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View Full Version : Classified Ads

06-08-2005, 02:52 PM
Maybe instead of different threads, we could have one thread, in which each person puts up an ad for what they do. For instance, I could put my musician ad up here, offering my services as a musician. BH4 could post his ad for spriting, and so on and so forth. Eventually maybe this could get stickied , if there's enough interest, and instead of people's threads being knocked down several pages, people could come here first if they need an art director for their game. *shrug*
I could see ads up here for music, graphics, dungeon designers, sfx guys, etc. I'm not sure this would be to find stuff, becuase that's what the forum in general is for, but myabe just for artists to get their name out in case people are looking for what they have.

Name: Dechipher
Service: Original Music

I am offering my services as a musician to make custom music for quests. I will only write music for quests that are complete or really complete, so that I have no doubt in my mind that it will be used, or at least, that the quest will be released. I do not sequence midis; I write them. That is to say, I will not take the Overworld theme from Final Fantasy 6 and write it into midi. I can, however take a FF6 midi you give me and rearrange it, in whatever style you desire. All music submitted to you by me is your choice to use in your quest; likewise, I may use this music in whatever way I want. I can license others to use it, I can request that you take it out (which, might I add, will most likely never happen; I enjoy putting my work out there, One of the few reasons I would request it be taken out is if it is not up to my standards, musicwise.)
In order to be accepted, I will need a list of what midis are need, with their corresponding events or areas. I will need a copy of the quest, preferably password free, or rather, a copy of the the quests maps. I have no interest in leaking quests nor do I care to edit them or anything like that. I have interest only in the music aspect. All I ask is that credit be given to me, in the same manner credit is given to people who make tiles.

That said, any questions can be asked here or PMed to me, and I will do my best to answer for them. Requests can be stated here, and discussed via PM, or just through PM. (http://armageddongames.net/private.php?do=newpm&userid=846)
Thank you.

06-11-2005, 10:24 PM
My name is Ron Bailey (screen name:gryxzl). I've been a programmer for 25+ years (started BASIC when I was 10), and know several programming languages, including BASIC, COBOL, Logo, Pascal, and C. I design tilesets (16 or 256-color, 8x8, 16x16, or 32x32 pixels) and custom fonts. If you're interested in obtaining my services, feel free to e-mail or PM me. I also have Pac-Man .WAV files, FF7 Midi's, and tilesets for SMB, FF series, Dragon Warrior, StarTropics, Lolo, Pac Man, Q-Bert, Frogger, you name it, and if I don't have it, I can get it... Also, I have a HUGE collection of Dungeons & Dragons to get tiles/fonts from. Just ask!
