View Full Version : Rainbow Camp

05-31-2005, 01:38 PM
It's that time of year again! I've leaving for Muscular Dystrophy Camp on Saturday and I'll be back next Friday. :) It's a really great camp, with wonderful people. I'm 20 and you can go until you are 22 (21 is your last year) so I only have two more years there. :( We have sports, swimming, fishing, horses, Arts and crafts, and a different activity every night including a carnival with a Rock climb which I love. Also there's Date night at the end. Each camper has a counselor and Counselors take campers to the dance. Also the camp they use is a Christian camp so there is a church service on Sunday. :)

Only problem is campers are supposed to use bottom bunks, but when I was 12 the one I shared with my sister was a red metal one and it fell on me, and I'm always nervous at night. This year I've gotten the courage to ask if I can use a top bunk if one is free. I'm sure they'll understand. :)

If you've ever been to summer camp what was it like? Was it great fun like mine or was it horrible like they make it look on TV, lol

05-31-2005, 01:59 PM
You know, I actually remember you making a topic like this in the past, Monica. :p I'm glad that you enjoy it so much. ^_^

My experiences of camp are usually rather ... unfortunate, to say the least. I'm quite sure they're usually not this bad, but it just so happens that at every camp I've ever gone to, the other people there were absolutely horrid. In this travel camp I went to, one of the worse people there brought along three cans of shaving cream, and by the end of the trip, all three were empty, and he didn't shave once. Even worse, ALL of it was used on this one unfortunate nerd I used to hang out with back in 2nd grade's camp. He also brought along a can of pudding and fart spray, ... ... And I hate to ruin a perfectly good thread, but you can only imagine what he did with those two items. XD Let us pray that we are more fortunate in our future encounters with camp denizens. Ugh! XD

05-31-2005, 02:03 PM
I went to 4-H camp a long time ago. All I remember is sneaking out one night with the councelors and breaking into the kitchen, stealing some lard, putting it on a matress and sliding down this huge hill that was there. Fun times.

Master Ghaleon
05-31-2005, 02:15 PM
Make sure you get some pics for us to share like last year. I guess the only camp that ive been to is football camp. Isnt 4-H camp some kind of farmers camp?

Oh I guess Ive been to Camp Round Meadow and Camp Green Top. That was kind of fun.

05-31-2005, 02:48 PM
Back when I was 12 -13, I went to a summer camp called Camp Towhee. It ws a camp for children with learning disabilities who also had some social problems. We didn't get all the fancy stuff that most other camps get(no horses), but it was subsidzed by the government, and my parents only had to pay $200 for 6 weeks, plus it was a residential camp(six weeks away from your family, wish I could have that now).

Anyway, the camp, like I said, was a bit different than most, since it was a rehabilitation camp. Children were placed in cabins with other people with similar disabilities or needs. For some reason they stuck me with the one cabin who couldn't behave themselves, and I actually on occasions, found myself to be an unoffical "fourth counsoler", or at least a group leader. I remember they stuck me in the same cabin as such folks as: The guy who could suck his own dick, the fat kid who couldn't stop eating(he had Phrater-willie's syndrome), a bunch of kids who would yell and stuff, the guy who was obsessed with mica(a type of mineral), a kid with a game gear and actually got the 50th Nintendo Power while at camp(he was popular). Where I fit into all that, God knows how. I do remember that a few people in my cabin were my friends, and didn't act too terribly bad. I also remember a person who just might be the first person I have ever accidenially coverted to homosexuality, but thankfully he wasn't in my cabin.

The camp itself was rather simple in it's format. Instead of getting to chose what you did, instead you were put into various groups based on certain factors I'm not sure what. Each day a camper went to the two activites that were selected for them, before breaking for lunch. I was put into groups such as(keep in mind I am talking over a 2 year period here): Creative express, which was like art therapy of sorts, Culture Vultures, where I was like the only guy and we invented this "culture" called the Superfriends(no joke, we didn't even rip anything off either), and Tribe, where we invented a tribe with rituals and stuff. Afterwards, there was lunch, and then acitivies that we did with our cabins. Such things that were available were a huge-arse trampoline, some sports thing, a ropes course that encouraged co-operation(Marshmallow walk, anyone?), swimming, canoeing, cooking, arts and crafts, and many of the things native to summer camps. We did not have horseback riding or archery, or any fancy stuff that people accross the lake could affort(the rich kids camp was accross the lake).

Another thing we had were campfires, which were great because we sang lots of songs. Some of my best memories is arround the campfire.

I miss camp alot. I wish I was 12 again.

05-31-2005, 03:25 PM
I went to camp once. Hated it. Hated the people, hated the activities, hated the authority, hated the smell, hated the cold, hated the heat, hated the food... hated it.

Summer camp, above all else, is the social construct least suited to my personality type. It's horrible and I hope that camp burned to the ground at some point.

05-31-2005, 03:30 PM
I also went to camp two years in a row. I hated both years. I wanted the pack leaders (or whatever they called them) to die. I would do things completly wrong just to be an asshole, or steal shit and hide it forthe same reason. Keep in mind that i was 12, i was a bad kid at 12.

Course that was the first time I touched a girl in a certain way.... she wouldnt leave me alone, she wanted to see it.... so meh!

anyhow enough of that camp sucks.

and jigglys camp sounds like something out of a steven king novel.

05-31-2005, 05:18 PM
My camp was fun, of course the Councelors are what make it a blast. We used to sneak away and get fucked up all the time. Plus...hotties the same age as you.

05-31-2005, 07:49 PM
I remember this one camp I went to. It was terrible. It was a christian camp, so we had an hour church service ever day, first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Whats worse is that our cabin got infested with ants and I got an ear ache.

The only other camps I've been to have been incredibly awesome. It was a scout camp so there were no cabins to sleep in. We had to bring in our own gear and tents. My best memory was that there was a swimming challenge. We had only found out about it 3 days before the competition ended and we still won. By we I mean my scout troop and I. It was all thanks to Lord Jamitossi. He swam like 100 laps a day or something. The moderators thought he was cheating. Ah good times, good times....

Great Warrior
06-01-2005, 05:49 AM
I went to a summer camp once and it was a nightmare. I never managed to make any friends and I couldn't wait for it to be over.

06-02-2005, 03:02 AM
There used to be a CF camp, but I fought tooth and nail with my parents not to go.

Turns out I had the right idea, because now the official policy with CF is for people afflicted not to have direct contact with one another, to avoid the spread of antibiotic resistant organisms. I doubt the camp is maintained anymore.

06-02-2005, 07:04 AM
All the camps I ever went to were hell-holes, run by horrid little seventeen year olds that tormented us poor eight year olds by being so arrogant and up themselves.
But I'm glad that there are some camps out there that people can actually enjoy.