View Full Version : Intermember Contracts: The Member Behavior Thread.

06-05-2005, 11:18 AM
This thread is meant as a guidepost around which to base your behavior online around the people surrounding you. It allows you to discover things about your fellow members that would be invaluable to know, such as likes and dislikes, tendencies, anomalies, and otherwise. For example, this thread would tell you that I (for example) despise hearing the word "sneaker" ... so while I (again, for example) may be an excellent friend to have, it would allow you to be wary of saying Sneaker in my presence so you wouldn't jeopardize anything you wouldn't want to.

EDIT: You can find the thread I made describing the different alignments Here (http://www.purezc.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=1&t=5250&st=0#entry65837), should you need them. Enjoy. :) (Note: URL Leads to a thread at Pure. Kindly pay this no heed. I closed the thread there to prevent n00b postings, but obviously cannot to the same to the AGN equivalent I had posted.)


I am of the generic alignment Lawful Neutral, in which I abide by the laws to the level to which I understand them, and most surrounding circumstances. I am close to a level of True Neutrality, in which I tend to take the side of the weaker side who attempts to defend themselves. I find that noble, and am generally attracted to such a thing. I'm not saying that's good or bad though. It simply is. So once more, while I am very, very close to switching to True Neutral, I still find value in the rules and regulations which govern our society, and find value within them. Then again, I suppose I sort of "make" value to rules which I don't quite understand, just so I can say that it's a good rule to have. This will probably be my downfall one day.

I am of a considerate nature, in which I will (Most of the time) consider the feelings of those around me. I tend to take into consideration the wants and needs of those people as I make decisions. I consider the needs of the many, but ALSO the needs of that one, while making decisions.

Part of the empathy I employ as a tactic for survival online consists of giving and recieving compliments. I am constantly taking notice of the good aspects of people, then providing a happy comment on them toward the person. If the person doesn't take to it well, I find something else with which to find favor with that person. If you complement me, I will bend the world to return it. I am a firm believer that doing these little, effortless favors between people is an outstanding way of reinforcing the bonds between us all. Never doubt this ability.

I often select the wrong words for things, but the difference is not that large, though noticeable. The title of this thread, for example, could have been phrased better. However, it doesn't make a difference, as you are already aware of what the thread is about. Therefore, any attempt which is made to "Correct me" will result in a negative reaction from me, because it would be fairly unnecessary for me to see it, as this is simply a problem that I have, much like how you cannot make a disabled person stand for the pledge of allegiance.

I am not one to employ or use sarcasm. Any attempts at sarcasm that you see me use are indicative of an innefficiency or illogicality that I detect. I cannot detect sarcasm in your activities. If you say something regarding something I report on, do, or say, which may or may not contain sarcasm, (Again, as I cannot detect it, so I cannot determine if it is free from sarcasm or not.) I will more than likely alert you to my lack of sarcasm-detecting abilities, or may not comment or awknowledge at all in order to prevent the possibility of me reacting as if it were sarcasm.

I do not like being poked in any form. I do not like "harmless jokes" being played on me. I will generally respond in a fairly negative and/or disrespectful way, and begin to feel embarrassed at having done so. Thus, ... ( See Below )

I will make an effort to do to you as you do to me. This refers to generic behavior as a whole, without going into specific incidents. If you show kindness toward me, rest assured, I will hold you in my absolute highest regard in the extended duration for which you do so. If you hold me in contempt, I will wonder why, and if I cannot understand why, I will simply ignore you until I discover the reason. While I do not anger easily, (Except in the case of Illogicailities or Inefficiencies.) and I also forgive easily, I do not wish to have a negative opinion tagged on my back at all times. It is simply easier to discard of the worrysome burden which does not attribute anything positive.

As mentioned above, my two largest concerns, are injustice, and innefficiency. While many things are subjective, I will never hesitate to give and compare the reasons as to why I think <ENTITY> is more efficient or just than <ENTITY#2>. I tend to focus on the simplest, yet most fulfilling route. As for Justice, I concern myself with alternatives to the route taken; whether or not there could have been a better, more efficient method for dealing with this entity than the way already taken.

A personal philosophy of mine is that everything is subjective, as everyone is perfectly capable of forming and maintaining their own perspectives and opinions on just about everything. I will generally walk the middle path, (Called Compromising, occasionally.) when presented with a case where many people hold very different opinions on a very objective situation or entity.

Thank you for taking the time in reading all of this. I look forward to learning more about you. ;) (BTW, this ended up being pinned at PureZC. It's up to you to do the same. Depends on what you want to get out of it, I suppose.)

carrot red
06-05-2005, 01:05 PM
I am a firm believer that doing these little, effortless favors between people is an outstanding way of reinforcing the bonds between us all. Never doubt this ability.
Nicely put.

I think the only way to really find out about your fellow members is to read them, BH4, and read their reactions to other members, their singularities and the changes they undergo before your eyes (and not necessarily what they *say*.) The alliances they create (tell me who are your friends and I’ll tell who you are,) the topics that move them, what they stand for… No better way to really know unless you read them, see what they reply to and what they don’t. Silence is often more revealing than words. Also who they try to ape when they change (I always loved Salvador Dali’s quote: The first man to compare the cheeks of a young woman to a rose was obviously a poet; the first to repeat it was possibly an idiot.) as in what works for one person might not work for the other, simply because it’s not them…

What I dislike above all is double standards, I always did and I always will.
As for me, I live and let live, I have a temper, but I try to keep it at bay whenever possible and I never take it out on the innocent. I have a very relative sense of humor, I know you could say a lot of veiled truths jokingly. I’m loyal to my friends; I give second chances, but never third. I don’t take part in any political or religious arguments because I know where I stand and I also know that no proof or lack of one would ever make a difference one way or the other. I don’t take sides, I don’t fight other people’s wars (though I would have slapped someone with a warning that would have kept them still spinning if I had gotten to a certain reply to a thread before mooie did recently, for example, but I respect her choice not to have done it.)

Oh, and I have an excellent memory, though I pretend to have partial amnesia most of the time because it suits me. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you, if you stretch the rope too tight, it breaks... and all that jazz.

Just a random word of advice, never change for anyone and never whore yourself to be liked.