View Full Version : Stopping by for the summer

05-31-2005, 10:49 PM
Well its summer time again, and that means, at least for the past couple of years, that I'll probabably become more active on AGN. Its probabably gone on like this for two years now- I post and chat during the summer, and practically dissapear during the school year. Obviously during the summer I have too much time on my hands.

As for me, I am just about to graduate high school. That might surprise some people who remember me from long ago, since most everyone seemed to think I was much older than I really was. Unlike many people I'm not 100% happy about leaving high school since I'll be leaving behind many friends I have known my whole life, but times must change. I'll be going to UNC Chapel Hill in the fall (anyone else here go there?). I'll be majoring in Political Science, and probably planning on going to law school. If anyone else here has/is majoring in that I'd be happy to hear any comments or advice about the major.

You can probably expect to see a little more of me over the next few months (I'm sure that made everyone's day... ;) ). It doesn't seem like this place has changed too much, except for a few additions like this interesting reputation system I see up in everyone's posts. I wasn't surprised at the minor uproar introducing that caused... of course SOMEONE's internet forum ego would get offended. ;)