View Full Version : About Z Variable

06-07-2005, 07:54 PM
So with this new 'Z Variable' do you just go to "Quest->Graphics->Sprites->Items" and then choose the item whose Z Variable you want to change, with all of them being 0 by default? And then in Zquest it will automatically take effect? Or can you not change them now, they just have a Z Variable shown that you will be able to change later?

Say for example I want a rupee to jump up one tile & then drop back down after slashing a bush, so it appears to pop out of the bush rather than just be there. How would one or how will one (if it can't already be done) be able to do this?

Or what if I went to 'Data->Item" set the room's item and then want to have it fall from the top of the screen, to where i set the item (using the rupee icon), upon entering? Can this be done & if so, how?

Besides items, what else has a Z Variable and what else could be done by fooling around with the Z Variables?