View Full Version : Tips for announcing a quest.

06-03-2005, 12:42 AM
I've seen a lot of people announce a lot of quests, but more often than not, these threads usually don't generate a lot of interest for me. Here are some tips I think would make your quest announcment better. Feel free to add or comment to this list:

1. Wait until you have something to show. A lot of people simply announce very few details about their quest or that they have just started a quest. Yay for you. Tell us soemthing exciting about your quest.

2. Tell us the story. Most people do this. A story isn't an essential part of the quest (I personally usually don't pay attention to quest stories since a lot of them are cheesy), but a lot of people won't find your work interesting unless you can provide some back story. Don't just say "story forthcoming."

3. Show us some screenshots. This is probably the most neglected thing when announcing quests. Some people only say what tileset they are using, which doesn't tell us much. Show us visually what makes your quest interesting and what makes us want to play your quest.

4. Make your screenshots stand out. With only so many tilesets, a lot of quests look alike. I don't want to play a quest that looks like the last 5 quests I've played. Let's see something new!

5. Tell us what makes your quest unique. There are hundreds of quests in the quest database. Why should we play yours before someone else's? Make us anticipate your quest, and show us something we haven't seen before. Also, remember, story, graphics, and size are not the most important things.

6. Don't be egotistical. I have seen one too many people come out and say that their quest is the best ever, or that their quest will be the biggest of the year. Frankly, these usually are the worst. Let your reputation decide whether or not your quest will be good. Also, try not to treat it like it's an official Zelda game. Cuz honestly, very few of us can create something that good.