View Full Version : Question concerning warping

Love For Fire
06-09-2005, 08:37 PM
I'm usually the one answering questions, but now I have one myself.

The situation is that I am in a dungeon just before a boss. I set a seperate DMap for the boss room. Link enters the boss chamber through a door which is set as an entrance/exit side warp to the boss DMap. Now I want Link to fight the boss that he can't kill (Digdogger with no whistle) and die. When you continue, I want Link to appear in a different room on the boss DMap. When I have tried this, Link simply starts again at the boss. If anyone can help that would be really nice.

06-09-2005, 09:08 PM
set the continue room for the boss Dmap to be whichever room you want. Make sure you set the green square. I don't know why it wouldn't work otherwise

Love For Fire
06-10-2005, 02:42 PM
The green dot on the DMap and the green square in the room are both set properly. Someone on PureZC pointed out the problem was the entrance/exit warp. I changed it to scrolling warp and now he gets sent to screen 00 after death, which is MUCH easier to work around. Thanks anyway though marioz.