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06-09-2005, 12:08 PM
I saw this on the news. Apparently, some nut-job in Central America is selling a Computer Disc loaded with tens of thousands of computer viruses, as well as including tools and programs to make viruses. Now, when I first heard about this, I got so mad that I couldn't see straight. And you know what the real kicker is? People actually shell out $50 to pay for this disc.

Just like to give people a heads-up so that nothing bad happens to your computer.

carrot red
06-09-2005, 12:13 PM
What's your source? I haven't heard anything about this and $50 are nothing for twisted minds. Could be a hoax.

06-09-2005, 02:24 PM
Possibly, but anyone can claim it's a hoax. He might be using this possibility of it being a hoax to encourage its dismissal, and to continue to distribute said disc(s). I'd be VERY careful...

06-09-2005, 02:52 PM
My god... with that kind of power he could destroy every computer in the world. We should call the authorities, Team America....

06-09-2005, 05:23 PM
I'd assume most if not all of them already have countermeasures availible to anyone intelligent enough to properly use a computer anyway, and it's probably easier and cheaper to get virus-makers for free compared to this $50 disc. Maybe he's just trying to rip off virus-writer wannabes.

06-11-2005, 10:29 AM
What's your source? I haven't heard anything about this and $50 are nothing for twisted minds. Could be a hoax.

Fox News Chicago. It was on Wednesday Night. Believe me, this is no hoax. The dude who is making this disc got ticked off at the news people, too. He sent an email stating that they should focus their attention to other "more important" things. Yeah, as according to this guy, the fact that he is selling people software to destroy other people's machines is not "important." I just wanna find this SOB and BEAT THE LIVING S*** out of him!

I'd assume most if not all of them already have countermeasures availible to anyone intelligent enough to properly use a computer anyway, and it's probably easier and cheaper to get virus-makers for free compared to this $50 disc. Maybe he's just trying to rip off virus-writer wannabes.

Sorry for flying of the handle like that... Kairyu, yes, the news stated some counter measures against this new threat, such as update your anti-virus software. (I use McAfee.) But, I don't know if it is enough...

06-11-2005, 11:14 AM
Perhaps it is difficult for those of us enjoying the fruits of 1st world living to understand, but people in other regions of the world, regions considered 3rd world or developing, are faced with much more urgent problems, things like corrupt or tyrannical government, violent insurgents or organized criminals, poor living standards, joblessness etc.

I doubt such people really care if your precious computer is hit by a virus that causes you to lose 80 gigs of furry porn.

Great Warrior
06-13-2005, 08:03 AM
To each their problems. People in the third world would not worry about it, but I would really be pissed if my computer gets infected and McAfee is not able to catch it on time.

06-14-2005, 12:06 PM
Perhaps it is difficult for those of us enjoying the fruits of 1st world living to understand, but people in other regions of the world, regions considered 3rd world or developing, are faced with much more urgent problems, things like corrupt or tyrannical government, violent insurgents or organized criminals, poor living standards, joblessness etc.

However, that does not change the fact that this person is doing something very wrong.

I doubt such people really care if your precious computer is hit by a virus that causes you to lose 80 gigs of furry porn.

Now that is just not true. My computer is loaded with games, as well as college homework.

06-16-2005, 01:53 AM
... but people in other regions of the world, regions considered 3rd world or developing, are faced with much more urgent problems, things like corrupt or tyrannical government, violent insurgents or organized criminals, poor living standards, joblessness etc.
And you're saying the country we're now living in doesn't have any of these problems?

06-17-2005, 04:23 AM
Compared to the regions I'm speaking of, we're living in paradise.

06-17-2005, 04:33 AM
I doubt such people really care if your precious computer is hit by a virus that causes you to lose 80 gigs of furry porn.
If 80 gigs of furry porn exist, then what is the world coming to?

06-17-2005, 08:09 AM
Why buy a cd when you can just get the tools of the internet ;P