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View Full Version : AC caracters in SSB3?

05-29-2005, 09:52 PM
There have been a number of topics on other forums related to this, but i brought it to this board.
List of possible AC fighters
2.Tom Nook
4.Mr. Resetii
5.K.K. Slider

1.Tortimer: how much do you think and old turtle can hurt someone?
2.Tom Nook: What's he gonna do? Throw money bags?
3.Human: There is no universal "you can give them their own name but they have a default name of thier own", so N would have to make up one. And the most powerful attacks would be: throwing fish, sicking cockroaches on the enemy, an axe or a shovel.
4.Mr. Resetii: Finnaly, some potential! Pic. this, you tunnel under ground, go under the enemy, pop up and do damage with pick axe, opponent is immediatly slamed to the ground, you do a meteor attack on them. Another enemy comes, you stun them with the light on your helmet, and do the same thing. The only problem with Mr. Resetii is that he would b a little broken, he would be invincible undrground, and if say, Ganon was beating up Link, Resetii could do the tunnel thing, and put ganon down.
5. K.K. Slider; The only attackes I can think of is singing a lullaby, and smashing the Guitar over someones head
AC items
1. Fising rod
2.Bug net

1.fishing rod:Draw your enimy into you!
2.Bug Net: Throw your enemy incredible distances!
3. Pitfall: A clone of the mine, but you enemy can't see it and when they walk over it they get trapped in a hole! (another place where resetii would be broken, he can just tunnel out!)Now you can beat the crap out of em!
4. Timetwister: The timetwister is an item that can only be found in an AC glitch. Since I discovered it, I get to name it. But I doubt this will be in the game since nintendo has no idea it exists. What the timetwister does is that it makes the ac clock messup while it's in you inventory. Basicly, while your holding it, the ingame clock (not the GC internal one) will sometimes go backwards, seasons and weather will change as you go from acre to acre, its pretty cool to watch. Other items i discovered with that same glitch include:Deathbox (you open it, it erases your town) letter generator (watermelon paper that has an infinite amount to it) Glitch wall,carpet (carpeting and wallpaper that when you apply does nothing) KK glitch (ditto, but its a CD) and Im sure there are others. Any way, 4 refrence, the glitch is that if you have the Action Replay active when you save, the next day if a vilager buiried an item or it's a tom nook lotto day, there is a chance you may get one of these But, finding these can mess up your town, so use at own risk.
Now back to what it will do...
It will be a very rare item that will appear only in the wishing well stage and it will change the day effect for the rest of the match.
AC stages (or stage)
Wishing well
The wishing well stage will represent all of AC. I speculate that the Rev will have internal functions like The DS and the GC, so it will keep trackof days and time. The wishing well will change depending on the day, time, and season. The timetwister will alter these.

05-29-2005, 10:25 PM
*sigh*. There is a Smash Bros. thread right here. http://www.armageddongames.net/showthread.php?t=86061

And I see you already posted about this in that thread. Quit trying to draw attention to your posts by making new topics.

05-29-2005, 10:33 PM
*sigh*. There is a Smash Bros. thread right here. http://www.armageddongames.net/showthread.php?t=86061

And I see you already posted about this in that thread. Quit trying to draw attention to your posts by making new topics.

Two words: Navigation Facilitation
(for those who don't know, it means that i start all these new threads cause i think its easier to find a bit of information if you make a few threads and break it down then looking for it in a huge streamline of posts)

05-29-2005, 10:51 PM
Two words: Navigation Facilitation
(for those who don't know, it means that i start all these new threads cause i think its easier to find a bit of information if you make a few threads and break it down then looking for it in a huge streamline of posts)

Three words: We don't care.

If there's already a topic about something, don't bother posting a new one. It just clutters up the boards with worthless, redundant topics.

Now, I don't mean to sound too critical, but I'm reasonably certain that you're driving most of the AGN population stark raving mad.

05-30-2005, 12:02 AM
Careful, Ganondork. I know you're kinda new here, but you don't wanna tick off the head honchos here. I've seen things get pretty haywire here.

05-30-2005, 02:44 PM
Two words: Navigation Facilitation
(for those who don't know, it means that i start all these new threads cause i think its easier to find a bit of information if you make a few threads and break it down then looking for it in a huge streamline of posts)

You shouldn't make a new thread when there is already an exisiting thread with the exact same topic. Period. Closed...