth going to at least once. There's quite a lot to do (and a lot to spend your money on). At least for he one here in MN, there is a lot of drinking and cleavage. If that might change your mind. FOr the people that work there, there is always a giant afterparty at the campground that I is kinda like a giant orgy. But all that aside, the festival itself it pretty fun.

06-14-2005, 03:28 PM
Yeah Ren Faires are cool. And as far as the cost of the chainmail, if you make it yourself then you can get all the wire you need for less than 70 bucks I bet, less if you buy it in bulk. Otherwise, if you buy one pre made they can run you about $500 depending on how well it was made.

06-14-2005, 06:14 PM
Is your mail period?

06-14-2005, 07:00 PM
No, it isn't. My mail is made of butted rings, not period style riveted. And I have yet to see a period piece of mail that has bronze trim. Not saying none did have it, but I haven't seen any.

carrot red
06-15-2005, 01:57 PM
I likes. You're doing a great job. And I know the fairs are fun, though I haven't been to any myself.

It's a pity you have no one near you to share your passion with.

06-15-2005, 02:21 PM
I've been to the Ren. Fair before for a class trip. It was pretty cool. Anyone who goes must try the fried oreos. Fucking awesome.

06-15-2005, 03:24 PM
Can't you fry oreos at home? :p :laughing: XD

There is a group of people at my old High School who enjoyed metalcraft. They made armor as well. They made this really cool set of platemail, but someone messed it up on the last day. It was such a shame.

Dude, SixTen, looking -AWESOME-. I can't wait to see your platemail. :)

06-15-2005, 05:24 PM
It'll be a while, as I have yet to move beyond my practice metal and buy some real sheet steel, but I'll put some pics up when I have something worth showing.

06-15-2005, 05:51 PM
I made some chainmail a few years ago, out of sheer boredom. I used 16 gauge galvanized steel wire and a 1/4" wood dowel. I did a really nice sheet of it, about 18"x18" (very small, tight rings, feels awesome) Had I used larger loops, I would have probably had the patience to make something wearable, but I really didnt care about that. I just wanted to know that i was capable of doing it.

06-15-2005, 06:29 PM
Yeah, the actual process is easy, just mind numbing... and it removes yoru fingerprints and any nerves you have in yoru fingertips if you do it for too long.

06-15-2005, 08:58 PM
Oh, sweet. I've been meaning to look up how to do this. Maybe I'll make a jacket?

Great Warrior
06-16-2005, 07:34 AM
I went to a ren fest in Bonner Springs with my cousin once. It was great fun and the attractions were very entertaining. Everyone should go to see what it is like even if they are not hooked on renaissance.

King Aquamentus
06-20-2005, 12:10 AM
I think it'd be cool if people still used armor like that. Nowadays, it'd be made of Titanium and probably have some robotic parts...

06-20-2005, 12:20 AM
I think it'd be cool if people still used armor like that. Nowadays, it'd be made of Titanium and probably have some robotic parts...
Not if it was goign to be affordable. Titanium rings are 26 bucks a pound. I can only imagine how expensive titanium sheet is. And robotic parts I think would only get in the way... especially if they broke.

If people still wore armor as often as they didn in the middle ages then steel would probably be the most prolifant material, with tianium I would imagine being used mostly in the military.